AutoBrain develops solutions using safe system architecture and autonomous driving technologies to build a smart transportation network for travel and transit. They utilize the OEM mass production and trunk logistics operations of automakers to build up deep L4 and L5 level memory as they fit the needs of scene parties and vehicle businesses with motorway autopilot products. The network development plan is connected to autonomous driving technology, and together with partners, they will test the commercialization strategy for upcoming intelligent transportation.
Social Links:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Automotive Information Technology
Fangshan, Beijing, China
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Email Addresses:
[email protected]
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IPhone / Mobile Compatible Viewport Meta SPF Mobile Non Scaleable Content Apache Apple Mobile Web App Capable PHP Apache 2.4 PHP 7 CentOS
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Current Employees Featured
Investors List
Shenzhen Capital Group
Shenzhen Capital Group investment in Series A - AutoBrain
Pangu Venture Capital
Pangu Venture Capital investment in Series A - AutoBrain
Grains Valley Venture Capital
Grains Valley Venture Capital investment in Series A - AutoBrain
Grains Valley Venture Capital
Grains Valley Venture Capital investment in Angel Round - AutoBrain
ZGC Group
ZGC Group investment in Angel Round - AutoBrain
Official Site Inspections
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- Location: Hangzhou China
- Latitude: 30.294
- Longitude: 120.1619
- Timezone: Asia/Shanghai

More informations about "AutoBrain"
首页 - AutoBrain
AutoBrain,Free You Drive 致力于用全栈自动驾驶技术和安全可靠的系统架构打造多元化解决方案,塑造全新的面向未来出行与运输的智慧交通。 公司战略See details»
AutoBrain - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Contact Email [email protected] AutoBrain develops solutions using safe system architecture and autonomous driving technologies to build a smart transportation network for travel and transit. …See details»
AutoBrain (China) Company Profile 2024: Valuation, …
AutoBrain (China) General Information Description. Researcher and developer of autonomous driving technology. The company focuses on researching and developing artificial intelligence technology utilized in autonomous driving …See details»
关于我们 - AutoBrain
AutoBrain由中美智能驾驶团队共同创建,拥有全栈的自动驾驶技术能力,致力于提供安全、可靠、舒适的智能驾驶解决方案和产品。以全球性视野,设立位于北京的研发总部,在天津和硅谷成立研发基地。公司拥有大量来自Tesla、Waymo …See details»
AutoBrain - Products, Competitors, Financials, Employees, …
AutoBrain Reaches Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation with HikAuto. Apr 19, 2022. Beijing-based autonomous driving company AutoBrain announced a strategic cooperation agreement …See details»
AutoBrain - Funding, Financials, Valuation & Investors - Crunchbase
AutoBrain develops artificial intelligence technology and builds an automatic driving system. Search Crunchbase. Start Free Trial . Chrome Extension. Solutions. Products. ... How much …See details»
AutoBrain:两年量产L3级自动驾驶系统,为主机厂商提供智能化升 …
Nov 18, 2019 2017年,彭永胜与猛狮团队共同创立“AutoBrain”。 这是一家基于“技术+运营”的新型自动驾驶公司,以全面的自动驾驶技术为基础,为主机厂商提供量产解决方案,同时面向运 …See details»
36氪首发 | 「AutoBrain」获深创投牵头A轮融资,专注 …
AutoBrain天使轮股东磐谷创投也作为跟投方参与了此轮融资,磐谷创投曾投资哈啰出行、禾赛科技等明星项目,他们再次肯定了对AutoBrain的信心 ...See details»
奥特贝睿/AutoBrain A轮 -
奥特贝睿是一家无人驾驶技术研发商,专注于大数据技术与人工智能技术的研发与应用,构建了核心产品“汽车大脑”,以“One For All”的方式延伸覆盖辅助驾驶、自动驾驶、无人驾驶等智能驾 …See details»
AutoBrain | 项目信息-36氪
AutoBrain成立于2017年,是一家全球领先、国际化布局的自动驾驶企业,具备从车辆线控供改装到多元异构信息融合、深度学习感知、高精定位、大数据学习决策和MPC控制的自动驾驶全 …See details»
36氪首发 | 「AutoBrain」获深创投牵头A轮融资,专注国内智能驾 …
Dec 30, 2021 AutoBrain由中美智能驾驶团队共同创建,其核心团队是曾连续6次获得中国智能驾驶挑战赛冠军亚军的猛狮团队,公司拥有大量来自Tesla、Waymo、UC Berkeley、Harvard …See details»
智能驾驶系统研发厂商 AutoBrain 获 A 轮融资,深创投领投 - 动点 …
Dec 30, 2021 近日,AutoBrain获得大额人民币A轮融资,由深圳市创新投资集团有限公司(简称深创投)独家领投,磐谷创投跟投。本轮资金将用于公司行泊一体智能驾驶核心产品研发及主 …See details»
36氪专访 | AutoBrain:不止行泊一体,实现L2+城域覆盖 - 36Kr
AutoBrain的创始团队曾连续登顶国内最早的的自动驾驶挑战赛;2018年即发布了首款可量产车规级智能驾驶域控制器--Mr.Pilot 1.0(NOA版本),搭载赛灵思的芯片,可针对高速场景,实现 …See details»
AutoBrain:不止行泊一体,实现L2+城域覆盖 - 36氪
AutoBrain认为当务之急是快速提升市场渗透率,不管对于主机厂,还是终端消费者,让过去30万元以上高端产线才有的功能,逐步向20万甚至更低的中 ...See details»
AutoBrain 全球首款量产L3级高速自动驾驶产品亮相世界智能网联 …
在室内展台,AutoBrain则带来了搭载其自主研发的全球首款量产L3级高速自动驾驶系统的车辆。 并凭借这一量产系统,AutoBrain在会议官方举办的“2019中国新能源和智能网联汽车全产业链 …See details»
Autobrain won a round of investment led by Shenzhen Venture …
On December 30, yiou auto news. Recently, the intelligent driving company autobrain announced that it had obtained a large amount of RMB a round of financing, which was exclusively led by …See details»
专访AutoBrain CEO彭永胜:推动HWP量产上车背后 科技公司如何 …
敢于这么做,在于AutoBrain的HWP方案并不依赖大量的传感器配置,从而也让这款方案产品的成本控制在了万元以内。雷锋网新智驾注意到,这款搭载HWP的长城VV6在后备箱右侧搭载 …See details»
Autobrain Can Turn Your Ride Into A 'Smart Car' With Plug-And …
CNBC's Phil LeBeau reports on a new product that offers vehicle connectivity while collecting data about drivers.» Subscribe to CNBC: details»
Autobrains : We Drive AI
Autobrains revolutionizes how deep learning is applied, with a new self-learning approach that mimics human driving perception. Autobrains offers solutions for the next generation of …See details»
All Star Driver Selects Autobrain for its Fleet and Teen Driver Program “Autobrain offers the highest quality and most comprehensive suite of features and services, and provides us with …See details»