
CEME Informatics has efective and secure applications and management solutions, very close to the real needs of its users. Designed in a modular way, so that they grow and adapt to the evolution of the company. They sell and installation of equipment and all kinds of spare parts and consumables.

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Software Engineering Web Design Web Development


Badajoz, Extremadura, Spain


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+34 924 25 93 07

Email Addresses:
[email protected]

Official Site Inspections


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  • Location: Spain
  • Latitude: 40.4172
  • Longitude: -3.684
  • Timezone: Europe/Madrid

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More informations about "CEME Informatics"

Meet our Team - ceoe.es

Here we set out the CEOE’s organizational structure. Here we set out the CEOE’s organizational structure. Skip to main content CEOE News. Company. Economy. International ...See details»

Organization - ceoe.es

Its criteria and analyses are submitted to the Confederation’s governing bodies and form the basis of the CEOE’s actions. ... Tel. 915 663 400 Email. [email protected] CIF- G28496636. All our …See details»

Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empresariales

Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empresariales (Spanish Confederation of Employers' Organizations), or CEOE, is a Spanish institution founded in June 1977 that represents the Spanish business community. It includes state-owned and private companies in all sectors. It is a member of BusinessEurope. See details»

CEOE: all business in a single organisation - CEOExEuropa

Main Headquarters Diego de León, 50. 28006-Madrid (Spain) +34 915 663 400 – [email protected] CEOE Delegation to the EU Avenue de Cortenbergh, 89. B-1000 Brussels (Belgium) +32 (0) …See details»

Confederación Española de Organizaciones …

C/Diego de León, 50 E-28006 Madrid President : Mr Antonio Garamendi Secretary General: Mr José Alberto González-Ruiz Tel.: +34 91 566 34 00 Fax: +34 91 562 25 62See details»

Confederació Espanyola d'Organitzacions Empresarials

La Confederació Espanyola d'Organitzacions Empresarials, CEOE (en castellà Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empresariales) és una institució espanyola fundada al juny de …See details»

CEOE: all companies in one organization

CEOE: all companies in one organization It represents and defends Spanish companies and entrepreneurs. Founded in 1977, the Spanish Confederation of Business Organisations …See details»

Confederacion Espanola de Organizaciones Empresariales

Confederacion Espanola de Organizaciones Empresariales is a representative body focused on defending the interests of Spanish employers across various sectors. The organization …See details»

Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empresariales

Spanish business organization. This page was last edited on 29 September 2024, at 12:37. All structured data from the main, Property, Lexeme, and EntitySchema namespaces is available …See details»

Confederació Empresarial de Madrid-CEOE - Viquipèdia, …

Aquesta última es va unir a l'AIEM, i el 28 de febrer de 1978, 24 associacions i 82 empreses van signar l'acta de constitució de la Confederació Empresarial Independent de Madrid de la …See details»

B20 BUSINESS SUMMIT | The B20 Business organizations - CEOE

The Confederation of Employers and Industries of Spain (CEOE), founded in 1977, is the major representative institution of the Spanish business community, with a voluntary membership of …See details»

The Confederation - CEOE

The CEOE is the main representative of companies in Spain before the Government, State bodies, trade union organizations, political parties and international institutions. In Europe, the …See details»

Confederació Espanyola de la Petita i Mitjana Empresa

La Confederació Espanyola de la Petita i Mitja Empresa (CEPYME) es creà el 22 de setembre de 1977 com una Organització Professional de caràcter confederatiu i intersectorial, d'àmbit …See details»

Antonio Garamendi - Wikipedia

Antonio Garamendi Lecanda (Getxo, 8 February 1958) is a Spanish businessman, current president of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE). [1] He previously …See details»

Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empresariales

Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empresariales or CEOE, is a Spanish institution founded in June 1977 that represents the Spanish business community. It includes state …See details»

Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE)

CEOE seems to broadly support energy efficiency policy for buildings, supporting the Renovation Wave strategy in an April 2024 position paper. However, in November 2022 the news outlet El …See details»

Consultative Bodies - ceoe.es

The Committees and Boards, along with the CEOE’s various departments and services, are responsible for studying and debating sectoral issues and economic and labour policy. Its …See details»

CEOE CEPYME Empresas de Salamanca - CEOE CEPYME …

Organización empresarial con más de 40 años, CEOE CEPYME Salamanca representa y defiende los intereses de los empresarios de Salamanca. Somos la voz de los empresarios …See details»

What do we do? - CEOE

Since its foundation in 1977, CEOE has represented and advanced the interests of Spanish businesspeople. It brings together, on a voluntary basis, most companies and sole traders of …See details»