
Avalanche is an open, programmable smart contracts platform for decentralized applications. Avalanche is a verifiable platform for institutions, enterprises, and governments. Launch assets, build applications and create subnets with complete control over your implementation with compliance, data security, and other rulesets built into the foundation.

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Current Advisors List


Joe Bruzzesi Advisor @ Avalanche

Investors List


Upchain Capital

Upchain Capital investment in Secondary Market - Avalanche


Chaos Ventures

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IconPlus Capital

IconPlus Capital investment in Venture Round - Avalanche


CIG Spectrum Capital

CIG Spectrum Capital investment in Seed Round - Avalanche


K300 Ventures

K300 Ventures investment in Seed Round - Avalanche


Cynegetic Investment Management

Cynegetic Investment Management investment in Funding Round - Avalanche


Alpha Capital

Alpha Capital investment in Series B - Avalanche


SIF Ventures UK

SIF Ventures UK investment in Seed Round - Avalanche


Andromeda Capital

Andromeda Capital investment in Seed Round - Avalanche

Investments List

Date Company Article Money raised
2024-05-23 MUA DAO Avalanche investment in Seed Round - MUA DAO 5 M USD
2024-04-16 homium Avalanche investment in Series A - homium 10 M USD
2024-04-01 CCX Avalanche investment in Seed Round - CCX N/A
2024-03-27 BloodLoop Avalanche investment in Seed Round - BloodLoop 4 M USD
2024-03-15 Crystals of Naramunz Avalanche investment in Seed Round - Crystals of Naramunz 1.5 M USD
2024-03-15 Crypto Rogue Games Avalanche investment in Seed Round - Crypto Rogue Games 1.5 M USD
2024-03-08 GoPlus Security Avalanche investment in Seed Round - GoPlus Security 4 M USD
2023-11-30 Titan Content Avalanche investment in Seed Round - Titan Content N/A
2023-09-17 Bubblemaps Avalanche investment in Seed Round - Bubblemaps 3 M EUR
2023-02-21 Chaos Labs Avalanche investment in Seed Round - Chaos Labs 20 M USD

Newest Events participated

southeast-asia-blockchain-week_event_image Participated in Southeast Asia Blockchain Week on 2024-04-22 as sponsor

More informations about "Avalanche"

Canadian Avalanche Association

Save the Date Spring Conference May 6-8, 2025; 2023-24 Annual Report to Members; Governance; Protecting the Public; Our Team; Inclusivity; Mental Health ResourcesSee details»

About - Avalanche Canada

Avalanche Canada: The Home of Public Avalanche Safety in Canada Avalanche Canada is a non-government, not-for-profit organization dedicated to public avalanche safety. We issue …See details»

Avalanche Journal

The Canadian Avalanche Association The Canadian Avalanche Association (CAA) is a not-for-profit organization that serves and supports the diverse community of professional avalanche …See details»

About - Avalanche.org

American Avalanche Association. The American Avalanche Association (A3) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that promotes professional excellence in …See details»

Go Farther — Get Trained with an Avalanche Canada Training Course

An AST Provider is a business or organization that offers Avalanche Canada courses; an AST instructor is the person who delivers the courses. Every AST instructor has to be a member of …See details»

Avalanche Canada - Wikipedia

Avalanche Canada is a non-government, non-profit organization whose vision is to eliminate avalanche fatalities and injuries in Canada. [1] Avalanche Canada is Canada's national public …See details»

Avalanche Courses

Course providers are listed on avalanche.org and americanavalancheassociation.org because individuals in the organization are members of the A3, and according to representations made by these A3 …See details»

ABOUT - Avalanche Canada Foundation

The Avalanche Canada Foundation is a federally registered charity (#86900 0349 RR0001) that supports the work of Avalanche Canada and research projects supporting public …See details»

Competency-Based Membership - Canadian Avalanche Association

Starting July 8, 2020, all Avalanche Practitioner and Avalanche Professional membership applicants are required to follow the CAA’s new competency-based membership application …See details»

Avalanche Canada Foundation

Avalanche Canada has the world's largest forecasting area, spanning close to 300,000 sq km of Canada’s mountainous terrain. Our forecasters tap into a unique network of data from …See details»

Gordon Ritchie Service Award - avalanche.ca

Karl Klassen and Mary Clayton have shaped public avalanche safety in Canada, helping to build Avalanche Canada into a world leading public avalanche safety organization. Both were with …See details»

Avalanche Canada: MEC Outdoor Impact partner | MEC - MEC Wiki

Avalanche Canada’s vision is to inspire, engage, and empower recreationists to enjoy Canada’s winter backcountry and be safe from avalanches.As Canada’s national public avalanche safety …See details»

Avalanche.org — American Avalanche Association

Avalanche.org connects the public to avalanche information and education in the United States. The site consolidates data from professional forecast centers to provide real-time avalanche …See details»

avalanche organization abbrev Crossword Clue - Wordplays.com

Answers for avalanche organization abbrev crossword clue, 3 letters. Search for crossword clues found in the Daily Celebrity, NY Times, Daily Mirror, Telegraph and major publications. Find …See details»

Avalanche - The Canadian Encyclopedia

May 30, 2012 The Canadian Avalanche Centre (CAC) is a non-government, not-for-profit organization that produces public avalanche bulletins and warnings for a number of …See details»

Government of Canada provides Avalanche Canada with funding …

Jul 8, 2019 The Government of Canada was a founding partner in the formation of Avalanche Canada and has supported its avalanche prevention programs since its incorporation in 2004. …See details»

Teen snowmachiner dies in Turnagain Pass avalanche amid …

3 days ago The avalanche crown at the top of the slide path was estimated to be 2 to 3 feet deep and 500 ... She previously was managing editor and served in a number of other roles …See details»

Board of Directors - avalanche.ca

Avalanche Canada’s board of directors comprises individuals with complementary skills, tasked with the overall governance of Avalanche Canada. Directors are involved in the strategic …See details»

Glacier melt will unleash avalanche of cascading impacts

5 days ago Glacier melt contributes to sea-level rise. The new findings complement a recent community effort published in the journal Nature in early 2025 and coordinated by the WGMS, …See details»

The world’s glaciers are losing three Olympic-sized swimming …

5 days ago The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) warned on Friday that “accelerating glacier melt risks unleashing an avalanche of cascading impacts on economies, ecosystems …See details»

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