Delta is a consultancy that specializes in renewable energy projects, agricultural land, property, legal services and financial advice.

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Consulting Financial Services Renewable Energy


Trnava, Trnava, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

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[email protected]

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More informations about "Delta"

Delta - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Delta is a consultancy that specializes in renewable energy projects, agricultural land, property, legal services and financial advice.See details»

DELTA - poskytovateľ komplexných služieb v stavebníctve

DELTA je vašim partnerom pri všetkom, čo súvisí so stavebníctvom: od architektúry, generálneho plánovania a riadenia výstavby, cez BIM, až po zelené budovy a IT služby.See details»

DELTA Slovakia, spol. s r.o. | 033/551 54 15 | Trnava

Spoločnosť DELTA Slovakia, spol. s r.o. môžete kontaktovať telefonicky na čísle 033/551 54 15.See details»

DELTA Slovakia, spol. s r.o. - Kompass

Investment and consulting company dedicated to the market for agricultural land, real estate and realization of renewable energy projects (particularly water, photovoltaic, biomass, biogas, …See details»

Delta Slovakia, Spol. S R.o. - Trnava 917 08 (Okres Trnava), Kollárova

Investičná a poradenská spoločnosť zaoberajúca sa trhom s poľnohospodárskou pôdou, nehnuteľnosťami a realizáciou projektov obnoviteľných zdrojov energie (najmä vodné, …See details»

Delta Slovakia Opens New Precision Factory to Support Production ...

May 4, 2022 Delta established the new precision factory to help fulfill cabinet production requirements for the EU market and reduce raw material costs. The new facility is located at …See details»

O nás - Gesamtdienstleister für den Bau: DELTA Wels & Wien

Ocenenia a certifikácie. DELTA sa stala zamestnávateľom priateľským k rodinám „berufundfamilie” za rok 2023/24 a v roku 2024 bola tiež recertifikovaná ako vedúca …See details»

Management team - Deltrian International

During the summer of 2024, our teams took up the safety challenge of a major player in the automotive sector and came out on top thanks to their organization and their compliance with …See details»

Saskatchewan Government Directory - Government of Saskatchewan

Government of Saskatchewan ministries, Crown corporations and organizations are implementing contingency plans to minimize the impacts of postal service disruption.. Les ministères, …See details»

Delta Electronics Slovakia | Delta Electronics

Delta Electronics Slovakia. Company Delta Electronics (Slovakia), s.r.o. has been acting in Slovakia since 1994 when there was established Sales office in Bratislava and began …See details»


Information and bank connection ID NO.: 42257221 TIN: 202 363 9156 VAT NUMBER: SK 202 363 9156 Account number: SK35 1100 0000 0029 2390 5018See details»

SAS - Institute of Slovak Literature

Institute of Slovak Literature of the SAS in Bratislava is the main centre for the research of Slovak literature. With its history going back to 1942, the non-university Institute carries out research …See details»

Membership in Slovak and Foreign Umbrella Organizations

Centre for European Volunteering. The Platform is a full member of the Centre for European Volunteering (Centre européen du volontariat - CEV), based in Brussels.. The CEV brings …See details»

Corporate Information - Delta Air Lines

Corporate information includes leader bios, trademarks, slogans, statistics and facts. Learn all about Delta Air Lines and its evolution.See details»

Canadian Slovak Organizations

Since the first Slovaks arrived in Canada at the end of the 19th Century, they organized themselves into organizations that served their needs.See details»

National Organizations – Slovak Americans and Their …

National Organizations Two major forces emerged almost at the same time, each spearheaded by a leader of uncommon stature, each generating much good in three specific areas: on behalf …See details»

Globe Life American Income Division: SKW Organization

Globe Life AIL Division: SKW Organization has been serving Atlantic Canadians for over 30 years. We continue to be one of the largest distributors of American Income Life products in …See details»

Pamätník slobody slova

Víťazný návrh: Benjamín Brádňanský, Vít Halada, Martin Piaček. Naklonenie, nerovnováha a vychýlenie sú hlavnou symbolikou a konceptom návrhu, ktorý prezentuje jednoduché a silné …See details»

Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Slovakia

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Toronto Slovak Community

Slovak Catholic Sokol is a fraternal organization with Branches in Canada and the United States. Established over 100 years ago (in 1905), the organization also focuses on the sports program …See details» © 2022. All rights reserved