
bizi provides businesses to grow with a line of credit with immediate availability and customization.

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Bluevine investment in Seed Round - Bizi

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bizi Finance

ื‘ืชื•ื ื”ืจืฉืžื” ืงืฆืจื” ืœ bizi ื•ืงื‘ืœืช ืื™ืฉื•ืจ, ืžื•ื’ื“ืจ ืœืš ืงื• ืืฉืจืื™ - ื–ื•ื”ื™ ืžืขื™ืŸ ืžืกื’ืจืช ืœืœื ื›ืœ ืขืœื•ืช ืžืฆื™ื“ืš ื•ื‘ืคื•ืขืœ bizi ืžืขืžื™ื“ื” ืœืš ื›ืกืฃ ื–ืžื™ืŸ ืฉืžืฉื•ืจื™ื™ืŸ ืœื˜ื•ื‘ืช ื”ืขืกืง ืฉืœืš ืœื ื™ืฆื•ืœ ืžื™ื™ื“ื™.. ืงื• ืืฉืจืื™ ืœืขืกืงื™ื ืงื˜ื ื™ื ื•ื‘ื™ื ื•ื ื™ื™ื = 100% ืฉืœื™ื˜ื” ื‘ื™ื“ื™ื™ื ืฉืœืš, ืืคืฉืจ ืœืžืฉื•ืš ...See details»

Bizi - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Organization. Bizi . Connect to CRM . Save . Summary. Financials. People. Technology. Signals & News. Similar Companies. About. ... Contact Email โ€ฆSee details»

ื‘ื™ื–ื™ ืคื™ื ื ืกื™ื ื‘ืข"ืž โ€“ ื•ื™ืงื™ืคื“ื™ื”

ื‘ื™ื–ื™ (Bizi) ื”ื™ื ื—ื‘ืจื” ื‘ืชื—ื•ื ื”ืคื™ื ื˜ืง ื”ืžืกืคืงืช ืงื•ื•ื™ ืืฉืจืื™ ืœืขืกืงื™ื ืงื˜ื ื™ื ื•ื‘ื™ื ื•ื ื™ื™ื ื‘ืืžืฆืขื•ืช ืคืœื˜ืคื˜ืจืžื” ื“ื™ื’ื™ื˜ืœื™ืช ื™ื™ื—ื•ื“ื™ืช. ื”ื—ื‘ืจื” ืคื•ืขืœืช ื‘ืคื™ืงื•ื— ืจืฉื•ืช ืฉื•ืง ื”ื”ื•ืŸ, ื‘ื™ื˜ื•ื— ื•ื—ืกื›ื•ืŸ ื‘ื”ืชืื ืœืจื™ืฉื™ื•ืŸ ืฉืžืกืคืจื• 63565. See details»

ืงื• ืืฉืจืื™ ืœืขืกืงื™ื ืงื˜ื ื™ื ื•ื‘ื™ื ื•ื ื™ื™ื | bizi

ืงื• ืืฉืจืื™ ืœืขืกืงื™ื ืงื˜ื ื™ื ื•ื‘ื™ื ื•ื ื™ื™ื - ื“ื™ื’ื™ื˜ืœื™, ืžื”ื™ืจ ื•ืžืฉืชืœื ื‘ื—ื‘ืจื” ืขื ื’ื‘ ืฉืœ ื”ืคื ื™ืงืก, BlueVine ื•ืื•ืจืฉื™. bizi ืžืืคืฉืจืช ืœืขืกืง ืฉืœืš ืœืฆืžื•ื— ืขื ืงื• ืืฉืจืื™ ืœืœื ืขืžืœื•ืช ื•ืœืœื ืขืœื•ืชSee details»

bizi โ€“ ืขื•ื–ืจื™ื ื™ื—ื“ ืœื‘ืขืœื™ ื”ืขืกืงื™ื โ€“ ืžืกื’ืจืช ืืฉืจืื™ ืœืขืกืง ื‘ืงืœื™ืง

