
APA Associazione Produttori Audiovisivi is a telecommunications company.

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Riccardo Mastropietro
Riccardo Mastropietro Associato @ APA Associazione Produttori Audiovisivi

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  • Location: Voineasa Romania
  • Latitude: 45.4167
  • Longitude: 23.95
  • Timezone: Europe/Bucharest
  • Postal: 247750

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More informations about "APA Associazione Produttori Audiovisivi"

APA - Associazione Produttori Audiovisivi

Associazione Produttori Audiovisivi. “Las Leonas – La coppa del mondo”: una produzione 11 Marzo FilmSee details»

Profilo - APA

APA – Associazione Produttori Audiovisivi è l’associazione dei produttori di serie, film per la TV e il VOD, intrattenimento, documentari e animazione, e sostiene la loro crescita industriale e la …See details»

APA Service - APA

APA Service was founded in 2015 by APA. The company offers numerous services to producers in the audiovisual sector: from support in private copying to the organization of events, from …See details»

The Project - APA Ricerche

Audiovisual production represents an economic and cultural resource of absolute importance for our country. In the field of TV series as in that of entertainment (with its wide variety of different subgenres), this set of activities occupies a …See details»

APA Ricerche — Presente e futuro dell'audiovisivo

Presente e futuro dell'audiovisivo. 5° Rapporto sulla Produzione Audiovisiva Nazionale. APA, l’Associazione Produttori Audiovisivi, ha presentato il 5° Rapporto APA sulla Produzione …See details»

APA and APA Service: how to contact us — APA Ricerche

Mar 12, 2020 Carlotta Pavoni: [email protected]; You can contact the APA Service staff from 9:30am to 1:30pm and from 2:30pm to 6:30pm at the Skype number …See details»

APA e APA Service: reperibilità e contatti - APA - apaonline.it

Apr 6, 2020 A causa dell’emergenza sanitaria che sta colpendo il nostro Paese e a seguito del decreto “Cura Italia” emanato dal Presidente del Consiglio, gli uffici APA resteranno chiusi fino …See details»

American Philosophical Association

Meetings. The three APA divisions (Eastern, Central, and Pacific) each hold an annual meeting. Through invited and submitted sessions, exhibits, and receptions, the meetings offer opportunities for scholarly interaction, …See details»

Inside the APA: The Changing APA - Blog of the APA

Feb 11, 2016 And now for the hardest part—free riding. There was a day when people were proud to be members of a scholarly organization. There was also a day when APA membership meant access to newsprint issues of JFP and …See details»

Inside the APA: The Board of Officers - Blog of the APA

Jan 12, 2016 When they came together to form a single organization in 1927, they united under one constitution, but made sure each division maintained its own autonomy and governance …See details»

L’Associazione Produttori Audiovisivi lancia la nuova piattaforma ...

Apr 9, 2019 Dopo la presentazione del 1° Rapporto sulla Produzione Audiovisiva Nazionale, avvenuta a Roma il 12 marzo, APA ha lanciato oggi “APA Ricerche: presente e futuro …See details»

Relaunching Northern Michigan University’s Philosophy Club

20 hours ago Philosophy, as a discipline, thrives on dialogue, debate, and the innovative exchange of ideas. However, for many students, their engagement with the subject can often …See details»

The Board - APA

Francesco Ascenzi. Sindaco Supplente. Partner. Associazione Produttori Audiovisivi P.I. 04803391004See details»

Membership Information - American Philosophical Association

Teacher members can also opt for joint membership of the APA and PLATO (Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization). Launched by the APA's committee on pre-college instruction in …See details»

Guides: APA – Citing Sources: Organizations as authors

Organizations that are mostly known by their abbreviated acronyms are stated with the acronym within square brackets the first time. On the following occasions, only the acronym is used. In …See details»

APA Databases and Electronic Resources

The blog is your source for training materials and information about APA’s databases and electronic resources. Stay up-to-date on training sessions, new features and content, and …See details»

5° Rapporto sulla Produzione Audiovisiva Nazionale

Oct 13, 2023 APA, l’Associazione Produttori Audiovisivi, ha presentato il 5° Rapporto APA sulla Produzione Audiovisiva Nazionale. Ha presentato i dati Chiara Sbarigia, Presidente di APA, …See details»

The launch of the new online APA platform dedicated to the …

Apr 10, 2019 After the presentation of the 1 st Report on the National Audiovisual Production that took place in Rome on March 12 th, APA is delivering a further contribution to the …See details»

American Psychological Association (APA)

The American Psychological Association (APA) is a scientific and professional organization that represents psychologists in the United States. APA educates the public about psychology, …See details»

Diventa socio APA - APA

Soci Diventa socio APA. L’iscrizione all’APA è aperta a tutte le società che svolgono, abitualmente e professionalmente attività di produzione e/o di produzione esecutiva di opere …See details»

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