A national program to broaden and boost Israelโs infrastructure of human capital โ the countryโs major natural resource and primary asset โ by enriching and empowering young people living in development towns and underprivileged areas, narrowing the socio-economic gap, and creating a more diverse, dynamic and productive Israeli society.
Communities Higher Education Non Profit
Herzliya, Tel Aviv, Israel
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+972 9-950-5027
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- Location: Israel
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- Timezone: Asia/Jerusalem

More informations about "Atidim"
ืขืชืืืื - ืชืืื ืืฆืืืืชื, ืชืืืื
Jul 28, 2024 ืขืชืืืื ืืืฆืืื ืช ืืฉื ื 24 ืฉื ืื ืืืืืืกืื ืืื ื ืืจืืื ืืฉืจ ืืืจืื ืืฉื ื ืืืคืื โ ืขืืืชื ืืืจืืืช ืืืื ืืืช ืฆืืืืช, ืืืืจื ืืืืื ืืืืฆืื ืฉืืืืื ื ืฉื ืื ืืช ืืื ื ืืคืจืืคืจืื ืืืืจืชืืช ืืืืืืืจืคืืช ืืืืงืื ืืืฆืืื ืืช โฆSee details»
The Power of Atidim - ืขืชืืืื
ATIDIM, which means Futures, is a national program developing human resources and closing the socioeconomic gaps crippling Israelโs periphery, by creating equal educational โฆSee details»
ืชืืื ืืฆืืืืชื. · ืคืืจืื ืขืชืืืื
ืชืืื ืืฆืืืืชื. ืชืืืื. ืขืชืืืื ืคืืขืืช ืืื ืืืช ืืืจื ืืฉืจืืืืช ืืืงื, ืชืื ืืืฆืื ืืคืืื ืฆืืื ืืื ืืฉื ืืคืจืืคืจืื ืืชืืขืืช ืืคืจื, ืืืืจื ืืืืฉืง, ืืืืฆืขืืช ืืืคืื ืืฆืืืื ืืช, ืืฉืืื ืืืืื ืืืชื ืืืื ืืืฉืชืื ืืืจืงื ืืขืฉืืื ืฉื ืืืืจื ืืืฉืจืืืืช.See details»
Atidim - LinkedIn
Atidim | 1,496 followers on LinkedIn. Excellence, equality, and shared opportunities for talented young people from every background, throughout the country. | Atidim operations focus on โฆSee details»
Future hopes for children living on Israelโs โoutskirts
Atidim's three main principles, Encouragement โ Empowerment โ Enrichment, hope to instill and encourage the desire for further learning by to schoolchildren from age 13. The program has been so successful, today it reaches some โฆSee details»
Atidim Alumni Association - LinkedIn
Atidim Alumni Association | 1,640 followers on LinkedIn. ืืจืืื ืืืืจื ืขืชืืืื | #AlumniAssociation Dedicated to the principles of equity and empowerment, we have catalyzed a paradigm ...See details»
Atidim - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Contact Email [email protected] Phone Number +972 9-950-5027 A national program to broaden and boost Israelโs infrastructure of human capital โ the countryโs major natural resource and โฆSee details»
Atidim achieves this goal by cultivating excellence and higher education, and by providing tools for becoming a productive part of Israeli society. For over a decade Atidim has been striving to โฆSee details»
Atidim marks 15th birthday with some very good news
Aug 11, 2015 PRESIDENT REUVEN RIVLIN and former IDF chief of staff Shaul Mofaz (standing) join participants of the Atidim program during a celebration of the organizationโs 15th anniversary yesterday at the ...See details»
Get Involved - ืขืชืืืื -
Atidim is a recognized non-profit Israeli organization. Itโs network of stakeholders include philanthropic partners in Israel, the USA, Canada, England and Australia. Atidim works closely โฆSee details»
Atidim Alumni Association - Crunchbase Investor Profile
ATIDIM, which means Futures, is a national program developing human resources and closing the socioeconomic gaps crippling Israelโs periphery, by creating equal educational โฆSee details»
Registration for the program: "Atidim" - an innovative program for ...
May 16, 2019 Registration for the program: "Atidim" - an innovative program for cadets of infrastructure engineers, transportation, buildings and water at the Faculty of Civil and โฆSee details»
Friends of Atidim- - Donate to any Charity in Israel
Our Investment โ Bright Young People from the Periphery Our Return โ A Stronger Israel Atidim 2010 21, 000 participants in all Atidim programs 15,500 pupils 1967 students 2612 graduates โฆSee details»
Atidim Company Profile | Management and Employees List
Atidim operates among the Arab sector and among ultra-orthodox men out of an understanding of the needs of Israeli society, and acts to incorporate them in Israel's social-financial fabric. To โฆSee details»
Key Programs - ืขืชืืืื
Elite Druze Leaders Social Training Incubator (ages 15-18) โ Prepares dynamic Druze teens to bring about social change rooted in their values and traditions and their connection to the โฆSee details»
Atidim - Civic & Social Organization - Overview, Competitors, and ...
View Atidim location in Center District, Israel, revenue, competitors and contact information. Find and reach Atidim's employees by department, seniority, title, and much more. ... Atidim. Civic โฆSee details»
Oren Baratz hired as head of special projects, special advisor to โฆ
Dec 12, 2024 Prior to joining the Federation, Baratz was Project Director for Atidim, which focuses on closing the socioeconomic gap among youth in Israel. He retired after 28 years of โฆSee details»
Amudim is dedicated to serving all members of the community in times of personal and collective crisis. Founded on the pillars of kindness, compassion, and dignity, Amudim functions as a โฆSee details»
What Is Amudim? What Do They Do? Find Out Here - The Yeshiva โฆ
Sep 22, 2024 Standing at the precipice of despair, your world crumbles beneath your feet. The whispers of darkness grow louder, drowning out any flicker of hope. This is the reality for โฆSee details»