Banc Sabadell and the Institut Català de Finances provides financing intended for micro-companies, SMEs, and the self-employed.

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Investments List

Date Company Article Money raised
2022-04-07 Cafler Banc Sabadell and the Institut Català de Finances (ICF) investment in Seed Round - Cafler 4.8 M EUR
2021-07-08 Cafler Banc Sabadell and the Institut Català de Finances (ICF) investment in Pre Seed Round - Cafler 800 K EUR
2019-04-16 Amelia Virtual Care Banc Sabadell and the Institut Català de Finances (ICF) investment in Series A - Amelia Virtual Care 4.1 M EUR
2017-09-27 Roomonitor Banc Sabadell and the Institut Català de Finances (ICF) investment in Seed Round - Roomonitor 650 K EUR
2016-09-15 Adan Medical Innovation Banc Sabadell and the Institut Català de Finances (ICF) investment in Debt Financing - Adan Medical Innovation 170 K EUR

More informations about "Banc Sabadell and the Institut Català de Finances (ICF)"

Institut Català de Finances (ICF) - BANC SABADELL

Està fent servir una versió antiga del seu navegador. Li recomanem que l’actualitzi o canviï d’explorador per millorar la seva experiència al web.See details»

Institut català de finances (ICF) - Banco Sabadell

Institut català de finances (ICF) - AVALIS DE CATALUNYA S.G.R. Actualitzi el seu navegador. Actualitzi el seu navegador. Està fent servir una versió antiga del seu navegador. ... Banco de …See details»

Catalan Institute of Finance - Wikipedia

Catalan Institute of Finance (Catalan: Institut Català de Finances) or ICF for short, founded in 1985, is a public financial institution 100% owned by the Government of Catalonia. ICF's main objective is to foster the Catalan economy by supporting the country's business base, complementing the role of the private financial sector. See details»

Organismes. Generalitat de Catalunya -

L'Institut Català de Finances (ICF) és una entitat financera pública, fundada l'any 1985, propietat de la Generalitat de Catalunya. La missió de l'ICF és impulsar i facilitar l'accés al finançament …See details»

ICF invests €10M in Asabys fund II, which has already 3 companies …

Sep 14, 2023 Asabys has announced that the Institut Català de Finances (ICF) has joined its new venture capital fund, Sabadell Asabys Health Innovation Investments II (Sabadell Asabys …See details»

Banc Sabadell and the Institut Català de Finances (ICF)

Banc Sabadell and the Institut Català de Finances provides financing intended for micro-companies, SMEs, and the self-employed. Search Crunchbase. Start Free Trial . Chrome …See details»

ICF (Institut Català de Finances) Barcelona - #ServeisPerEmprendre

The Catalan Institute of Finance (ICF) is a financial institution that reports to the Government of Catalonia. The institution’s main objective is to promote and facilitate access to financing for …See details»

The Institut Català de Finances (ICF) to be transformed …

Oct 23, 2013 The Institut Català de Finances (ICF) to be transformed into Catalonia’s public bank. The Catalan Government approves a decree to transform the Catalan Institute of Finance (ICF) into a publicly-owned bank to support …See details»

Institut Català de Finances-ICF Facility for Self-Employed and ...

Institut Català de Finances-ICF Facility for Self-Employed and Businesses. ... Banco de Sabadell, S.A., Avda. Óscar Esplá, 37, 03007 Alicante, registered with the Mercantile Register in …See details»

Catalan Institute of Finance (Institut Català de Finances - ICF) - Devex

The Group Institut Català de Finances (ICF - Catalan Finance Institute) is the public financial institution owned by the Government of Catalonia and founded in 1985.See details»

Finançament per empreses • Cambra Sabadell

Espais gratuïts de coworking Banc Sabadell a la Cambra de Sabadell. Pla d'acompanyament de línies de finançament ICO de Banc Sabadell per la crisi del COVID-19 . CaixaBank. ... ICF …See details»

Members - Barcelona Centre Financer Europeu

Banco Sabadell Ms. Sofia Rodríguez General Deputy Director. ... Institut Català de Finances – ICF Ms. Vanessa Servera i Planas CEO. Institut d’Estudis Financers – IEF ... Directorate of …See details»

Institut Català Finances (ICF) - Startupxplore

Institut Català de Finances (ICF - the Catalan Institute of Finance) is a financial public institution that was founded in 1985. The ICF’s mission is to promote and facilitate access to financing by …See details»

Banc Sabadell and the Institut Català de Finances (ICF)

Banc Sabadell and the Institut Català de Finances provides financing intended for micro-companies, SMEs, and the self-employed. Search Crunchbase Start Free TrialSee details»

Institut Català de Finances (ICF Autònoms i Comerços)

Està fent servir una versió antiga del seu navegador. Li recomanem que l’actualitzi o canviï d’explorador per millorar la seva experiència al web.See details»

ICF Capital - Crunchbase Investor Profile & Investments

ICF Capital is a venture and growth capital management firm from ICF. ICF is a public financial institution founded in 1985 and owned by the Government of Catalonia. Our mission is to …See details»

L’Institut de Finances destinarà 600 milions a promoure habitatge ...

Paneque visita una promoció de 34 habitatges a Sabadell que forma part del pla de crear 50.000 pisos socials fins al 2030 ... Quasi la meitat del pressupost de l’Institut Català de Finances …See details»

Banc Sabadell and the Institut Català de Finances (ICF)

Despite the Banc Sabadell and the Institut Catalu00e0 de Finances (ICF), startups are often financed by Many team members at Unicorn Nest are Ukrainians affected by Russian …See details» © 2022. All rights reserved