
Bursa provides wastewater treatment technologies and water management solutions for reservoirs, water sources, pumping stations and sewers.

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Construction Environmental Engineering Waste Management


Banská Bystrica, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

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Official Site Inspections


  • Host name: ing.r1.websupport.sk
  • IP address:
  • Location: Slovakia
  • Latitude: 48.6667
  • Longitude: 19.5
  • Timezone: Europe/Bratislava

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More informations about "Bursa"


Bursa, projektovanie a inžiniering vodohospodárskych stavieb a ekologických stavieb, technológie na čistenie odpadových vôd. Voda je limitujúcim faktorom pre existenciu života na zemi, nielen …See details»

Bursa - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Bursa provides wastewater treatment technologies and water management solutions for reservoirs, water sources, pumping stations and sewers. ... Contact Email [email protected]; …See details»


Bursa, projektovanie a inžiniering vodohospodárskych stavieb a ekologických stavieb, technológie na čistenie odpadových vôd. Firma . Firma vznikla ako stavebná projektová a obchodná …See details»

BCCI - Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Nov 29, 2023 The Largest Companies in Bursa Revealed Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BTSO) announced the results of the 'Bursa 250 Largest Companies Survey-2022', …See details»


Bursa, projektovanie a inžiniering vodohospodárskych stavieb a ekologických stavieb, technológie na čistenie odpadových vôd. Water is a limiting factor for the existence of life on the earth, not …See details»

Bursa, S.r.o. - Banská Bystrica 974 01 (Okres Banská ... - Kompass

Designing and engineering of water and ecological constructions (water supply, water reservoirs, water resources, pumping stations, sewerage, sewage treatment plants, treatment and …See details»

BURSA, s.r.o. - zisk, tržby, hospodárske výsledky a účtovné závierky

Spoločnosť BURSA, s.r.o. v roku 2023 zvýšila zisk z 11 477 € na 165 392 € a tržby jej narástli o 95 % na 512 094 €. ... Spoločnosť FinStat s. r. o. ako prevádzkovateľ webového portálu …See details»

Bursa Büyükşehir Belediyesi S.K. - Wikipedia

Bursa Büyükşehir Belediyesi Spor Kulübü, also known as Bursa Büyükşehir Belediyespor or simply Bursa B.B. SK, is a Turkish multi-sport club sponsored by the Metropolitan Municipality …See details»

Bratislava Stock Exchange - Wikipedia

Bratislava Stock Exchange. Bratislava Stock Exchange (Slovak: Burza cenných papierov v Bratislave, abbr. BSSE, BCPB) is a Stock Exchange in Bratislava, that began its existence on …See details»

Organisation Structure - Bursa Malaysia

To receive latest announcement, you can follow a company by clicking follow button on the company profile page.See details»

Bursa - Wikipedia

Bursa (Turkish pronunciation:) is a city in northwestern Turkey and the administrative center of Bursa Province.The fourth-most populous city in Turkey and second-most populous in the …See details»

Kontakt - Bursa

E-mail: [email protected]. Identifikačné údaje. IČO: 36055123 DIČ: 2020095825 IČ pre DPH: SK2020095825 Spoločnosť zapísaná v obchodnom registri: OS Banská Bystrica, odd.: Sro …See details»

Public Support for Ukraine - Government of Saskatchewan

The registration includes options for businesses and organizations to identify monetary and non-monetary donations and offers of employment. For other inquiries, please contact the UCC …See details»

The Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan | Details - University of Regina

Sheptytsky Institute. The history of the Sheptytsky Institute begins with the formation of the Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood in Saskatchewan in 1932. In 1934, the Brotherhood …See details»

Bursa – Wikipédia

Malá mešita v meste Bursa Svetové dedičstvo UNESCO. Bursa, (gr. Προύσα Prusa), je mesto na severozápade Turecka, v historickom regióne Bitýnia, pri hore Uludağ (gr. Olympos).Je …See details»

27 Best Things To Do In Bursa, Turkey - Trip101

Oct 29, 2021 Some of them are also members of professional organizations like the Society of American Travel Writers and the International Travel Writers and Photographers Alliance. ...See details»

Bursitis of the shoulder - SaskHealthAuthority

Jul 31, 2024 Bursitis of the shoulder is inflammation of the bursa found between the bone at the top of the shoulder (the acromion), the upper arm bone (humerus), and the tendons and …See details»


Bursa, projektovanie a inžiniering vodohospodárskych stavieb a ekologických stavieb, technológie na čistenie odpadových vôd. Projekty . Vodné zdroje a ochranné pásma vodných zdrojov, …See details»

Bursitis - SaskHealthAuthority

Bursitis is a painful swelling of a small sac of fluid called a bursa. Bursae (plural of bursa) cushion and lubricate areas where tendons, ligaments, skin, muscles, or bones rub against each other. …See details»

Bursa, Turkey Guide - Turkey Travel Planner

May 26, 2024 Bursa's Covered Market (Kapalı Çarşı), while smaller than Istanbul's grand bazaar, serves as the heart of a larger bazaar district in Bursa.Located near the Great Mosque …See details»

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