
Anaerobic Holding is a biogas plant company in Latvia.

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Iecava, Bauskas, Latvia


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+371 28777333

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[email protected]

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More informations about "Anaerobic Holding"


E-mail: [email protected]. Companies group Daugavpils contacts Phone. +371 26346799, E-mail: [email protected]. Company details. Anaerobic holding SIA Registration number 50203108001 Legal address: “Sudrabezeri”, …See details»


E-pasts: [email protected]. Rekvizīti. Anaerobic holding SIA Rekvizīti Reģistrācijas nr. 50203108001 Juridiskā adrese: “Sudrabezeri”, Iecava, Bauskas novads, LV-3913 Konta nr. …See details»

About us - Anaerobic

About us. BaltCap Infrastructure Fund (BInF) with the size of €100m provides development capital for transport, energy, energy efficiency and other infrastructure projects in the Baltic region. …See details»

Anaerobic Holding - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Organization. Anaerobic Holding . Connect to CRM . Save . Summary. People. Technology. Signals & News. About. Anaerobic Holding is a biogas plant company in Latvia. Acquired by . …See details»

Anaerobic Holding | BaltCap

Anaerobic Holding owns a portfolio of biogas plants in Latvia with a total combined installed capacity of 4.9MW. Biogas plants are producing electricity and heat from renewable sources of energy and significantly contribute to reduced …See details»

Anaerobic Holding - Ownership and Business Overview - Mergr

Anaerobic Holding owns a portfolio of biogas plants in Latvia with a total combined installed capacity of 4.9MW. Biogas plants are producing electricity and heat from renewable sources of …See details»

Anaerobic Holding - Portfolio Company Profile, Executives and …

See Anaerobic Holding's complete profile, including its private equity owner and the number of its executive contacts in our database. Anaerobic Holding owns a portfolio of biogas plants in …See details»

Anaerobic holding, SIA, 50203108001 - company data - Lursoft

Nov 27, 2017 Anaerobic holding, SIA (SIA), 50203108001, Bauskas nov., Iecava, "Sudrabezeri", LV-3913. Company officials, members and true beneficiaries.See details»

Anaerobic Holding - PitchBook

Anaerobic Holding General Information Description. Operator of biogas plants intended to produce electricity and heat from renewable sources of energy. The company has three …See details»

SIA “Anaerobic holding” reorganizācija

Informējam, ka 2019. gada 29. aprīlī ir notikusi SIA “Anaerobic holding” reorganizācija. Reorganizācijas rezultātā BGGS serviss un Aizkalnu tehnika nodeva visu savu mantu, …See details»

Anaerobic holding, Limited Liability Company, 50203108001

Business form: Limited Liability Company Registered name: SIA "Anaerobic holding" Registration number, date: 50203108001, 27.11.2017See details»

Anaerobic holding, SIA -

Anaerobic holding, SIA, Reģ. nr. 50203108001, "Sudrabezeri", Iecava, Bauskas nov., LV-3913. Amatpersonas, īpašnieki, apgrozījums, peļņa, komercķīlas ...See details»

Nextsource | Company Profile | Anaerobic Holding

Website: Phone Number: +371 28777333. Revenue: $$$$ Company Type: For Profit. Founding Year: N/A. Parent Company: N/A. Number of Subsidiaries: N/A. Operating …See details»

Anaerobic holding, SIA, 50203108001 - par uzņēmumu - Lursoft

Anaerobic holding, SIA (SIA), 50203108001, Bauskas nov., Iecava, "Sudrabezeri", LV-3913. Firmas amatpersonas, dalībnieki un patiesie labuma guvēji.See details»

Kontakti - Anaerobic

E-pasts: [email protected]. Grupas Daugavpils uzņēmumu kontakti Telefons. +371 26346799, E-pasts: [email protected]. Rekvizīti. BM Holding SIA rekvizīti BM Holding SIA …See details»

Lielākais privātā kapitāla pārvaldītājs BaltCap iegādājas Latvijas ...

Dec 22, 2017 Anaerobic Holding pieder un tā pārvalda trīs biogāzes ražotnes Latvijā ar kopējo uzstādīto jaudu 4,9 megavati. [email protected] lv; en; Sākums Jaunumi Par mums Pasākumi …See details»

Anaerobic Holding - Products, Competitors, Financials, Employees ...

Anaerobic Holding focuses on renewable energy production and agricultural operations within the biogas and farming sectors. The company operates biogas stations that convert biological …See details»

Contacts - Anaerobic

E-mail: [email protected]. Companies group Daugavpils contacts Phone. +371 26346799, E-mail: [email protected]. Company details . BM Holding SIA company details BM …See details»

Kas ir anaerobā vide? -

🎓 Anaerobā vide ir tāda, kurā ir maz skābekļa vai nav elpojoša skābekļa. Zeme lielākoties ir veidota no aerobām vidēm, un tai ir maz anaerobās zonas. Varbūt nepārsteidzoši, ka lielākā daļa …See details»

Par mums - Anaerobic

Par mums. BaltCap infrastruktūras fonds (BInF) 100 miljonu eiro apmērā nodrošina attīstības kapitālu transporta, enerģētikas, energoefektivitātes un citiem infrastruktūras projektiem …See details»