Dialect is a smart messaging protocol that powers seamless, on-chain messaging experiences, starting with wallet-to-wallet chat and app notifications. It has also open-sourced a blockchain monitoring toolkit and web component libraries for notifications and chat, which together makes it ridiculously simple for projects to drop composable, on-chain messages directly into their applications for the first time.
Apps Information Technology Messaging
New York, New York, United States
United States
Total Funding:
4.96 M USD
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More informations about "Dialect"
Indigenous Languages Component – Multi-distinction and …
Indigenous organization or group refers to an organization or group that is owned and controlled by Indigenous persons, including an Indigenous-owned corporation or an Indigenous controlled not-for-profit organization, which directly delivers language revitalization services or that …See details»
Office of the Commissioner of Indigenous Languages - Home
We are an independent organization established through the Indigenous Languages Act and in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action 15. Our overarching …See details»
Indigenous Languages Component—First Nations Languages
American Dialect Society - An academic not-for-profit …
Nov 15, 2024 The mission of the American Dialect Society, a not-for-profit organization, is to encourage the study of any aspect of all languages and dialects used or found in North America (as well as associated islands in the …See details»
Indigenous Language Organizations and Initiatives
Please see below a list of several organizations and initiatives that seek to empower, reclaim and revitalize First Nations and Indigenous Languages. Centre for Indigenous Studies, University …See details»
Carrier Linguistic Society - Nak'azdli Whut'en
The Carrier Linguistics Society (CLS) is a First Nations Organization Incorporated into the Societies Act of British Columbia in 1973 by the Nak’azdli community. The Goals of the Carrier …See details»
Dialect - Wikipedia
A dialect [i] is a variety of language spoken by a particular group of people. It can also refer to a language subordinate in status to a dominant language, and is sometimes used to mean a …See details»
2025 American Dialect Society Conference Program
Nov 15, 2024 The mission of the American Dialect Society, a not-for-profit organization, is to encourage the study of any aspect of all languages and dialects used or found in North America (as well as associated islands in the …See details»
American Dialect Society - Wikipedia
The organization was founded as part of an effort to create a comprehensive American dialect dictionary, a near century-long undertaking that culminated in the publication of the Dictionary …See details»
First Nations English Dialects in Canada and SLP Practice
Religious organization: 1950-1970 WASP Elementary school EV Community where grew up: Postwar EV Parent home; grandparents’ home P:50-60 G ... Each language: a group of …See details»
About the American Dialect Society
The mission of the American Dialect Society, a not-for-profit organization, is to encourage the study of any aspect of all languages and dialects used or found in North America (as well as …See details»
What are dialects? - Pearson
Apr 23, 2024 Understanding a language and dialect, and its significance, can enrich the learning experience for language learners, offering a deeper appreciation of a language and its …See details»
Speaking in dialects: How dialect words are represented and …
Jan 1, 2023 Proposed model for the organization of the bidialectal language system, showing dialect feature nodes at the conceptual level which connect to all dialect items in the lexicon …See details»
About Languages Canada
Canada’s premier language organization representing the country's two official languages: English and French. Learn more about Languages Canada! By continuing to use our site, you …See details»
The Organization of Dialect Diversity in North America
The survey is based on a sampling method that is sensitive to both population and geography. The end product of the survey is the Phonological Atlas of North America, which maps the …See details»
Scientists Say: Dialect - Science News Explores
Oct 28, 2024 Dialect (noun, “DY-uh-lekt”) Dialects are varieties of the same language. A dialect might be used by people of a certain region, ethnicity or other social group. Dialects are …See details»
Classification of regional dialects, international dialects, and ...
Sep 1, 2016 The present study simultaneously examined listeners’ perceptual organization of regional dialects and nonnative accents. Talkers representing six United States regional …See details»
5 - Dialect or Language - Organization such as Ethnologue have ...
Organization such as Ethnologue have guidelines for making these determinations Official Languages Governments have established one dialect as an official language to promote unity …See details»
DIACLEU – Dialect classification of languages in Europe
The structure of DIACLEU and the organization of the classifications per language facilitates comparison between (groups of) languages. Each individual chapter provides a full overview …See details»
Chapter 1: Language and organization in: Elgar Introduction to ...
Jan 27, 2017 This chapter introduces the ‘linguistic turn’ in organizational studies, positioning discourse analysis in the broader paradigm of studies that examine the linguistic and cultural …See details»