DAM specializes in the field of manufacture special machines for physical measurements.
Industrial Engineering Machinery Manufacturing Manufacturing
Villeurbanne, Rhone-Alpes, France
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Official Site Inspections
- Host name: srv179.fazae.com
- IP address:
- Location: Rouen France
- Latitude: 49.4313
- Longitude: 1.08
- Timezone: Europe/Paris
- Postal: 76000

More informations about "DAM"
Design & manufacturing of test & measurement …
It all started for us 35 years ago, at the dawn of the digital revolution, which was going to change the world. Since 1987, DAM Group has been designing turn-key tests, measurement and assembly solutions mainly for the Automotive …See details»
Special machines, test benches, assembly line, hydraulics, hydrogen
Dam group selected by caf reichschoffen plant with over… illiana effantin. love 0. news. 16 august 2023 dam group awaits you in bremen at the end of september for hydrogen technology expo …See details»
International Commission on Large Dams
Sep 12, 2011 The International Commission On Large Dams is a non-governmental International Organization, providing a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience in …See details»
Home - Canadian Dam Association (CDA-ACB)
The Canadian Dam Association is a group of Owners, Operators, Regulators, Consultants and Suppliers interested in dams and reservoirs. CDA provides a forum for the exchange of ideas …See details»
Contact - DAM Group
Fabricant machine spéciale, banc d'essai, machine d'assemblage, expert gestion des fluides, étanchéité, hydrogène, acoustique, thermique, simulationSee details»
French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, or CEA (French: Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives), is a French public government-funded …See details»
DAM - Display website
Founded over 35 years ago, DAM Group is a 50-person SME with operations in France (Villeurbanne) and China. The group designs turnkey test and measurement solutions for all …See details»
Defence and security - CEA
— The IS25 infrasound station, built by the CEA/DAM and installed in Guadeloupe, was certified on 25 November 2020 by the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation …See details»
Central Dam Safety Organization (CDSO) | Dam Safety Organisation
The Dam Safety Organization in CWC has made efforts in creating awareness in the country and has succeeded to a large extent in convincing the States towards creation of Dam Safety …See details»
DAM Group - Villeurbanne, France - chemeurope.com
Since 1987, DAM Group has been designing turn-key tests, measurement and assembly solutions mainly for the Automotive industrie. Constantly seeking new challenges and passionate about …See details»
The CEA's Military applications division (Direction des applications militaires, DAM) is involved in the fight against nuclear proliferation and terrorism, which includes contributing its expertise to …See details»
Jan 9, 2024 p.pacot@dam.fr +336 12 32 86 61; Stanislas de FONT-REAULX, Sales Engineer Specialized in Hydrogen: s.defontreaulx@dam.fr +336 23 19 50 02 . You’ll also find all the …See details»
Home - US Society on Dams
WELCOME TO THE United States Society on Dams USSD is a world class organization of dam industry professionals who advance the environmentally sustainable science of planning, …See details»
OnDAM 2024 - The Premier Digital Asset Management …
Introducing for the first time at #OnDAM 2024, the DAM Award celebrates excellence in Digital Asset Management by recognizing the world’s most outstanding DAM projects. This …See details»
Cambodia dam project - equipment needed 4 - Eng-Tips
Oct 10, 2006 I am involved with the New York chapter of Engineers Without Borders, a non-profit humanitarian organization. We have recently taken on a fast paced project in Cambodia …See details»
Aprimo DAM prerequisites for Trados Customer Portal
You need to know your Aprimo DAM credentials before using the Aprimo DAM connector. Le contenu n'est pas disponible dans la langue sélectionnée. Aprimo DAM prerequisites for …See details»
DAM Group announces its affiliation to the German innovation …
DAM Group will also be present at Hyvolution 27- 28 october 2021 at Paris Event Center the key event for bringing together the players in the French and European hydrogen sector. ----- …See details»
hoang dam - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | Professional Profile
View hoang dam’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Location: Ottawa · 327 connections on LinkedIn. View hoang dam’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional …See details»
DAM Group become Hydrogen Europe Member - DAM Group
Apr 21, 2021 The development of “clean mobility” is one of the main objectives of the energy transition. With 30 years of experience in the design and manufacture of functional and …See details»
Dam - The Canadian Encyclopedia
Feb 7, 2006 Building a dam can disrupt people, wildlife and impact local climate and geological stability. For example, in 1971, Hydro-Québec and the Quebec government began the James …See details»