CNEX is a non-profit foundation devoted to the production and promotion of documentaries of the Chinese people.
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More informations about "CNEX"
CNEX - 给下一代太平盛世的备忘录 Looking for Chinese 2.0
2020年cnex華人紀錄片提案大會(ccdf-11) 徵案時間:台灣時間2020年4月1日起至5月15日 2019年CNEX華人紀錄片提案大會(CCDF-10) 第十届CNEX华人纪录片提案大 …See details»
CNEX基金會 – 北京 -
Cnex後續還在入選提案中支持了4個提案完成短片製作,並進一步通過這些作品推動相關議題討論,提升大眾的問題意識。 片長與影片主題類型不限,徵求各種跨媒體形式的創作,無論是 #紀 …See details»
CNEX - 给下一代太平盛世的备忘录 Looking for Chinese 2.0
CNEX首页Homepage; 关于CNEXAbout Us; CNEX年度主题Annual Theme; 监制影片Productions; 纪录片频道Channel; 校园巡展Campus Tour; 媒体聚焦Press Area; DVD购买DVD Store; …See details»
CNEX基金會 – 台北
Cnex後續還在入選提案中支持了4個提案完成短片製作,並進一步通過這些作品推動相關議題討論,提升大眾的問題意識。 片長與影片主題類型不限,徵求各種跨媒體形式的創作,無論是 #紀 …See details»
Cnex 的徵案补助拍摄不同于一般捐赠性质的补助行为,cnex 以创造文化产业规模经济为远景,所有的文字报告和影像作品,最终将製成系列出版物向海内外发行推广,创造不容忽视的影响力与历史价值。 年度主题. 2007 「$」 2008 「梦想 …See details»
CNEX aspires to become a platform supporting Chinese documentary filmmakers to enhance a sustainable strategy for the contemporary Chinese documentary making. CNEX aims to …See details»
CNEX团队 - CNEX - 给下一代太平盛世的备忘录 Looking for …
非常认同CNEX的远见与自我期许,因此不但资助CNEX并同时贡献自己的一份力量推广CNEX。 期待有朝一日CNEX所监制拍摄的影片都能感动到人心,也能透过影像的纪录帮助各类慈善团 …See details»
CNEX Foundation - Devex
CNEX is a nonprofit cultural and creative civil society organizations from the three places of those who love documentaries, and currently by the Beijing International Exchange Association, …See details»
CNEX - 給下一代太平盛世的備忘錄 Looking for Chinese 2.0
2017 cnex主題紀錄片影展完整片單公開! 今年的 CNEX主題紀錄片影展以「承諾承擔」為題,除了有【烽火餘燼錄】、 【以小博大】及 【凝視自我】三大單元外,更會回顧十年來CNEX製 …See details»
CNEX - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Organization. CNEX . Connect to CRM . Save . Summary. People. Technology. Signals & News. Similar Companies. About. ... Contact Email [email protected]; CNEX is a non-profit …See details»
CNEX Foundation: Contact Details and Business Profile
What is CNEX CNEX is the short form of “Chinese Next” and “See Next”. It’s a non-profit foundation devoted to the production and promotion of documentaries of the Chinese people. …See details»
CNEX Foundation - LinkedIn
What is CNEX CNEX is the short form of “Chinese Next” and “See Next”. It’s a non-profit foundation devoted to the production and promotion of documentaries of the Chinese people.See details»
CNEX - 给下一代太平盛世的备忘录 Looking for Chinese 2.0
CNEX Special Present. Look Love; YE Yun; China2015 / 146mins / HDV; The film depicts the lives of a father and his sons living in the mountain area of Hunan Province, as well as the …See details»
CNEX Foundation - Company Profile & Staff Directory - ContactOut
What is CNEX CNEX is the short form of “Chinese Next” and “See Next”. It’s a non-profit foundation devoted to the production and promotion of documentaries of the Chinese people. …See details»
CNEX Foundation - Overview, News & Similar companies - ZoomInfo
Jun 26, 2019 View CNEX Foundation ( location in Beijing, China , revenue, industry and description. Find related and similar companies as well as employees by title and …See details»
CNEX - 给下一代太平盛世的备忘录 Looking for Chinese 2.0
塑料王国 Plastic China; 王久良; 中国2017 / 82min; 耗时五年制作,改变世界贸易政策的纪录片!在现代先进文明的外衣之下,被丢弃的废旧塑被运往中国,在偏乡无人问津的角落成为喂养 …See details»
CCC Ex product Certification Body and Test Laboratory - CNEx
Aug 29, 2019 CNEx was announced as one of the first state-authorized CCC certification body and laboratory for Ex products. CNEx is a long-standing international certification body and …See details»
CCC Ex Leading Expert for Ex Products Sold in China -
Jan 20, 2024 It is a partner of the China National Quality Supervision and Test Center for Explosion Protected Electrical Products (CQST), and are both part of the CNEx Group. The …See details»
给下一代太平盛世的备忘录 Looking for Chinese 2.0 - CNEX
2. 最佳提桉3名:提桉大会中将选出最佳提桉3名,获选者可选择由cnex协助推荐到其他的国际创投会提桉,或由cnex担任製作方展开国际製片与融资。 3. 首奖:奖金新台币30万元作为拍摄种 …See details»
给下一代太平盛世的备忘录 Looking for Chinese 2.0 - CNEX
伞; 杜海滨; 中国2007 / 93min / HDV; 农,是中国赖以生存的根基。如今,这些农民们,已经像伞一样被撑开,以士农工商兵等不同面貌,覆盖在中国所有经济最活跃的脉搏上。See details»