ADPS provides both price monitoring services and an automated pricing system. The pricing data is obtained via direct (and often exclusive) partnerships with comparison shopping websites. ADPS currently has coverage in 13 countries. The automated pricing system contains advanced and proprietary algorithms that calculate optimal price points for a retailer based on the price elasticity of its products. It also allows retailers to visualize and directly balance the trade-off between sales and profit. ADPS was founded in 2010 and its management team combines many years of experience in entrepreneurship and at corporates as Google and Procter & Gamble.
Social Links:
Analytics Big Data E-Commerce Retail SaaS
Naarden, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands
The Netherlands
Website Url:
Total Employee:
+31 (0)35 699 0220
Email Addresses:
[email protected]
Technology used in webpage:
Apache Apache 2.4 Debian
Similar Organizations
Foglight Application Performance monitoring SaaS
Saas Dynamic Pricing Solution
Official Site Inspections
- Host name:
- IP address:
- Location: Netherlands
- Latitude: 52.3824
- Longitude: 4.8995
- Timezone: Europe/Amsterdam

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