ื”ื˜ื›ื ื•ืœื•ื’ื™ื” ืฉืœ bizi ืžืืคืฉืจืช ืœื˜ืคืœ ื‘ืืœืคื™ ืขืกืงื™ื (ืขื•ืกืงื™ื ืžื•ืจืฉื™ื ื•ื—ื‘ืจื•ืช ื‘ืข"ืž), ืœืงื•ื—ื•ืช ื›ืœ ื”ื‘ื ืงื™ื, ื‘ืชื”ืœื™ืš ื“ื™ื’ื™ื˜ืœื™ ืžืœื ื”ืžืฆืจื™ืš ื“ืงื•ืช ื‘ืœื‘ื“ ืœื”ื’ืฉืช ื‘ืงืฉื”, ืœืœื ืฆื•ืจืš ืœืคืชื•ื— ื—ืฉื‘ื•ืŸ ื•/ืื• ืœืกืคืง ืžืกืžื›ื™ื, ื›ืืฉืจ ืื ื• ื™ื•ื“ืขื™ื โ€ฆSee details»

ืงื• ืืฉืจืื™ ืœืขืกืงื™ื ืงื˜ื ื™ื ื•ื‘ื™ื ื•ื ื™ื™ื | bizi

ื‘ืชื•ื ื”ืจืฉืžื” ืงืฆืจื” ืœ bizi ื•ืงื‘ืœืช ืื™ืฉื•ืจ, ืžื•ื’ื“ืจ ืœืš ืงื• ืืฉืจืื™ - ื–ื•ื”ื™ ืžืขื™ืŸ ืžืกื’ืจืช ืœืœื ื›ืœ ืขืœื•ืช ืžืฆื™ื“ืš ื•ื‘ืคื•ืขืœ bizi ืžืขืžื™ื“ื” ืœืš ื›ืกืฃ ื–ืžื™ืŸ ืฉืžืฉื•ืจื™ื™ืŸ ืœื˜ื•ื‘ืช ื”ืขืกืง ืฉืœืš ืœื ื™ืฆื•ืœ ืžื™ื™ื“ื™.. ืงื• ืืฉืจืื™ ืœืขืกืงื™ื ืงื˜ื ื™ื ื•ื‘ื™ื ื•ื ื™ื™ื = 100% โ€ฆSee details»

bizi - ืžืกื’ืจืช ืืฉืจืื™ ืœืขืกืง ื‘ืงืœื™ืง | LinkedIn

Bizi - ืžืกื’ืจืช ืืฉืจืื™ ืœืขืกืง ื‘ืงืœื™ืง | 876 ืขื•ืงื‘ื™ื ืขืœ ืœื™ื ืงื“ืื™ืŸ. On a mission to empower small businesses with innovative financial solutions designed for them | Bizi is on a mission to empower small โ€ฆSee details»

BIZI FINANCE LTD Company Profile - Dun & Bradstreet

Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for BIZI FINANCE LTD of RAMAT GAN, Central District. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.See details»

Bizi - Products, Competitors, Financials, Employees, Headquarters โ€ฆ

Bizi is a company focused on providing innovative financial solutions, operating within the financial services industry. Use the CB Insights Platform to explore Bizi's full profile. ... โ€ฆSee details»

Bizi - Overview, News & Similar companies |

Bizi's headquarters are located at Sapir Tower 40 Tuval St Fl 40, Ramat Gan, Israel What is Bizi's official website? Bizi's official website is What is Bizi's Revenue? Bizi's revenue โ€ฆSee details»

Bizi Company Profile - Office Locations, Competitors, Revenue

Bizi has 5 employees at their 1 location and $7.5 m in total funding,. See insights on Bizi including office locations, competitors, revenue, financials, executives, subsidiaries and more at Craft.See details»

Bizi Company Profile 2024: Valuation, Funding & Investors

Bizi General Information Description. Developer of a digital financial platform designed to provide credit for businesses. The company's platform helps businesses to grow with a line of credit โ€ฆSee details»

ืงื•ื•ื™ ืืฉืจืื™ ื—ื“ืฉ | bizi Finance

Bizi ืžืื•ื“ ื™ื“ื™ื“ื•ืชื™ืช ื•ืงืœื” ืœืžืฉืชืžืฉ. ื›ืœ ืชืงืœื” ื ืคืชืจื” ื‘ืžื”ื™ืจื•ืช,ืœืงื•ื—ื•ืชื™ื™ ื”ืจื•ื•ื™ื—ื• ืžืกื’ืจืช ืืฉืจืื™ ื–ืžื™ื ื” ื•ืžืฉืชืœืžืช. ... [email protected]. ื“ื‘ืจื• ืื™ืชื ื•, ืื ื—ื ื• ืขื•ื ื™ื :) ื‘ื•ื•ื˜ืกืืค: 054-826-6620.See details»

Bizi Asset Profile - Preqin

Founded in 2021 and based in Tel Aviv, Israel, Bizi operates as a financial solution provider for SMEs. In January 2022, Bizi raised USD 7.5 million in seed ... Disallowed. Yes No. Products. โ€ฆSee details»

Fintech startup Bizi raises $7.5 million Seed funding to offer SMBs ...

