
Adachive is a graphic design company which provides management logo, contract development & web site design services.

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Osaka, Osaka, Japan


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Mitsufumi Ohno
Mitsufumi Ohno CEO @ Adachive

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  • Location: Osaka Japan
  • Latitude: 34.6848
  • Longitude: 135.5142
  • Timezone: Asia/Tokyo
  • Postal: 543-0062

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Top Page | Aoyama Gakuin University

Aoyama Gakuin University aims to educate students with a strong sense of social responsibility and morality in order to contribute to society and today's world in accordance with its …See details»

ABOUT AGU | Aoyama Gakuin University - 青山学院大学

Aoyama Gakuin has as its aim education based upon the Christian faith and as its purpose the building up of individuals who live in sincerity before God, who seek for truth with humility, and …See details»

青山学院大学 | Aoyama Gakuin University

青山学院大学の公式サイト 学部・学科・大学院の紹介、受験生のための入試案内、卒業生の進路など様々な情報を発信します。 青山学院大学はキリスト教信仰に基づき、すべての人と社 …See details»

Aoyama Gakuin University - Wikipedia

The main campus, located in Omotesando in central Tokyo, is complemented by the Sagamihara Campus in Kanagawa Prefecture. The latter houses the College of Science and Sports. The university has graduated around 180,000 students and employs over 1,600 full and part-time faculty members. Aoyama Gakuin University is accredited by the British University Association and is a member of the British Association of Private College and Universities. See details»

Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction Lab

In addition to disaster damage data, the Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction Lab will work with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to accumulate hazard data, …See details»

KARIYA Tomohiro | IRIDeS - International Research Institute of …

Selected Works. Tomohiro KARIYA,Toru IZAWA,Haruka SASAKI,Michio UBAURA(2022) A study on Provincial Utilization Focusing on the Implementation Status of Events in Underused …See details»

National Institute of Genetics::Research Organization of …

National Institute of Genetics is the national research institute on genetics. Our mission is to provide infrastructure and opportunities for international collaboration, to train young scientists, …See details»

愛知工業大学について | 愛知工業大学 | AICHI INSTITUTE OF …

愛知工業大学の公式サイトです。豊田市八草、名古屋市自由ヶ丘と本山にキャンパスをもち、3学部7学科および大学院2研究科を有する工科系総合大学です。大学案内、入試情報など、 …See details»

International Research Center for Japanese Studies (Nichibunken)

Scholars and students from both Japan and abroad use this facility for its broad collection of resources for studying Japan. The library puts particular effort into collecting Japanese studies …See details»

事務機構図 - 亜細亜大学

本学はアジアをはじめとした世界で活躍できる人材の育成に力をいれています。 学部情報や入試案内をはじめ、多彩な地域への充実の留学プログラム、キャリア教育・就職支援の内容など …See details»

Saga Univ English | Saga University's English website

Reflecting on the history of Saga University, we recollect that Saga University was first established in 1949 from the pre-World War II Saga High School, Saga Teaching College, and …See details»

国立情報学研究所 / National Institute of Informatics

国立情報学研究所は、情報学という新しい研究分野での「未来価値創成」を目指すわが国唯一の学術総合研究所として、ネットワーク、ソフトウェア、コンテンツなどの情報関連分野の新 …See details»

Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University

Nov 21, 2024 · Official site of Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU), Japan's leading international university. APU is the only Japanese university to offer an AACSB-accredited …See details»

Asia-Japan Research Organization - Ritsumeikan University

The 3rd AJI International Workshop on sustainable agriculture was held! A research article on The Effects of Microbubble Washing on Microbial Contamination and the Active Ingredient …See details»

役員・評議員 - 亜細亜大学

亜細亜大学公式サイト。 本学はアジアをはじめとした世界で活躍できる人材の育成に力をいれています。 学部情報や入試案内をはじめ、多彩な地域への充実の留学プログラム、キャリア …See details»

College of Global Liberal Arts | Ritsumeikan University

Nov 22, 2017 · Redefined liberal arts education based on a global standard, all taught in English. Students will be awarded degrees from both Ritsumeikan University and the Australian …See details»

Organization - Asia University

Apr 1, 2020 · Our university is focusing on cultivating human resources who can play an active role in Asia and the rest of the world. In addition to faculty information and entrance …See details»

Organization | Aichi Shukutoku University -

Faculty of Letters. Department of Japanese Language and Literature; Faculty of Education *. Department of Education; Faculty of Human Informatics. Department of Human InformaticsSee details»

Organization | Educational Foundation BUNKA GAKUEN

Since its establishment more than 80 years ago, Bunka Gakuen has played a leading role in fashion and design education in Japan.Bunka Women's University is part of the Educational …See details»

Keio University

Keio University is a leading research university committed to excellence and innovation in education, research and medicine. It is located in central Tokyo.See details» © 2022. All rights reserved