
Beyond Blue is a mental health organisation focused on supporting people affected by anxiety, depression, and suicide. Beyond Blue is a mental health charity that helps those suffering from anxiety, sadness, and suicidal ideation. Beyond Blue has been offering support and services to Australians for over 20 years.

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Social Links:

Email Health Care Mental Health Non Profit Wellness


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


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Total Employee:


+61-1300 22 4636

Total Funding:
4.6 M AUD

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Current Employees Featured


Pradeep Bhargava
Pradeep Bhargava CEO @ Beyond Blue


Danny Gorog
Danny Gorog National Advisory Council - Be You @ Beyond Blue
National Advisory Council - Be You

Investors List


Australian Government

Australian Government investment in Grant - Beyond Blue

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More informations about "Beyond Blue"

About Us - Beyond Blue

Beyond Blue creates mentally healthy environments and supports people across Australia – whatever their age and wherever they live.See details»

Our strategy - Beyond Blue

Our Vision is that all people in Australia achieve their best possible mental health. To achieve this, we are working towards five strategic goals.See details»

Beyond Blue - Wikipedia

Beyond Blue is an Australian mental health and wellbeing support organisation. They provide support programs to address issues related to depression, suicide, anxiety disorders and other …See details»

Beyond Blue - National Mental Health Commission

Apr 19, 2024 Beyond Blue Some days are better than others and we all need a helping hand from time to time. Beyond Blue is here to help all people in Australia achieve their best …See details»

Beyond Blue - healthdirect

Beyond Blue is a national, independent, not-for-profit organisation and a bipartisan initiative of the Australian, state and territory governments. Beyond Blue works in partnership with health services, schools, workplaces, …See details»

Contact us - Beyond Blue

Contact Beyond Blue head office by phone, website enquiry form or mail. Go to the 'Get support' page if you or someone you know needs support.See details»

Beyond Blue - Department of Health and Aged Care

Dec 8, 2023 Beyond Blue provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live.See details»

Beyond Blue - Life in Mind Australia

As well as tackling stigma, prejudice and discrimination, Beyond Blue is breaking down the barriers that prevent people from speaking up and reaching out. Beyond Blue is here for everyone in Australia – at work, home, school, university, …See details»

Beyond Blue - Better Health Channel

Beyond Blue is an organisation that provides a free online and telephone helpline for people with depression, anxiety or other mental health issues.See details»

Team Beyond Blue

Beyond Blue aims to equip everyone in Australia with the knowledge and skills they need to protect their own mental health. With your support, we are able to keep working to change the way people think about and take action on mental …See details»

Home - Beyond Blue Forums

Beyond Blue acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the Traditional Custodians of the land and acknowledges and pays respect to their Elders, past, present and …See details»

Get support - Beyond Blue

If you’re going through a hard time right now, the Beyond Blue Support Service is available 24/7 for brief counselling. Our counsellors will listen and help you find the extra mental health help …See details»

Beyond Blue | National Office for Child Safety

Beyond Blue provides phone or online support to equip people of all ages in Australia with the skills they need to look after their own mental health and wellbeing, and to create confidence …See details»

Learn about mental health - Beyond Blue - Beyond Blue

1 in 2 Australians struggle with mental health during their lifetime. Learn to look after your social and emotional wellbeing and support others.See details»

ReACH program - Leukaemia Foundation

Mar 13, 2025 This program is the first horizon in a three-phase vision and will deliver impact metrics and learning to enable future service deliver scale and expansion, supported by new …See details»

Mental health mission - Beyond Blue

Join us for a 30 day journey to better your mental health. Welcome to your Mental Health Mission! Based on Beyond Blue's Wellbeing Framework - Pause, Act, Connect and Enjoy (PACE), the …See details»

Donate - Beyond Blue - Beyond Blue

Your donation to Beyond Blue will support our mission to improve mental health, and help the lives of those affected by anxiety, depression and suicide.See details»

Partner with us - Beyond Blue

For 20 years, Beyond Blue has been a leading national mental health organisation dedicated to tackling anxiety and depression across the community. Through early intervention, our mission …See details»

Policy and advocacy - Beyond Blue

Our policy and advocacy priorities are preventing suicide, reducing stigma and discrimination, and mental health system reform.See details»

The Menopause 'Mind field' - Beyond Blue

That’s why Beyond Blue has brought together a panel of incredible speakers for a special conversation on the menopause “mind field” – lifting the lid on the mental health challenges of …See details» © 2022. All rights reserved