EDAP 2007


Edap2007 is a company whose main purpose is to invest in unlisted companies featuring a large component of innovation and high growth potential, whether they are well-established companies, up-and-coming companies, or newly formed or soon-to-be-formed companies. Edap2007 works with the teams running the companies in creating value and in providing strategic capacities for business development and for managing the human and financial capital involved. Edap2007 is now managing sufficient and expandable funds for meeting its targeted investment needs.

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EDAP 2007


Email Addresses:
[email protected]

Technology used in webpage:
SPF LetsEncrypt Apache Bizland PowWeb Mail PowWeb DNS PowWeb

Current Employees Featured


Miquel Costa
Miquel Costa Director @ Edap 2007

Investments List

Date Company Article Money raised
2009-09-24 Going Green Edap 2007 investment in Seed Round - Going Green 650 K EUR
2008-06-03 3DVista Edap 2007 investment in Venture Round - 3DVista 150 K EUR

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