

3d0 is theory and practice, an idea and a way of being. 3d0 is a group of people convinced that, through the network, a sustainable world can be built. The word 3d0 derives from the english three dot zero which translated means three zero point, a term which corresponds to different meanings aimed at describing the evolution of the web and the interaction between the innumerable evolved paths possible. Their objectives are: - they want to build a sustainable, collaborative, fair world through the network and digital tools; - they love to establish relationships of value, trust, and mutual respect with their partners: - they believe that people, and not technologies, are the key to success online and offline.

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Marketing SEO Social Media Web Design Web Development


Casalnuovo Di Napoli, Campania, Italy


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+39 081 563 53 66

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[email protected]

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More informations about "3d0"

3d0 | Digital Factory

In 3d0 costruiamo ponti digitali tra il mondo che conosci e quello che immagini. Real people digital inside.See details»

Chi siamo | 3d0 | Digital Factory

Nati e cresciuti nell’era delle grandi trasformazioni digitali, conserviamo orgogliosamente un’anima umana, empatica, orientata alla realizzazione di soluzionitecnologiche altamente performanti, …See details»

3d0 - LinkedIn

Scegliere 3d0 significa affidarsi a un team multidisciplinare di esperti certificati, pronti a trasformare la tua idea in realtà, migliorando l'esperienza d'acquisto dei clienti e …See details»

3d0: Contact Details and Business Profile - RocketReach

3d0 is an Internet, Advertising & Marketing, and Visual Design company_reader located in Napoli, Campania with $6 million in revenue and 10 employees. Find top employees, contact details …See details»

3d0 - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Where is 3d0's headquarters? 3d0 is located in Casalnuovo Di Napoli, Campania, Italy. Who are 3d0's competitors? Alternatives and possible competitors to 3d0 may include Ocular, …See details»

3d0 - Facebook

3d0. 3,265 likes · 326 were here. Siamo persone reali che sviluppano idee digitali. Siamo professionisti del digitale che progettano n.See details»

3d0 - Tech Stack, Apps, Patents & Trademarks - Crunchbase

3d0 is a digital agency focused on web, marketing, and digital communication.See details»

3d0: una digital factory che punta sulle persone - Inside Marketing

Sep 5, 2022 · Nata dieci anni fa, nel 2012, la web agency fondata da Gabriele Granato e Ivano Russo si è trasformata ed evoluta nel tempo per tenere il passo con la straordinaria …See details»

Contatti | 3d0 | Digital Factory

3d0 digital factory sviluppa soluzioni web altamente performanti. Web & Digital Agency.See details»

How to structure an IT team: Examples & org charts | PDQ

Sep 26, 2024 · We’ll walk you through what you should know about developing an IT organization chart and explain different departments and position titles. Most IT departments have either a …See details»

What is an IT Organization? | Definition TechTarget

An IT organization (information technology organization) is the department within a company that's charged with establishing, monitoring and maintaining information technology systems …See details»

IT Organization (information technology organization) - CIO Wiki

May 4, 2024 · What is an IT Organization? An IT Organization refers to the division or department within a company that is responsible for overseeing the infrastructure, assets, and operations …See details»

The 3DO Company - Wikipedia

The 3DO Company was an American video game company based in Redwood City, California. [2] . It was founded in 1991 by Electronic Arts founder Trip Hawkins in a partnership with seven …See details»

3DO - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The 3DO Interactive Multiplayer (often just called the 3DO) is a video game console invented by The 3DO Company. It was created by Trip Hawkins, the man who created Electronic Arts. The …See details»

Servizi | 3d0 | Digital Factory

Realizziamo progetti digitaliin grado di integrarsi con i sistemi informatici esistenti e in questo modo migliorare i processi interni aumentando la catena del valore e supportando le …See details»

History of video games/Platforms/3DO Interactive Multiplayer

Jan 19, 2024 · Despite it's relatively small market share, the 3DO is known for the talent behind it, namely Trip Hawkins and third party supporting studios such as Naughty Dog, Crystal …See details»

3DO - Wikipedia

3DO is a video gaming hardware format developed by The 3DO Company and conceived by entrepreneur and Electronic Arts founder Trip Hawkins. [8] [9] [10] The specifications were …See details»

Digital Factory - 3d0

In 3d0 costruiamo ponti digitali tra il mondo che conosci e quello che immagini. Real people digital inside.See details»

News - 3d0

3d0 e Napoli Basket ancora insieme! Continua a leggere. 18/10/2022. 3d0 è partner digitale del Laboratorio SNALab - UNISA . Continua a leggere. 18/11/2022. 3d0 partecipa alla Settimana …See details»

3DO Interactive Multiplayer 101: A Beginner’s Guide

The official title of this console is the 3DO Interactive Multiplayer, but 3DO is the accepted abbreviation that the console is most commonly called. 3DO is also the title the 3DO …See details»