
More than just a place to take classes, Coastal Bend College prides itself on blending the lines between learning and living. Located in rural Beeville, Texas, Coastal Bend offers standard two-year degrees and certificates in medical careers, the arts and sciences, and others. Beyond its academics, Coastal Bend travels a unique path in being one of the few U.S. community colleges to offer on-campus dormitory housing. Consequently, Coastal Bend students have the opportunity to participate in ca... mpus clubs, organizations and other activities. Because of its unique campus lifestyle, Coastal Bend manages to attract students from beyond its county and even state lines. In fact, Coastal Bend College even has a program that hosts international students. Coastal Bendโ€™s appreciation and cultivation of life beyond the classroom extends into its student service offerings as well. These include assistance with online and classroom study skills, tutoring, and personal instruction with computers. Also, career and academic counselors are accessible, with their email addresses and phone numbers listed on the school website. Financial aid offerings for eligible students include loans and a certain number of scholarships, one of which includes a free dorm room for students who live farther than 50 miles from Coastal Bend.

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