Industrial Mining
Rajec, Zilina, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Website Url:
42 903 565 205
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[email protected]
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- Location: Levice Slovakia
- Latitude: 48.2156
- Longitude: 18.607
- Timezone: Europe/Bratislava
- Postal: 934 05
More informations about "Dolkam Suja"
Dolkam Šuja, dolomit, dolomitové kamenivo
Dolkam Šuja - dolomit, dolomitovy kamen : Cieľom rozvoja spoločnosti DOLKAM ŠUJA a.s. je pružná reakcia na uspokojovanie potrieb zákazníkov súčasných i potenciálnych v oblasti : …See details»
Dolkam Šuja, dolomit, dolomitové kamenivo
Súvaha Dolkam Šuja a.s. k 31.3.2014 a porov. obdobie k 31.12.2013 (PDF) Výkaz ziskov a strát k 31.3.2014 a porov. obdobie k 31.3.2013 (PDF) Zverejnenie oznámenia o možnosti prístupu k …See details»
Dolkam Šuja, dolomit, dolomitové kamenivo
D O L K A M Šuja a.s. Šuja 015 01 Rajec S L O V E N S K O Vedenie spoločnosti. Telefón: 00421/41/ 5422310; Mobil: 0903 565 205 ; Fax: 00421/41/ 5422310See details»
Dolkam Suja - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Contact Email [email protected] Phone Number 42 903 565 205 Dolkam Suja develops products to meet the needs of current and potential customers in areas including the …See details»
D O L K A M Šuja a.s. - zisk, tržby, hospodárske ... -
Jun 23, 2021 Spoločnosť FinStat s. r. o. ako prevádzkovateľ webového portálu získava a ďalej spracúva osobné údaje fyzických osôb z oficiálnych štátnych registrov. Pri …See details»
D O L K A M Suja a.s. (Slovakia) - EMIS
Oct 6, 2024 DOLKAM ŠUJA a.s. is a company located in Rajec. The company aims to meet the needs of both current and potential customers in the areas of product quality, product range, …See details»
Dolkam Suja Company Profile 2024: Stock Performance … Ownership Status. Publicly Held. Financing Status. Corporation. Corporate Office. Suja; Rajec, 015 01; Slovakia +421 041/542 . Primary Industry. Building Products. Stock Exchange. ... Dolkam Suja’s primary industry is …See details»
Dolkam Suja a.s. Company & People | 1DSU01A - Barron's
DOLKAM Suja as engages in the mining and processing of dolomite. It produces dolomite aggregates for the agricultural, metallurgical, and construction industry. The company was …See details»
DOLKAM SUJA Company Profile - Office Locations, Competitors
DOLKAM SUJA is a mining company. It explores dolomite and carbonated aggregates. Type Private Status Active Founded 1992 Website Cybersecurity rating. …See details»
Dolkam Šuja a.s. | MAS Rajecká dolina -
Firma: Dolkam Šuja a.s. 6. október 2015 . V priebehu rokov 1956 – 1957 bol zrealizovaný veľmi podrobný a kvalitný geologický prieskum v okolí Šuje, ktorý potvrdil výnimočn ú kvalitu ložiska …See details»
DOLKAM Šuja a.s., Rajec - detail firmy - register firiem
Predmet činnosti firmy DOLKAM Šuja a.s. Ťažba a výroba drveného dolomitického kameňa a frakcií Ďalšie informácie o firme DOLKAM Šuja a.s.See details»
Dolkam Šuja A.s. - Rajec 015 01 (Okres Žilina), 0 -
Chemikálie, farmaceutiká a plasty; Doprava a logistika; Elektrotechnika, elektronika a optika; Energia, životné prostredie; IT, internet, výskum a vývojSee details»
Organization: Dolkam Suja -
Dolkam Suja. Information about the issuer. News and credit ratings. . Tables with accounting and financial reporting.See details»
D O L K A M Šuja a.s., Rajec |
041 5422 310 0903 565 205. IČO: 31561870 (Dohľadať v ORSR)See details»
Volvo CE supplies first front shovel excavator in Europe to …
Oct 4, 2019 Dolkam Šuja currently produces some 540,000 t of dolomite a year from its 16 ha site, which it is looking to extend to 20 ha in the near future. The material is primarily used in …See details»
Dolkam Suja BSSE:1DSU01AE Stock Report - Simply Wall St
Jun 4, 2024 Research Dolkam Suja's (BSSE:1DSU01AE) stock price, latest news & stock analysis. Find everything from its Valuation, Future Growth, Past Performance and more. ...See details»
Dolkam Šuja, dolomit, dolomitové kamenivo
Dolkam Šuja - dolomit, dolomitovy kamen V rokoch 1939-1941 bolo územie Strážovskej vrchoviny geologicky zmapované profesorom Andrusovom. Túto fázu môžeme považovať za začiatok …See details»
Apr 28, 2022 Electronic means by which the Company receives notices of appointment of proxy holder, change of granted proxy and of revocation thereof is e-mail sent by shareholder to …See details»
1DSU01AE Stock Price Quote - Morningstar
Nov 15, 2024 See the latest Dolkam Suja AS stock price (1DSU01AE:XBRA), related news, valuation, dividends and more to help you make your investing decisions.See details»
Dolkam Suja a.s. Financials | 1DSU01A - Barron's
DOLKAM Suja as engages in the mining and processing of dolomite. It produces dolomite aggregates for the agricultural, metallurgical, and construction industry. The company was …See details»