
Defensito is a leading German provider of effective, passive bird control and drone defense solutions. Based on over 30 years experience of our team in bird and pest control, Defensito has developed an effective and fire safety compliant solution, which respects all animal welfare requirements. In addition, Defensito supports its customers with target groups tailored consultation, project planning, assembly and pest control for optimal protection of any object. Vögel- & Taubenplage, Verschmutzu... ng durch toxischen Vogelkot? Schädlingsbekämpfung, Netze, Spikes, Vergrämungsgels & andere Systeme helfen nicht? Hygieneprobleme in der Gesundheits- & Lebensmittelbranche? Ungeschützte Industrieanlagen? Dreckige Bahnhöfe? Ertragsausfall in der Fischzucht & Landwirtschaft durch Beutetiere? Gefährdung durch Drohnen? Drohnenangriff verhindern? Schmuggel in Gefängnisse? Defensito's Vogelabwehr- & Drohnenabwehrlösung hilft Ihnen: ✓ Effektiv ✓ tierschutzgerecht ✓ brandschutzgerecht ✓ kaum sichtbar ✓ Denkmalschutz geeignet ✓ für große Flächen geeignet ✓ auch an schwer zugänglichen Orten montierbar ✓ kostengünstig ✓ langlebig ✓ gut zu warten ✓ modular ausrollbar ✓ genehmigungsfrei ✓ vielfältige Einsatzmöglichkeiten ✓30 Jahre Erfahrung in der Vogelabwehr ✓ alles aus einer Hand ✓ auch für die Drohnenabwehr geeignet. Anwendungsfälle: Flachdächer, Parkplatzdächer, Brücken und Staudämme, Bahnhöfe und große Hallen, Denkmalgeschützte Gebäude und Kirchen, Fischzucht, Landwirtschaft, Weinanbau, Koi-Züchter, Regierungs- und andere große Gebäude, Industrieanlagen, Raffinerien, Flughäfen, Stadien und Großveranstaltungen, Gefängnisse, militärische Sperrgebiete.

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Drone Management Facilities Support Services Facility Management Pollution Control


Munich, Bayern, Germany


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Gerhard Zander


Martin Koerner

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More informations about "Defensito"

Defensito GmbH - Bayern International – Competence for …

Based on over 30 years experience of our team in bird and pest control, Defensito has developed an effective and fire safety compliant solution, which respects all animal welfare requirements. …See details»

Defensito - Overview, News & Competitors |

Defensito is a leading German provider of effective, passive bird control and drone defense solutions. Based on over 30 years experience of our team in bird and pest control, Defensito …See details»

Defensito - Crunchbase

German provider of effective, fire safety compliant, passive bird control & drone defense solution, respecting animal welfare requirementsSee details»

Defensito - CoBee Company Profile & Funding Rounds

Defensito is a leading German provider of effective, passive bird control and drone defense solutions. Based on over 30 years experience of our team in bird and pest control, Defensito …See details»

Defensito Trademark of zertisa. Application Number: 017933495 ...

The Defensito trademark was assigned an Application Number # 017933495 – by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). Trademark Application Number is a unique IDSee details»

Organizational structure of the Department of National …

Senior Leadership. The Governor General of Canada is the Commander-in-Chief of Canada. DND is headed by the Minister of National Defence, a federal Cabinet Minister.The Associate Minister of National Defence supports the Minister of …See details»

What is Defensito? Company Culture, Mission, Values

Glassdoor gives you an inside look at what it's like to work at Defensito, including salaries, reviews, office photos and more. This is the Defensito company profile. All content is posted …See details»

Working at Defensito - Glassdoor

Glassdoor gives you an inside look at what it's like to work at Defensito, including salaries, reviews, office photos, and more. This is the Defensito company profile. All content is posted …See details»

Working at Defensito | Glassdoor

See what employees say it's like to work at Defensito. Salaries, reviews, and more - all posted by employees working at Defensito.See details»

What is Organization? definition, process and types - Business …

Definition: Organization refers to a collection of people, who are involved in pursuing defined objectives. It can be understood as a social system which comprises all formal human …See details»

Organisation: Definitions, Characteristics, Function, Elements, …

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Sep 4, 2023 Organization (Wikipedia) Organization: Meaning, Definition, Concepts, and Characteristics; Organization’s Purpose and Priorities Mission. All of the people in an …See details»

What is the difference between a registered charity and a non …

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U.S. Department of Defense

The Department of Defense is America's largest government agency. Our mission is to provide the military forces needed to deter war and ensure our nation's security.See details»

What is Organization? Definition and Processes - Time Champ

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Defensito Meaning | - New Generation Dictionary

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Luigi Mangione Defense Fund Surpasses $100,000 In Donations

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What Is Lewin’s Change Theory? Explanation, Pros and Cons

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