Draugiem is the largest social network in Latvia with approximately 2.6 million registered users. Draugiem is the most visited website in Latvia. Draugiem has also a strong presence in countries like Hungary where more than a million of Draugiem users has registered. Hungarian version works under domain name baratikor.com, English version is available at frype.com and Lithuanian at frype.lt. Roughly 500 000 users a day visit draugiem.lv on average 4.1 times a day, spending 21 minutes overall. In 2010 Draugiem rolled out "Draugiem lapas" which allowed business to create their page on Draugiem to connect with site users.
Social Links:
Communities Online Portals Social Network
Riga, Riga, Latvia
Website Url:
Total Employee:
+371 67271410
Email Addresses:
[email protected]
Technology used in webpage:
Viewport Meta IPhone / Mobile Compatible Google Universal Analytics Domain Not Resolving Mobile Non Scaleable Content Nginx JsDelivr AJAX Libraries API PHP OSS CDN
Current Employees Featured
Official Site Inspections
http://www.draugiem.lv Semrush global rank: 19.02 K Semrush visits lastest month: 8.04 M
- Host name:
- IP address:
- Location: Latvia
- Latitude: 57
- Longitude: 25
- Timezone: Europe/Riga

More informations about "Draugiem"
Draugiem.lv - Wikipedia
The Draugiem.lv social network was founded in 2004 by Lauris Liberts and Agris Tamanis. In 2007, the company reported it had reached 1,000,000 users. By 2017 the company had opened offices and facilities in CÄsis, Barcelona, Los Angeles, Charlotte and Tijuana, as well as relocating their RÄ«ga headquarters to a bigger building in the neighborhood of TorÅakalns. In 2019, Mapon (part of Draugiem Group) opened offices in Estonia and Finland. See details»
Draugiem Group - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Draugiem Group is an umbrella organization that houses the national social network of Latvia, Draugiem.lv, as well as several start-ups that have grown out of the social network. Draugiem ā¦See details»
Draugiem.lv ir Latvijas pirmÄ un populÄrÄkÄ paÅ”mÄju sociÄlÄ tÄ«kla vietne. ReÄ£istrÄjies, veido draudzÄ«gas saites un izmanto citas portÄla sniegtÄs iespÄjas. Draugiem.lv lietoÅ”anai ir ā¦See details»
Draugiem.lv ā VikipÄdija
Draugiem.lv ir tieÅ”saistes sociÄlÄ tÄ«kla tÄ«mekļa vietne, kuru 2004. gada 24. martÄ radÄ«ja Lauris Liberts, Agris Tamanis un MÄrtiÅÅ” PikÅ”ens. 2007. gada pavasarÄ« draugiem.lv lietotÄju skaits sasniedza 1 000 000, no kuriem vairÄk nekÄ puse bija interneta lietotÄji no Latvijas. SociÄlais portÄls ir pieejams 3 valodÄs ā latvieÅ”u, krievu, angļu. LÄ«dz 2014. gadam Draugiem.lv bija vienÄ«gais vietÄjais sā¦See details»
Bootstrapped, Profitable, & Proud: Draugiem Group ā ā¦
Sep 18, 2013 Today, Draugiem Group is an umbrella organization that along with Draugiem.lv, houses 16 startups including a daily deal site, a time tracking app, even a custom bracelet company, among others. Last yearās revenues ā¦See details»
Draugiem - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Draugiem has also a strong presence in countries like Hungary where more than a million of Draugiem users has registered. Hungarian version works under domain name baratikor.com, ā¦See details»
Draugiem Group ā VikipÄdija
AS Draugiem Group ir Latvijas pÄrvaldÄ«tÄjsabiedrÄ«ba, kas apvieno sociÄlo mediju un tehnoloÄ£iju uzÅÄmumus. TÄs galvenais birojs atrodas RÄ«gÄ , OjÄra VÄcieÅ”a ielÄ 6B. [ 1 ] UzÅÄmums ir ā¦See details»
Draugiem.lv - Wikiwand
The Draugiem.lv social network was founded in 2004 by Lauris Liberts and Agris Tamanis. [2] In 2007, the company reported it had reached 1,000,000 users. By 2017 the company had ā¦See details»
DRAUGIEM.LV | Atbild NacionÄlÄ enciklopÄdija
Draugiem.lv funkcionalitÄtÄ lÄ«dzinÄs Facebook un citÄm sociÄlÄs tÄ«kloÅ”anÄs vietnÄm, kas ļauj uzturÄt un veidot kontaktus starp indivÄ«diem, kÄ arÄ« sekot lÄ«dzi sev interesÄjoÅ”ajiem ā¦See details»
Draugiem Group
Feb 21, 2019 Draugiem Group company DeskTime, in collaboration with the charity organization ziedot.lv, is calling on businesses and individuals to join the Gadget Coalition to donate ā¦See details»
Draugiem Group - Overview, News & Similar companies - ZoomInfo
Draugiem Group is an umbrella organization that houses the national social network of Latvia, Draugiem.lv, as well as several start-ups that have grown out of the social network. Draugiem ā¦See details»
Draugiem Group
Draugiem Group ir vieta, kur sastopas idejas, zinÄÅ”anas un jaunÄkÄs tehnoloÄ£ijas, lai radÄ«tu mÅ«sdienÄ«gus risinÄjumus jebkurÄ jomÄ ... Draugiem Group pirmsÄkumi meklÄjami 2004. gadÄ ā¦See details»
Draugiem Group
Founded in 2004, Draugiem.lv helps its more than one million users to maintain friendships, share experiences with others, and even find new friends. Visit page. Acquired by Azkoyen. The ā¦See details»
Draugiem, Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību - Lursoft
Aug 4, 2005 Draugiem, SabiedrÄ«ba ar ierobežotu atbildÄ«bu (SIA), 40003737497, RÄ«ga, OjÄra VÄcieÅ”a iela 6B, LV-1004. Company officials, members and true beneficiaries. Draugiem, ā¦See details»
Draugiem Group, AS, 40203086499 - company data - Lursoft
Draugiem Group, AS (AS), 40203086499, RÄ«ga, OjÄra VÄcieÅ”a iela 6B, LV-1004. Company officials, members and true beneficiaries. Draugiem Group, AS (AS), 40203086499, RÄ«ga, ā¦See details»
Draugiem.lv mobilÄ versija ļaus Tev vienmÄr bÅ«t pieskÄriena attÄlumÄ no Taviem draugiem, sÅ«tÄ«t viÅiem vÄstules, skatÄ«ties galerijas un sekot jaunumiem profilos. Ärti, vienkÄrÅ”i un bez maksas. ā¦See details»
Draugiem Group - Contacts, Employees, Board Members
Draugiem Group is an umbrella organization that houses the national social network of Latvia, Draugiem.lv, as well as several start-ups.See details»
Draugiem Group
DažÄdÄ«ba un iekļauÅ”ana. Visi Draugiem Group uzÅÄmumi parakstÄ«juÅ”i Latvijas DažÄdÄ«bas hartu, iestÄjoties par katra iedzÄ«votÄja tiesÄ«bÄm justies droÅ”i gan savÄ darbavietÄ, gan sabiedrÄ«bÄ.. ā¦See details»
PieprasÄ«tÄkais sociÄlais tÄ«kls LatvijÄ un "Draugiem.lv ... - DELFI
Twitter Facebook Draugiem.lv internets SociÄlie tÄ«kli Instagram Delfi Plus TikTok Delfi Bizness. Seko "Delfi" arÄ« Instagram vai YouTube profilÄ ā pievienojies, lai uzzinÄtu svarÄ«gÄko un ā¦See details»