In 1978, the City of Buffalo established the Buffalo Economic Renaissance Corporation (BERC) as a public-private partnership organization eligible to receive federal economic development aid and designed to more appropriately involve the private sector in City economic development initiatives. BERC is a Section 501(c)(4), not-for-profit local development corporation pursuant to the statutes of New York State. BERC also qualifies under HUD and EDA regulations to receive funding as a local deve... lopment corporation. It is a membership corporation that meets SBA requirements. BERC was modeled after the Philadelphia (PA) Industrial Development Council (PIDC). BERC's semi-independent operation is representative of most urban economic development corporations nationally. Unlike many of its counterparts in other medium-sized U.S. cities, BERC is a comprehensive, effective and successful economic development corporation. It successfully places a high priority on creating jobs, recruits and maintains excellent and aggressive staff, and enjoys a close working relationship with the City of Buffalo, the ECIDA, New York State, the federal government and area banks. BERC offers several incubator locations: - The Beverly A Gray Business Services Incubator - Buffalo Free Trade Complex (BFTC) - Can-Am Building - Market Arcade Complex - River Rock Industrial Incubator - William Gaiter Parkway
Buffalo, New York, United States
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More informations about "Buffalo Economic Renaissance Corporation"
Your Parks, Our Purpose | BREC.org
BREC commissioned a study from the nationally respected organization Trust for Public Land to determine a dollar value for the impact the park system has on the East Baton Rouge Parish …See details»
about - BREC
[email protected] BREC operates public park and recreation facilities and programs throughout East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, USA. This award-winning agency is a member of the National …See details»
2024Fall_ProgramGuideWEB - Flipbook by BREC - FlipHTML5
Jul 11, 2024 volunteer.brec.org. Teams/organizations with multiple teams. and/or age groups are required to have more than one (1) coach per team per age group. League Play: Dec. 14 …See details»
Volunteer Portal - BREC
BREC Volunteer Portal. Volunteers. Find an Opportunity Login FAQ About New Link Close. Close. Back to Previous. Login or Register. 999 Attempts remaining. Facebook login …See details»
Volunteer Portal - BREC
My Organization BREC Outdoor Adventures Bluebonnet Swamp Nature Center Conservation Golf Farr Park Equestrian Center Zoo Athletics Community Events Adaptive Recreation Bluebonnet …See details»
BREC - LinkedIn
BREC is the agency that connects people to parks and nature in East Baton Rouge Parish. It is a political subdivision of the state of Louisiana created in 1946 to develop, maintain and operate ...See details»
BREC - 2022 Annual Report
BREC Commission. Vision Statement. Unique Park System: What BREC Did Really Well in 2022. Proving it: 3 Ways BREC Measures What it Did Well in 2022. Continuous Improvement. …See details»
Volunteer Baton Rouge - Giving Back to the Community
With a range of facilities and programs, from Volunteer Tree Planting to clean-up and events, BREC has a volunteer opportunity for everyone. Check out this short video to see how BREC involves the community in making our home better, …See details»
Volunteer Portal
© 2019 BREC Copyright | Contact UsSee details»
Human Resources | BREC.org
BREC operates public park and recreation facilities and programs throughout East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, USA. This award-winning agency is a member of NRPA (The National …See details»
History of Growth - BREC Foundation
The initial directors incorporated the organization, established a set of By-laws and received a 501(c) (3) designation from the Internal Revenue Service. When the BREC Commission adopted the 2004 operating budget, funding was appropriated to help the BREC Foundation set up more formal operations and to cover basic administrative costs.See details»
Employment - BREC's Baton Rouge Zoo
BREC's Baton Rouge Zoo offers many exciting and enriching career opportunities. From keepers to guest services, there is a position to challenge and reward you. To apply to work at the Zoo, …See details»
Highland Road Community Park - Wikipedia
Highland Road Community Park or Highland Road Park, is a 144.4-acre (0.584 km 2) public park in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. [1] The Recreation and Park Commission for the Parish of East …See details»
Megan J. Williams - Project Manager - Gatorworks
Manage brec.org content and assist with refining content for best user experience. Supervise Digital Communications division staff. ... • Directed daily organization of department through ...See details»
Certifications - Business Retention and Expansion International
The BRE Coordinator (BREC) certification is the entry-level certification designed for those with a working knowledge and application of BRE, but have not yet risen to the level of long-standing …See details»
volunteer Manual - BREC
Table of contents introduction definitions 2 about volunteer brec 2 purpose of volunteer manual 2 application and selection volunteer application 3 volunteer process 3 group volunteer process …See details»
ABOUT US | Brussels Energy Club
BREC was registered as a Belgian not-for-profit organization in March 2012 and hosted its first-ever public event in June of that same year. We are part of the world network of energy clubs: …See details»
Brevard County Republican Executive Committee - Facebook
Jan 5, 2009 The Executive Committee is the extension of the Republican Party of Florida in Brevard County. It is a grassroots organization composed of men and women who represent …See details»
Extreme Sports Camps | BREC.org
More info: 225-776-9039 or [email protected] . Extreme sports summer camp is a great summer camp for kids who enjoy getting a little bit extreme! While attending camp, kids will receive …See details»