
Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund is a development institution which supports businesses to innovate, create jobs, leverage investments.

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Current Advisors List


Kola Masha Board Of Directors @ Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF)

Current Employees Featured


Victoria Sabula
Victoria Sabula Chief Executive Officer @ Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF)
Chief Executive Officer

Investments List

Date Company Article Money raised
2021-06-08 Pawame Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) investment in Grant - Pawame 1.7 M USD
2020-09-01 Deevabits Green Energy Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) investment in Grant - Deevabits Green Energy 224 K USD
2019-12-06 Easy Solar Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) investment in Grant - Easy Solar 850 K USD
2018-08-09 Kazang Solar Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) investment in Grant - Kazang Solar 1.6 M USD

More informations about "Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF)"

Our story - AECF

The Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) is formally launched at the World Economic Forum in Cape Town and received an initial funding of US$ 35 million from the governments of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. 2008 - 2016See details»

About us - AECF

As the world’s largest challenge fund, we provide patient capital to small and growing businesses that are not covered by traditional lenders. Our world-class advisors help businesses with …See details»

Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) - Devex

Jul 20, 2022 Learn more about Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF)'s jobs, projects, latest news, contact information and geographical presence. ... Type of organization. Funding …See details»

Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund - World Bank

Africa report (2006) AECF is a fund of donor money available to the private sector on a competitive basis AECF is a special partnership initiative of the Alliance for a Green …See details»

Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund - Members GOGLA

AECF (Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund) is a leading non-profit development organization supporting innovative agribusiness and renewable energy enterprises to reduce rural poverty, …See details»

Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) - Climate Change Africa

AECF (Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund) is a leading non-profit development organization that supports innovative enterprises in the agribusiness and renewable energy sectors with the aim …See details»

The Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund. (AECF) - U.S. Agency for ...

The AECF supports businesses working in agriculture, financial services, renewable energy. Provides grants and interest free loans to entrepreneurs, start-ups and businesses who wish …See details»

Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund - ANDE

Mar 8, 2024 The Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) is a US $304 million private sector fund that provides catalytic funding to enterprises in 24 countries across sub-Saharan Africa. …See details»

Building a prosperous, enterprising and resilient Africa

The AECF (formerly the “Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund”), is the leading African-based development organisation that supports innovative commercial businesses in the agribusiness …See details»

Interview VICTORIA SABULA, Chief Executive Officer of …

Nov 4, 2023 AECF has learned that providing training, mentorship, and technical assistance can significantly enhance the skills and knowledge of women entrepreneurs, making them more resilient and competitive in their respective …See details»

Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund - Terra Viva Grants

Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund Financial support for enterprises in Africa that engage in sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and technologies for adapting to climate change …See details»

AFRICA: AECF to fund innovative and green solutions in 7 countries

Apr 5, 2021 The African Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) is launching a call for innovative projects for $1.2 million in Africa. The initiative is aimed at financing companies and …See details»

Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF)

"The AECF makes its funding available through competitions. Private sector companies are invited to compete for AECF funds by submitting their new and innovative business ideas to a …See details»

AECF, IFC Launch Global Competition for Private Sector and Social ...

The Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) is a leading development finance organisation that supports businesses to innovate, create jobs and leverage investments in order to create …See details»

See AECF’s funding opportunities - AECF

Business plans are evaluated, and technical assistance needs determined. Emphasis on impact on women and youth, potential to scale, and additionalitySee details»

Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) - Crunchbase

Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund is a development institution which supports businesses to innovate, create jobs, leverage investments. ... View contacts for Africa Enterprise Challenge …See details»

Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund - Akvopedia

More information — The AECF (the “fund”) is a competition, open only to for-profit private companies which have, or intend to, start business enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa in the …See details»

How we invest - AECF

We are the world’s largest challenge fund and we have perfected this model to identify unique and innovative business ideas that have demonstrable social impact. We are committed to working …See details»

The Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund | Sida

The Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) stöder lönsamma sätt att höja inkomsterna på landsbygden, genom utvecklingsmarknader för produkter och tjänster som möter behoven hos …See details»

New GEF program will scale up environmental solutions from …

4 days ago The Global Environment Facility’s Council approved today the CSO Challenge Program – a new global program led by the International Union for Conservation of Nature …See details» © 2022. All rights reserved