Baoling Bio is an innovative drug research and development and industrialization service provider. The company's research and development pipeline covers the research and development of innovative drugs such as tumors (solid tumors and hematomas), autoimmune diseases, and cytokine storms caused by new coronavirus pneumonia.
Biopharma Biotechnology Medical Pharmaceutical
Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Website Url:
Total Employee:
+86 028-83165612
Email Addresses:
[email protected]
Total Funding:
106.5 M CNY
Technology used in webpage:
Euro Google Font API WordPress Wordpress Plugins Contact Form 7 PHP ASP.NET IIS Japanese Yen PHP 7
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Investors List
Si Chuan Venture Capital
Si Chuan Venture Capital investment in Series B - Baoling Bio
West China Precision Medicine Industry Innovation Center
West China Precision Medicine Industry Innovation Center investment in Series B - Baoling Bio
Chengdu High-tech Ceyuan Capital
Chengdu High-tech Ceyuan Capital investment in Series B - Baoling Bio
Shengzhong Investment
Shengzhong Investment investment in Series B - Baoling Bio
Huajin Capital
Huajin Capital investment in Series B - Baoling Bio
New Value Capital
New Value Capital investment in Series A - Baoling Bio
Sichuan Development Equity Investment
Sichuan Development Equity Investment investment in Series A - Baoling Bio
Si Chuan Venture Capital
Si Chuan Venture Capital investment in Series A - Baoling Bio
Chengdu Biocity
Chengdu Biocity investment in Series A - Baoling Bio
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- Location: China
- Latitude: 34.7725
- Longitude: 113.7266
- Timezone: Asia/Shanghai

More informations about "Baoling Bio"
Zenitar was established in April 2019.Located in the Chengdu High-tech Zone Biomedical Incubation Park, with 4,000 m2 of scientific R&D building. HOME; ABOUT ZENITAR. …See details»
About us- Zenitar. Zenitar was established in April 2019. Located in the Chengdu High-tech Zone Biomedical Incubation Park, with 4,000 m2 of scientific R&D building. A biomedical enterprise …See details»
成都赜灵生物医药科技有限公司成立于2019年,注册资金2.7亿元,是一家专门从事创新药物研究及产业化的生物医药科技公司,分别于2021年、2023年完成了a轮和b轮股权融资。See details»
关于赜灵 -
成都赜灵生物医药科技有限公司创始人,董事长、总经理兼首席科学家; 曾任广东省众生药业股份有限公司首席科学家,广东省珠江人才计划“肿瘤和糖尿病研发”创新创业团队第三批带头人, …See details»
Chengdu Zeling Biomedical Technology Co. Ltd. - Drug ... - Patsnap
Nov 1, 2024 Holding Company | 2019 | Sichuan Sheng, China | Last update 01 Nov 2024. Overview. Pipeline. Deal. Translational …See details»
Zenitar - Products, Competitors, Financials, Employees, …
Zenitar focuses on the research and industrialization of innovative drugs operating in the biopharmaceutical technology sector. Use the CB Insights Platform to explore Zenitar's full …See details»
成都赜灵生物医药科技有限公司 - 爱企查
爱企查为您提供成都赜灵生物医药科技有限公司的企业信息查询服务,查询成都赜灵生物医药科技有限公司工商注册信息、电话邮箱、公司地址、经营风险、控股持股、发展动态、财务状况、 …See details»
联系我们 -
结构生物学平台. 人工智能驱动药物设计平台. 类器官药物筛选平台. pdox体内药效评价平台See details»
[email protected]. Address. 9 th Floor,Building E3,Frontier Medical Center,High-tech Zone,Chengdu,Sichuan Province,China. ... Follow the latest happenings in ZENITAR. …See details»
Chengdu Zenitar Biomedical Technology - VentureRadar
Develops innovative biotechnology solutions, focusing on research, development, and commercialization of products in the Chinese market. " Zenitar Biomedical Technology's R&D …See details»
Chengdu Zeling Biomedical Technology Co. Ltd.
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中国临床试验注册中心 - 世界卫生组织国际临床试验注册平台一级 …
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国家精准医学产业创新中心正式揭牌 -
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Patient-Derived Tumor Model Screening Platform
Zenitar's Patient-Derived Organoid Xenograft (PDOX) Screening Platform offers a powerful and clinically relevant tool for cancer research and drug development. By transplanting patient …See details»
氟替尼的临床试验-临床试验注册中心-ICH GCP
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学术研究和成果 -
Ash学术盛宴 | 赜灵生物马来酸氟诺替尼(fm)闪耀2024年66届ash会议. 2024年12月10日. 2024年第66届美国血液学会(ash)年会于2024年12月7-10日在美国圣地亚哥举行。See details»
Email:[email protected] Online Message Online Message. ABOUT ZENITAR. Company Profile. Management Team. Corporate Culture. SCIENCE. Structural Biology Platform. AI-Driven Drug …See details»
氟诺替尼 50mg 和 氟诺替尼 100mg 和 鲁索替尼 在 MF、PMF …
2024年6月7日 更新者:Chengdu Zenitar Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd 一项关于马来酸氟诺替尼片治疗中高危骨髓纤维化患者的疗效、安全性和药代动力学的开放、阳性药物对照、平行组 …See details»
Structural Biology Platform -
Zenitar's structural biology platform efficiently utilizes X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM to analyze protein-drug complex structures for pipeline targets. When deeply integrated with the …See details»
Organoids Platform -
Zenitar's Organoid Screening Platform, adopting a "from clinic to clinic" approach, has established a proprietary organoid culture system for solid tumors. This platform is designed to enable …See details»