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+ 995 32 223 25 23
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More informations about "Domusi"
Domus | About | Domusi
It's impossible to plan each detail of life in advance. That is why the Company Domus exists - we take care to create calm and cozy environment for the full comfort and unworried life of your โฆSee details»
Domusi - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Organization. Domusi . Connect to CRM . Save . Summary. People. Technology. Signals & News. Similar Companies. About. Domusi is a construction company, located in Georgia. ... View โฆSee details»
Domus โข แแแแฃแกแ Overview | SignalHire Company Profile
Organization Website: : Phone Number +995 32 2 23 25 23: Domus โข แแแแฃแกแ industries Real Property: Headquarters Location: 3, Kavsadze Street, Tbilisi, 0179 GE ...See details»
แแจแแแแแแ แ แแ แแแกแ แฃแแแแฃแแ แแ แแแฅแขแแแ | Domusi
แฉแแแแ แแแกแแแ แจแแแฅแแแแ แแแ แแแ, แกแแแแช แแแแแแฃแแ แแแแแแแแ แแแแก ...See details»
Domusi - Company Profile - Tracxn
Nov 27, 2024 Domusi - Developer of green architectural projects. Domusi has 159 competitors.See details»
Domusi - Crunchbase
Domusi is a construction company, located in Georgia.See details»
แแแแฃแกแ - Overview, News & Similar companies -
View Domus โข แแแแฃแกแ ( location in Georgia , revenue, industry and description. Find related and similar companies as well as employees by title and much more.See details»
แแจแแแแแแ แ แแ แแแกแ แฃแแแแฃแแ แแ แแแฅแขแแแ | Domusi
Our mission is to create an environment where anyone feel in harmonySee details»
Domus -
Organization: Domus. Sector: Construction. Address: 3, Kavsadze Str., Tbilisi. Phone: 995 32 223 25 23. E-mail: [email protected] Since founding the Company Domus in 2006, we are โฆSee details»
Domus โข แแแแฃแกแ | LinkedIn
Chief Operations officer at DOMUSI DEVELOPMENT Nikoloz Bakhtadze CEO at Domus Development See all employees Updates Domus โข แแแแฃแกแ 822 followers 2w Report this โฆSee details»
Domusi - Tech Stack, Apps, Patents & Trademarks - Crunchbase
Dec 10, 2024 Organization. Domusi . Connect to CRM . Save . Summary. People. Technology. Signals & News. Similar Companies. Highlights. Active Tech Count 25. Monthly Visits 895. โฆSee details»
Domus Company Profile | Management and Employees List
[email protected]: 5: first_last: [email protected]: 6: last: [email protected]: Your Questions, Our Answers Get Free Access to Domus Contacts Info. What is Domus โฆSee details»
Domus Development: full list of residential complexes ... - Korter
Discover everything about Domus Development on Get detailed contact information, explore the complete list of residential projects, and review current apartment prices. Learn in โฆSee details»
Domus Engineering | Domusi
Domus introduces a new level of engineering solutions. In 2018, a new subsidiary of the company Domus - โDomus Engineeringโ was established by decision of the management team of the โฆSee details»
Domus โข แแแแฃแกแ | Tbilisi - Facebook
Domus โข แแแแฃแกแ, แแแแแแกแ, แกแแฅแแ แแแแแ. 46,092 likes · 13 talking about this · 191 were here. แแแแฃแกแก ...See details»
Domusvi - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Domusvi is the third biggest private player in the nursing home sector in France and the leader in Spain. In complete confidence. With nursing homes, non-nursing homes, the care & support โฆSee details»
| Domusi
Dreamed for a long time to live next door to a childhood friend or to help a family member in buying desired home? Itโs possible! Your dreams can easily come true in Domus!See details»
แแแแฃแกแ แญแแแญแแแแซแแก 31 - Korter
แแแแฃแกแ แญแแแญแแแแซแแก 31 แแแแแแกแจแ - แแแคแแ แแแชแแ แแ แแแฅแขแแก แจแแกแแฎแแแแ แแแขแแแฃแ แ แแฆแฌแแ แ, แแฅแขแฃแแแฃแ แ แคแแกแแแ, แคแแขแแแแ แแ แแแแแแแก แแแแแแแ.See details»
Domus | News | Domusi
New, sunny, and bright residential complex at Gazapkhuli (Spring) Street from Domus Domus has started construction of the new, sunny, and bright residential complex in an eco-friendly โฆSee details»
Domus Trees | Apartments | Domusi
The architectural concept was inspired by the public square landscape and through the composition, plasticity and texture of trees - large-scale perennial plantations that already โฆSee details»