
Alton College Nursery in Alton has daycare services for all children. The nursery is open to children between the ages of six months and five years. It has a maximum capacity of 28 children at a time.

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  • Timezone: America/Chicago

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More informations about "Alton College Nursery"

About us - Alton College Nursery

Alton College Nursery. Alton College Nursery is open 8am โ€“ 5pm Monday to Friday for 38 weeks of the year (term time only) Alton College Nursery can have 28 children at a time ranging from โ€ฆSee details»

Our team - Alton College Nursery

I would 100% recommend Alton College Nursery to any parent. My daughter started a couple of weeks ago and they have been excellent in welcoming us both to the nursery.See details»

Alton College Nursery - Crunchbase Company Profile โ€ฆ

Alton College Nursery in Alton is a day care service provider.See details»

Choose an Age Group to find out... - Alton College Nursery

Choose an Age Group to find out more, 0-2 Years We use a 1:3 ratio in our under- twoโ€™s area and we can have six babies at any one time. The children...See details»

Alton College Nursery -

Read 48 reviews of Alton College Nursery. View 44 photos of Alton College Nursery Alton. View prices, types of services provided, admission restrictions and facilities for Alton College โ€ฆSee details»

Alton College Nursery Alton Hampshire Childcare

Alton College Nursery in Alton has daycare services for all children. The nursery is open to children between the ages of six months and four years.See details»

Alton College Nursery - Old Odiham Road, Alton, ENG |

Write the first review of Alton College Nursery located at Old Odiham Road, Alton, ENG. Read and write Childcare Services reviews on n49See details»

Alton College Nursery - HSDC

Funding for 2, 3 and 4 years is offered at Alton College Nursery. Funding hours must be used on a sessional basis (8am โ€“ 5pm, 9am โ€“ 4.30pm, 9am โ€“ 12pm, 9am โ€“ 1pm and 1pm โ€“ 4pm).See details»

Age groups - Alton College Nursery

The Alton College Nursery in Alton provides childcare for children aged 6 months to 5 years. We have separate spaces for each age group and you can view the nurseryโ€™s virtual tour to โ€ฆSee details»

Nursery in Alton - Alton College Nursery -

About Us. Alton College Nursery provides daycare for all children whether you are studying/working at the College or from the Community. Children aged between six months โ€ฆSee details»

Overview - Alton College Nursery - NHS

Oct 18, 2024 About. Alton College Nursery in Alton has daycare services for all children. The nursery is open to children between the ages of six months and five years. ...See details»

Family Information and Services Hub | Alton College Nursery

Costs Details Age group - Costs age 0 - under 3: 8 per hour, 65 per day, 325 per week. Age group - 3 - 4: 7 per hour, 60 per day, 300 per week AvailabilitySee details»

Alton College Nursery - Open - Find an Inspection Report - Ofsted

Jun 25, 2015 Find an inspection report and registered childcare. Early Years Register. Providers on the Early Years Register will normally be inspected at least once within a 6-year window.See details»

2-4 Years - Alton College Nursery

2-4 Area. Children aged between 2 and 3 have a staff to child ratio of 1:4. Children aged between 3 and 4 have a staff to child ratio of 1:8. The children enjoy a mixed age group between 2 and โ€ฆSee details»

Alton College Nursery in Alton - England - GU34 2LX - Contact Us, โ€ฆ

Alton college nursery in Alton welcomes children between the ages of six months and four years. A maximum of 28 children can be accommodated at a time.See details»

Contact us - Alton College Nursery

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or would like to schedule a nursery tour. Alton College Nursery Alton College Old Odiham Road, AltonSee details»

Alton College Nursery - Alton

Check Alton College Nursery - Alton in Alton, Old Odiham Road on Cylex and find โ˜Ž 01420 592..., contact info, โŒš opening hours.See details»

Testimonials - Alton College Nursery

My daughter joined this nursery when she was 2 and a half having previously attended another nursery from the age of 1. After her first day, she said โ€˜I lub itโ€™ which translates as โ€˜I love itโ€™!See details» © 2022. All rights reserved