
AAALAC International provides accreditation program, pre accreditation evaluations, education, and outreach services for veterinarians.

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Frederick, Maryland, United States

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More informations about "AAALAC International"

Directory of Accredited Organizations Search Result - AAALAC

More than 1,100 organizations, institutions and companies in 50 countries/regions have earned AAALAC accreditation, demonstrating their commitment to responsible animal care …See details»

Council - AAALAC

Member Organization Delegates; Member Organizations; Apply to Become a Member Organization; Ad Hocs; Apply to Become an Ad Hoc; Directory of Accredited Organizations; ...See details»

AAALAC International - Wikipedia

AAALAC International is a private, nonprofit organization headquartered in Frederick, Maryland, that promotes the humane treatment of animals in science through voluntary accreditation and assessment programs. The accreditation program started in 1965, when some veterinarians and researchers organized the American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care, or AAA…See details»

AAALAC International Standards and Accreditation Process

AAALAC International is a non-governmental, non-profit organization. The accreditation program was established in 1965, when leading veterinarians and researchers organized the American …See details»

AAALAC International Facts - MHIR

Organization that promotes the hu-mane treatment of animals in science through voluntary ac cred i ta tion and evaluation pro grams. More than 670 ... tel: 301.231.5353 * fax: 301.231.8282 * …See details»

AAALAC: What is it and Why are We a Member Org

Nov 9, 2022 As part of this membership, AAIV appoints a representative to serve as an AAALAC International Member Organization Delegate. AAIV Delegate to AAALAC. Dr. Hilton Klein has been active with AAALAC since …See details»

The Benefits of AAALAC International Accreditation

[email protected] European Office: Apartado de Correos 266 31080 Pamplona, Spain t:+34.948.100026 f:+34.948.100034 [email protected] Southeast Asia Office: 250/830 Moo …See details»

Public - AAALAC

Earning AAALAC accreditation requires institutions to conduct their own extensive internal review, as well as undergo a comprehensive, on-site assessment by AAALAC evaluators. This …See details»

What is AAALAC Accreditation? - NPRC

AAALAC International is a private, nonprofit organization that promotes humane treatment of animals in science through voluntary accreditation and assessment programs. AAALAC Int. …See details»

AAALAC International - AO Foundation

AAALAC International is a private, nonprofit organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals in science through voluntary accreditation and assessment programs.. AAALAC …See details»

What is AAALAC and why should I worry about them visiting IUB?

Feb 13, 2019 AAALAC International is a private, nonprofit organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals in science through voluntary accreditation and assessment …See details»

The Evolution and Adoption of Standards Used by AAALAC

The Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC) has operated its accreditation program for more than 45 y by using the Guide for …See details»


AAALAC International is a private, nonprofit organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals in science through a voluntary accreditation program. More than 1,100 companies, …See details»

Challenges and Opportunities in Implementation: The AAALAC ...

May 4, 2017 The International Landscape. Modern regulations and guidelines applicable to the protection of animals bred and used for research share the same core principles based on the …See details»

Rating for Aaalac International Inc. - Charity Navigator

Aaalac International Inc. has earned a 4/4 Star rating on Charity Navigator. This Scientific Organization is headquartered in Frederick, MD. ... Simply enter the organization's name …See details»

AAALAC International - Overview, News & Similar companies

Oct 31, 2023 Who is AAALAC International. AAALAC International is a private, nonprofit organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals in science through voluntary …See details»

AAALAC International | UIA Yearbook Profile | Union of …

Organization Name or Acronym This information is part of the Open Yearbook , a free service of UIA's subscription-based Yearbook of International Organizations (YBIO) . It includes profiles …See details»

Mission and Vision - AAALAC

Main Office: 5205 Chairman's Court Suite 300 Frederick, MD 21703 USA t: 301.696.9626 f:301.696.9627 [email protected]See details»

What is AAALAC Accreditation?

And each time a new organization becomes accredited, it helps to raise the global benchmark for animal well-being in science. Apply for accreditation... ABOUT. What is AAALAC? ...See details»