
Archetype Labs is a software development company that empowers business users everywhere. Archetype Labs strives to find holistic solutions through the use of technology, research, and design. Founded by Shaun Springer in 2023 and is located in New York, NY.

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New York, New York, United States

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Shaun Springer
Shaun Springer Co-Founder and CEO @ Archetype Labs
Co-Founder and CEO



Shaun Springer

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More informations about "Archetype Labs"

Archetyping to create lasting behavior change in …

Sep 11, 2023 Our data shows that Champions outperformed other archetypes in three behavior areas: project planning frequency, percentage of tasks completed, and excitement to grow within the organization. More than 50 percent of …See details»

Archetype Consulting - Home

Archetype Consulting is a Vancouver-based consultancy that helps organizations achieve lasting positive individual, group and organizational change through evidence-based approaches to people programs, projects, processes and …See details»

The Eight Archetypes of Leadership - Harvard Business Review

Dec 18, 2013 Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries is a management scholar, psychoanalyst, and executive coach. He is the Distinguished Clinical Professor of Leadership Development and …See details»

The Seven Archetypes of Organizational Topologies™

Feb 28, 2023 Optimizing goal of this archetype: “optimizing for narrow ownership”. At this level, an organization recognizes the value of people working together as a way to accomplish more work. See the Y1 box of the map. This …See details»

Key Archetypes of Org Topologies™

Nov 7, 2022 Org Topologies™ is a mapping of recognizable organizational archetypes in product development. We are using the following two axes for creating the two-dimensional map:1. Grow team-level capabilities – by …See details»

Understanding the 7 Leader Archetypes - SHRM

Jun 7, 2017 In my book, The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness (Portfolio, 2017), I reveal seven archetypes of leadership that the most successful leaders embody: Rebel, Explorer, Truth ...See details»

Archetypes for change – Leadership coaching in …

Sep 10, 2020 Archetypes tie together in an intuitive and powerful way a diverse range of concepts that affect leaders and organizations. Archetypes are part of stories: they represent structures or character types that stand for, or even …See details»

Archetypes: mapping organization, culture and …

Jun 18, 2020 The empirical evidence agile42 has gathered from multiple client engagements, supports the theory that ideal characteristics of a leader are based on archetypes, ideal types of what an organization should look like and their …See details»

Systems Archetype Basics: From Story to Structure - The Systems …

Can learn from the archetype, and guidelines for managing the dynamics of the archetype. Section 10 goes more deeply into the many rich ways you can use and apply the archetypes, including …See details»

Organizational Archetypes for Innovation - LinkedIn

Jun 22, 2022 Structuring and governing innovation within a large organization involves loads of challenges and intricacies. This is a classic topic that every corporate innovator has without a doubt come ...See details»

The Power of Archetypes in Organizational Settings - LinkedIn

Apr 10, 2016 An archetype is essentially a pattern or behavior that is copied or emulated. Archetypes are often associated with the famous psychologist, Carl Jung (1875-1961), the …See details»

What Is the Difference Between an Archetypal Organization and a …

Smaller typical organizations may create a loose, flexible organization based on the simple archetype and larger organizations are likely to loosely group their members into structures …See details»

Digital archetypes: a tool for understanding personality ...

Dec 14, 2023 In different organizational areas, the theories and tools of archetypes have been very important to know the interests, strengths and weaknesses of each member of the work …See details»

How to Manage the 8 Employee Archetypes - Wharton Magazine

Oct 7, 2015 The nonprofit organization’s new iOS app — launched this summer — alerts users to legislation they care about, provides statements from proponents and opponents of those …See details»

Using Archetypes to Build Your Companies Core Values

Aug 12, 2024 Passion: “Love what we do and pour our hearts into our work.” Commitment: “Dedicate ourselves fully to our mission and values.” Connection: “Build deep and meaningful …See details»

The Evolution of Organizational Archetypes: From the American to …

Sep 1, 2013 The organization man archetype, made popular by Whyte’s (1956) critique, became a . symbol for a different kind of American dream, characterized by careerism and company . …See details»

Organization Archetype - The GitLab Handbook

How do you use organization archetypes as a Product Manager? An organization archetype can be considered an additional layer to an end-user’s demographics alongside personas. When …See details»

Full article: National sport organization governance design …

Aug 6, 2021 Like past sport organization theorists, Hoye et al. (Citation 2020) argued design archetypes were useful to understand, compare, and contrast organizations; design …See details»

All About Organizations - Roberts Space Industries

When the organization system launches, group leaders will be prompted to select a name and a unique ID for their group. ... Archetypes are a roleplaying element and do not impact the actual …See details»

Innovation Archetypes - Really Good Innovation

An archetype is an original model that serves as an ideal example for others to follow. In the innovation field, there are four main archetypes: Innovation Doer, Watcher, Preacher, and …See details» © 2022. All rights reserved