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More informations about "3DID"
3did - Wikipedia
The database of three-dimensional interacting domains (3did) is a biological database containing a catalogue of protein-protein interactions for which a high-resolution 3D structure is known. 3did collects and classifies all structural models of domain-domain interactions in the Protein Data Bank, providing molecular details for such interactions. 3did uses the Pfam database to define the position of protein domains in the protein structures. 3did was first published in 2005. The curren…See details»
3did - Database Commons - National Genomics Data Center
Jul 13, 2015 The database of three-dimensional interacting domains (3did) is a collection of protein interactions for which high-resolution three-dimensional structures are known. 3did …See details»
3did: a catalogue of domain-based interactions of known three ...
Oct 17, 2022 For every interaction, 3did identifies and groups different binding modes by clustering similar interfaces into “interaction topologies”. By maintaining a constantly updated …See details»
3did - Download - Institute for Research in Biomedicine
The flat files downloadable here contain the core information of 3did: . 3did_flat.gz contains interacting domain pairs (ID) and instances of these interactions in PDB structures along with …See details»
Stein et al 2011 | Structural Bioinformatics and Network Biology …
Oct 17, 2018 The database of three-dimensional interacting domains (3did) is a collection of protein interactions for which high-resolution three-dimensional structures are known. 3did …See details»
3did - Help - Institute for Research in Biomedicine
3did exploits structural information to provide critical molecular details necessary for understanding how interactions occur. It also offers an overview of how similar in structure are interactions between different members of the same protein …See details»
3did: identification and classification of domain-based interactions …
Oct 21, 2010 The database of three-dimensional interacting domains (3did) is a collection of protein interactions for which high-resolution three-dimensional structures are known. 3did …See details»
3did Update: domain–domain and peptide-mediated interactions …
Oct 25, 2008 Currently, 3did contains 115 559 domain–domain interactions of known 3D structure comprising 120 980 proteins. We have classified them in 4887 unique interaction …See details»
3did: interacting protein domains of known three-dimensional …
Jan 1, 2005 3did also offers the possibility to check whether there is a putative indirect interaction path across similar proteins of known structure. The search engine looks for all …See details»
3did: a catalog of domain-based interactions of known three …
Sep 28, 2013 Four tab delimited files are available: 3did_flat.gz contains interacting domain pairs and the instances of these interactions in PDB structures, 3did_dmi_flat.gz contains …See details»
3did: interacting protein domains of known three-dimensional
Jan 1, 2005 The database of 3D Interacting Domains (3did) is a collection of domain-domain interactions in proteins for which high-resolution three-dimensional structures are known. 3did …See details»
3did: a catalog of domain-based interactions of known three
Sep 13, 2021 By maintaining a constantly updated collection of domain-based structural interaction templates, 3did is a reference source of information for the structural …See details»
3DID -- 3D interacting domains | HSLS - University of Pittsburgh
Feb 27, 2009 3did is a collection of protein interactions for which high-resolution 3D structures are known. It exploits structural information to provide the crucial molecular details necessary …See details»
3did: identification and classification of domain-based interactions …
Oct 21, 2010 Abstract. The database of three-dimensional interacting domains (3did) is a collection of protein interactions for which high-resolution three-dimensional structures are …See details»
(PDF) 3did: Identification and classification of domain-based ...
Oct 1, 2010 The database of three-dimensional interacting domains (3did) is a collection of protein interactions for which high-resolution three-dimensional structures are known. 3did …See details»
3did Update: domain-domain and peptide-mediated interactions …
The database of 3D interacting domains (3did) is a collection of protein interactions for which high-resolution 3D structures are known. 3did exploits structural information to provide the …See details»
3did - Search
3did is provided by the Structural Bioinformatics and Network Biology Group at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine. Please contact 3did irbbarcelona.org for any question/suggestion. …See details»
3DID - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Organization. 3DID . Connect to CRM . Save . Summary. People. Signals & News. Similar Companies. About. 3DID is a Communications Infrastructure company. ... Where is 3DID 's …See details»
3did Update: domain–domain and peptide-mediated interactions …
Oct 25, 2008 Currently, 3did contains 115 559 domain–domain interactions of known 3D structure comprising 120 980 proteins. We have classified them in 4887 unique interaction …See details»
Funding for UP copper mine held up in Senate Appropriations
11 hours ago This coverage is made possible through a partnership between IPR and Grist, a nonprofit environmental media organization. State funding for a controversial copper mine in …See details»