
Constantin Partners is a seed and early-stage venture fund focused primarily on seed-stage software and internet infrastructure companies. Constantin is typically the first money institutional money into a company - either with or immediately after the friends-and-family round. Over the past 10 years of investing, the portfolio has included such companies as Bazaarvoice, Tripwire Security Systems, EzRez Software, Coremetrics, Experience Project, and Garage Technology Ventures.

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Julie Constantin
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Investments List

Date Company Article Money raised
2012-07-27 Kanjoya Constantin Partners investment in Series C - Kanjoya 3.87 M USD
2008-06-18 Bazaarvoice Constantin Partners investment in Series C - Bazaarvoice 7.1 M USD
2008-05-13 Kanjoya Constantin Partners investment in Series B - Kanjoya 3 M USD
2007-09-01 Bazaarvoice Constantin Partners investment in Series B - Bazaarvoice 8.8 M USD
2007-08-01 Switchfly Constantin Partners investment in Series B - Switchfly 15 M USD
2006-05-01 Bazaarvoice Constantin Partners investment in Series A - Bazaarvoice 4 M USD
2004-11-01 Switchfly Constantin Partners investment in Series A - Switchfly 1000 K USD
2004-09-01 BitPass Constantin Partners investment in Series B - BitPass 11.8 M USD
2003-07-01 BitPass Constantin Partners investment in Series A - BitPass 1.5 M USD
2001-02-01 Atlantes Services Constantin Partners investment in Venture Round - Atlantes Services 5.75 M USD

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