
D7 Sounds is a digital record label and radio platform. It also creates, curates, and produces music for individuals. The company comprises of several different genres and many styles of online music streaming such as BOULDER MOUNTAIN SOUND, FAMOUS HITS LIVE, Hit Parade Radio, and BAM RADIO. The musical artists of the company are Swamphammer and Deacon Jones Blues. The online store provides music CDs such as Country in the USA by Liz Kilgo and Jonesin’ for Money by Deacon Jones. Management services of the company are representation, artist management, entertainment consultation, database directories, event management, and marketing services. D7 Sounds is a U.S.-based company was founded in 2015 by Richard Varrasso and Dennis Sanfilippo.

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Digital Media Internet Radio Music Music Streaming Supply Chain Management


Copperopolis, California, United States

United States

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Total Funding:
25 K USD

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Current Employees Featured


Richard Varrasso
Richard Varrasso General Manager @ D7 Sounds LLC
General Manager



Dennis Sanfilippo


Richard Varrasso

Investors List


Dennis Sanfilippo

Dennis Sanfilippo investment in Angel Round - D7 Sounds LLC


Eddie Money

Eddie Money investment in Angel Round - D7 Sounds LLC

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More informations about "D7 Sounds LLC"

D7 Sounds LLC - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

D7 Sounds is a digital record label and radio platform. It also creates, curates, and produces music for individuals. The company comprises of several different genres and many styles of …See details»

The Sound Organisation | High Fidelity Audio Equipment

The Sound Organisation is the wholesaler and importer of record for many high end audio equipment manufacturers. Learn more about our HiFi audio brands, speakers, turntables, and …See details»

Welcome to The Sound Organisation - The Sound Organisation

Jan 14, 2019 How much do you know about The Sound Organisation? We sat down with Steve Daniels, President of The Sound Organisation to learn more about the history of TSO, meet …See details»

D7 Sounds LLC - Funding, Financials, Valuation & Investors

How much funding has this organization raised over time? Show . Announced Date . Transaction Name . Number of Investors . Money Raised . Lead Investors . Oct 11, 2015: Angel Round - …See details»

D7 Sounds LLC - Contacts, Employees, Board Members

D7 Sounds is a digital record label and radio platform.See details»

A Visit to The Sound Organisation

Dec 15, 2014 The Sound Organisation (TSO), distributors of DALI loudspeakers, Rega turntables and electronics, PMC loudspeakers, Chord cables, and various and sundry high …See details»

Rega Nd7 Cartridge | The Sound Organisation

The all new Nd7 moving magnet cartridge was developed over 10 years and promises to deliver ‘next level’ performance from moving magnet technology. The Nd range (patent pending) is a …See details»

Definitive Technology Demand D7 Bookshelf Speakers Review

Dec 4, 2017 This is a video review of the Demand Series bookshelf speaker system from Definitive Technology, an AVS Forum Top Choice 2017 winner.For more from AVS Forum ...See details»

Anyone any experience with Definitive Tech Demand D7 Speakers?

Mar 13, 2020 The D7 can play pretty loud despite having 85db sensitivity but you need to have atlest 50 clean watt, meaning more than 50 watt pr channel and it has a really good tight deep …See details»

AKG D7 Dynamic Supercardioid Microphone - AVShop

4 days ago AKG D7 Dynamic Supercardioid Microphone [D7] - Dynamic Mics: AKG's new reference dynamic microphone delivers high end performance and noble sound in every studio …See details»

dp sounds – Ballet class music by Dmitry Polischuk

This site aims to help dancers and dance teachers compile classes with the music they need, for practice or teaching. You may purchase compiled class sets of 30 tracks, or pick individual …See details»

Spendor D7.2 Heads to the Top of the Class in Hi-Fi Choice

Spendor has a long and storied history as one of the United Kingdom's premiere loudspeaker manufacturers. But, while many storied brands have struggled to modernize, Spendor has …See details»

Spendor D7 Loudspeaker - The Absolute Sound

Feb 18, 2016 The critical midrange was the D7’s strongest suit. Male vocals such as Tom Waits singing “Georgia Lee” possessed solid chest tones, and remained coherent and of a piece …See details»

Review: The Spendor D7 Loudspeakers - Wall of Sound

Nov 4, 2018 Steve: Good god man, Miss ‘K’ was the best part(s) of the review -by a long shot. Bless her ! Soooo, is the D-7 a ‘2.5-way’, or not ? I have no doubt these are fine loudspeakers, …See details»

40 Years of the DX7 – Ring Those FM Bells! - gearnews.com

May 29, 2023 The Technology. Dr John Chowning is widely known as the man who discovered FM synthesis. During his computer music studies at Stanford University, within the CCRMA …See details»

Demand 7 | Audio Gurus

Our Verdict. Definitive Technology Demand D7 s hows impressive stereo performance. Use them a front, rear or surround speakers. This pair of speakers can produce high-fidelity music.See details»

A Decade in the Making: The Rega Nd7 - The Sound Organisation

Aug 23, 2024 A wave of new moving magnet cartridges from Rega has over taken the hi-fi space. Three to be exact make up the Nd series. We’ve recently covered the Nd3 in depth, but …See details»

Black Ice: The Science of the Yamaha DX7 - 5 Magazine

Apr 26, 2019 E. PIANO 1 is probably the most famous (or infamous, depending on who is telling the story) patch on the Yamaha DX7. Through variations using the sustain pedal and stereo …See details»

Definitive Technology Demand D7 Speakers (Video Review)

Dec 4, 2017 Definitive Technology Demand D7 bookshelf speakers... At CEDIA 2017 Definitive Technology unveiled the new Demand Series consisting of three bookshelf models, the …See details»

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