Jan 30, 2022 Fintech company Bizi, which provides small and medium-sized businesses in Israel with credit lines, has raised $7.5 million in Seed funding. The round was led by Israeli โ€ฆSee details»

ื‘ื™ื–ื™ ื”ื™ืฉืจืืœื™ืช ืชื—ืœ ืœื”ืขื ื™ืง ืืฉืจืื™ ืœืขืกืงื™ื ืงื˜ื ื™ื ืขืœ ื‘ืกื™ืก โ€ฆ

Jan 30, 2022 ื—ื‘ืจืช ื”ืคื™ื ื˜ืง ื‘ื™ื–ื™ (bizi), ื”ืžืขืžื™ื“ื” ืืฉืจืื™ ืœืขืกืงื™ื ืงื˜ื ื™ื ื•ื‘ื™ื ื•ื ื™ื™ื ื‘ื™ืฉืจืืœ, ื’ื™ื™ืกื” 7.5 ืžื™ืœื™ื•ืŸ ื“ื•ืœืจ ื‘ื’ื™ื•ืก ืกื™ื“. ืืช ืกื‘ื‘ ื”ื’ื™ื•ืก ื”ื•ื‘ื™ืœื” ื—ื‘ืจืช ื”ืคื™ื ื˜ืง BlueVine ืฉืขืœ ื‘ืกื™ืก ื”ื˜ื›ื ื•ืœื•ื’ื™ื” ืฉืœื” ืชืคืขืœ ื—ื‘ืจืช โ€ฆSee details»

Israeli FinTech Bizi Nets $7.5M for SMB Credit Lines -

According to the report, Bizi CEO and co-founder Ido Lustig said the company plans to give credit lines up to $156,900 in the countryโ€™s currency, which will apply for businesses with up to 20 ...See details»

Israeli Fintech Bizi Acquires $7.5M Via Seed Round To Provide โ€ฆ

Jan 31, 2022 In statements shared with Calalist, Bizi CEO and co-founder Ido Lustig noted that the firm will offer credit lines of up to NIS 500,000 (appr. $156,900) for companies with up to โ€ฆSee details»

New - bizi Finance

Fintech startup Bizi raises $7.5 million Seed funding to offer SMBs credit lines. ... [email protected]. ื“ื‘ืจื• ืื™ืชื ื•, ืื ื—ื ื• ืขื•ื ื™ื :) ื‘ื•ื•ื˜ืกืืค: 054-826-6620. ืœืชื•ื›ื ื™ืช ื”ืฉื•ืชืคื™ื ืฉืœื ื• ...See details»

ื‘ื ืงืื•ืช ืคืชื•ื—ื” | bizi Finance

ื‘ื ืงืื•ืช ืคืชื•ื—ื” ืžืืคืฉืจืช ืœืขืกืงื™ื ืงื˜ื ื™ื (ื‘ืฉืœื‘ ื–ื” ื‘ืขืœื™ ืžื—ื–ื•ืจ ืฉืœ ืขื“ 5 ืžื™ืœื™ื•ืŸ ืฉ"ื— ื•ื—ื•ืชื ื™ื—ื™ื“), ืœืฉืชืฃ ื‘ื ื• ืคืŸ ืžืื•ื‘ื˜ื— ื‘ืžื™ื“ืข ื”ืคื™ื ื ืกื™ ืฉืœื”ื ืขื ื—ื‘ืจื•ืช ืฉืงื‘ืœื• ืื™ืฉื•ืจ ืœืฉื™ืžื•ืฉ ื‘ื‘ื ืงืื•ืช ืคืชื•ื—ื”. ืขื“ ื”ื™ื•ื, ื”ื›ื— (ื”ื™ื“ืข) ื”ื™ื” โ€ฆSee details» © 2022. All rights reserved