
DefSpider is an innovative Cybersecurity solution and addresses the concerns of business insecurity in the face of the threats of the world today, with a strong appeal: low cost for the urgent needs of numerous companies in the world, contributing to their inclusion in the fight against threats criminals of the digital world. Cybersecurity provides a series of analyzes and measures and focuses mainly on the attacks made possible by the company's network connection to the world. The DefSpider so... lution was developed to enable the validation of the various security configurations necessary to guarantee a secure web environment. This tool allows any large, medium, small or micro company, as well as independent professionals (lawyers, doctors, bloggers, etc.) worldwide, to carry out the checks in a simple way and to continue the effective monitoring of the environment, with low cost.

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Cyber Security

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Viewport Meta IPhone / Mobile Compatible SSL By Default LetsEncrypt Apple Mobile Web Clips Icon Content Delivery Network Domain Not Resolving Nginx Amazon IPv6

Newest Events participated

web-summit-2017_event_image Participated in Web Summit 2017 on 2017-11-06 as exhibitor

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