caHub is a part of Biorepositories and Biospecimen Research Branch, a biomedical research community under the National Cancer Institute.
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More informations about "caHUB"
Cancer - Specimen Resource Locator
Join over 40 other organizations. ... Repository managers of domestic and publicly funded repositories that wish to make biospecimens more widely available to the cancer research …See details»
BBRB - Cancer
Mar 29, 2016 The lack of standardized, high-quality biospecimens is widely recognized as a significant roadblock to cancer research. Over the past several years, the National Cancer …See details»
National cancer institute specimen resource locator – OSTR
The Specimen Resource Locator (SRL) is a biospecimen resource database designed to help researchers locate resources that may have the samples needed for their investigational use. …See details»
Biospecimen Resources for Population Scientists - Cancer
Sep 30, 2024 Best Practices and Standard Operating Procedures for Biospecimens The Biorepositories and Biospecimen Research Branch (BBRB) in NCI's Division of Cancer …See details»
SRL | Frequently Asked Questions - Cancer
The SRL is administered by the NCI Cancer Diagnosis Program, Pathology Investigation and Resources Branch. The SRL is hosted and maintained by Information Management Services, …See details»
NCTN Biospecimen Banks
NCTN biospecimens are available to investigators from the cancer research community based on a review and approval by the NCTN Core Correlative Sciences Committee (NCTN-CCSC). …See details»
Patient Corner | BBRB - Cancer
Did you know? The NCI-MATCH Trial and GTEx are just two examples of how biospecimens are being used to aid our understanding of how diseases develop.. Biospecimens are helping to …See details»
Patient Corner | BBRB - Cancer
Biospecimen and Biorepository Basics What are biospecimens? Biospecimens are materials taken from the human body, such as tissue, blood, plasma, and urine that can be used for …See details»
CHTN - Cooperative Human Tissue Network
The CHTN is a unique NCI supported resource that provides human tissues and fluids from routine procedures to investigators who utilize human biospecimens in their research. Unlike tissue banks, the CHTN works prospectively with …See details»
Human Specimen Resources | Resources | CDP - Cancer
Jul 31, 2023 The Cancer Diagnosis Program strives to improve the diagnosis and assessment of cancer by effectively moving new scientific knowledge into clinical practice. This national …See details»
The Biospecimen Research Database - National Institutes of Health
The Biospecimen Research Database (BRD) is a free and publicly accessible database that contains a literature repository of peer-reviewed articles in human Biospecimen Science and a …See details»
Donate Your Data and Specimens for Cancer Research
Nov 1, 2024 Samples, also called biospecimens, might include tumor tissue, blood, and urine. Sample and data donations are a critical resource for cancer research because they provide …See details»
BioLINCC - Biologic Specimen and Data Repository Information ...
PETAL-VIOLET Biospecimens Available 2024-11-14. Biospecimens from the Prevention and Early Treatment of Acute Lung Injury (PETAL) Clinical Trials Network – Vitamin D to Improve …See details»
SRL | Search Repositories - Cancer
Your Organization Select criteria... Academia. Government. Non-Profit. Other. Commercial. ... Dan L. Duncan Cancer Center at Baylor College of Medicine, Population Sciences …See details»
NCI Best Practices for Biospecimen Resources - Cancer
The lack of standardized, high-quality biospecimens is widely recognized as a significant roadblock to cancer research. Over the past several years, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) …See details»
Specimen Resource Locator - Cancer
Join over 40 other organizations. ... Repository managers of domestic and publicly funded repositories that wish to make biospecimens more widely available to the cancer research …See details»
Standard Operating Procedures for Biospecimen Collection, …
A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States . Secure .gov websites use HTTPS ... Keywords: Standard operating procedures, pancreas, biospecimens …See details»
The Use of Biospecimens in Population-Based Research: A Review …
Data available for 1,018 extramural, peer-reviewed grants (active as of July 2012) supported by the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS), the NCI Division that …See details»
Patient Corner | BBRB - Cancer
Because biospecimens play such a key role in cancer research, NCI has led a pioneering effort over the past five years to standardize and improve biorepositories, getting input from leaders …See details»
CancerSCEM 2.0: an updated data resource of single ... - Oxford …
Oct 26, 2024 It also introduces a new cancer metabolic map at the single-cell level, providing an intuitive understanding of metabolic regulation across different cancer types. CancerSCEM 2.0 …See details»