Air Premia is an airline company that provides in-flight services, ticketing, and international air transportation services.
Air Transportation Customer Service Transportation
Seoul, Seoul-t'ukpyolsi, South Korea
South Korea
Website Url:
Total Employee:
Total Funding:
10.5 B KRW
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Investors List
Korchina Logistics
Korchina Logistics investment in Venture Round - Air Premia
JC & Partners
JC & Partners investment in Venture Round - Air Premia
DS Asset Management
DS Asset Management investment in Seed Round - Air Premia
Dok Soo Jang
Dok Soo Jang investment in Seed Round - Air Premia
Sung Bum-Hong
Sung Bum-Hong investment in Seed Round - Air Premia
Fast Investment
Fast Investment investment in Seed Round - Air Premia
Dattoz Partners
Dattoz Partners investment in Seed Round - Air Premia
Official Site Inspections
- Host name:
- IP address:
- Location: Seattle United States
- Latitude: 47.6348
- Longitude: -122.3451
- Metro Code: 819
- Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
- Postal: 98109

More informations about "Air Premia"
Air Premia
Nov 24, 2018 For detailed information regarding visas, please refer to the official website of the Embassy or Consulate of the relevant country. In accordance with U.S.A TSA Secure Flight Program, you must submit to the TSA your name in …See details»
Air Premia
Air Premia Co., Ltd. CEO: Myungsub Yoo, Jaehyun Kim Business registration number: 864-81-00738 Telecom sales business report number: Gangseo No. 20-2591 4th floor, 248, …See details»
Air Premia - Wikipedia
Air Premia was established on July 27, 2017, by the ex-president of Jeju Air, Kim Jong-chul. In April 2019, the airline intended to launch in 2020 and lease three Boeing 787-9s from Air Lease Corporation (ALC), but later announced that it had agreed to purchase five. The airline was initially expected to launch with regional routes within Asia, but later intended to operate long-haul routes to Australia and the United States. See details»
Air Premia - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Air Premia launched a new service on the San Francisco-Incheon route, operating four times weekly. Additionally, the company increased its presence …See details»
Air Premia - Overview, News & Similar companies |
Air Premia introduces GE Aerospace Software Solution to reduce emissions and improve safety Introduction of Fuel Insight, Safety Insight, and FlightPulse® Could improve fuel efficiency by …See details»
Air Premia Contact Information - Airwise
HQ Address. 248 Gonghang-daero, Gangseo-gu, Seoul, South Korea. Company Contact. Email: Industry Codes. IATA: YP ICAO: APZSee details»
Air Premia Airline Profile | CAPA - Centre for Aviation
Air Premia is a South Korean hybrid carrier, founded by former JEJU air president Kim Jong Chul. The carrier was founded in Jul-2017, with Air Premia securing a business licence on 04-Mar …See details»
Air Premia - Avianity
Air Premia is a South Korean hybrid airline founded in July 2017. It began commercial operations in 2021 after receiving its Air Operator's Certificate. Air Premia's mission is to offer "premia …See details»
Air Premia - 캠페이너스
Essentials Meet Premium, Air Premia. With highly experienced captains and state-of-the-art safety systems, Air Premia is committed to providing reliable operations.See details»
Air Premia — Wikipédia
Air Premia (en coréen 에어 프레 미아) est une compagnie aérienne low cost basée à Séoul , en Corée du Sud . La compagnie aérienne a été fondée en 2017 par l'ancien président de Jeju …See details»
Air Premia - Aviation Pros
Jun 12, 2024 Air Premia, the only long-haul specialized airline in South Korea, operates on the philosophy of being a "beloved airline that provides high-quality services with only the essentials" and offers ...See details»
Air Premia - 캠페이너스
Air Premia operates a fleet of next-generation Boeing 787 wide-body aircraft, constructed with over 50% carbon composite materials. These advanced aircraft provide 20% greater fuel …See details»
The World’s First Hybrid Airline: Air Premia -
Jun 27, 2024 Photo: AeroXplorer | Dohwan Kim . The 787 Dreamliner is the most common widebody aircraft used by low-cost airlines for long-haul operations. The three budget carriers …See details»
Air Premia – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Air Premia (kor. 에어프레미아㈜) – południowokoreańska linia lotnicza z siedzibą w Seulu.Głównym hubem linii jest port lotniczy Seul-Inczon.. Linia lotnicza została założona w …See details»
Air Premia - San Francisco International Airport
Service to Seoul. Air Premia offers nonstop service to Seoul-Incheon (ICN) four times weekly from SFO using a Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft. Airline Terminal: International Terminal Airline …See details»
에어프레미아, 김재현 대표이사 각자대표로 선임 : 에어프레미아 | Air …
10월24일 이사회 통해 선임사업부문 담당하며 유명섭 대표와 공동전선 구축 (2024년 10월24일, 서울) – 하이브리드 항공사 에어프레미아는 24일 이사회를 개최하고 김재현 사내이사를 신임 …See details»
에어프레미아, 홈페이지 개선해 더 많은 정보 담았다 : 에어프레미아
Dec 4, 2024 ‘나에게 맞는 좌석 추천 기능’ 추가해 고객 선택에 도움기내 엔터테인먼트 상영목록 신설 및 기단별 좌석배치도 최신화해 가독성 높여 (2024년 12월4일, 서울) – 하이브리드 항공사 …See details»
Air Premia - 캠페이너스
Like the sunrise piercing the blue sky during an early morning flight, our colors reflect our commitment to revolutionizing the travel experience and becoming your trusted partner in air …See details»
Air Premia Launching Honolulu and Seattle Flights in 2025
Dec 20, 2024 Air Premia Expands Fleet. Air Premia flies a fleet of all Boeing 787-9 Dreamliners — and more are on the way.. The airline announced that it would add its sixth Dreamliner, with …See details»
에어프레미아, 정시성과 넓고 편안한 기내환경에 만족 : …
Nov 26, 2024 <자체 탑승객 만족도 조사결과>정시성 만족도 가장 높아…기내환경과 편리한 체크인 시스템도 상위권입소문으로 인지…저렴한 항공권 가격 때문에 구매 결정한 비중 높아(2024년 …See details»