
Elhuyar specializes in four areas of automatic language processing and artificial intelligence: speech technologies, language resources, translation technologies, and text mining. They provide services for the application of advanced knowledge. They help companies, social actors, and administrations to create innovative solutions to the current challenges of the global world with a multidisciplinary approach.

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Artificial Intelligence Language Learning Non Profit


Usรบrbil, Pais Vasco, Spain


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+34 943 363 040

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Official Site Inspections

http://www.elhuyar.eus Semrush global rank: 257.15 K Semrush visits lastest month: 266.53 K

  • Host name: elhuyar.eus
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  • Location: Spain
  • Latitude: 40.4172
  • Longitude: -3.684
  • Timezone: Europe/Madrid

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More informations about "Elhuyar"

Elhuyar | ezagutuz aldatzea

Aditu.eus > elia.eus > Elhuyar magazine > CAF-Elhuyar Awards > Zientzia.eus > Teknopolis > ... Elhuyar magazine. September 2024. June 2024. March 2024. December 2023.See details»

Elhuyar Hiztegia

[EGUNERATUA - ACTUALIZADO] Elhuyar Hiztegia. Euskara-gaztelania, euskara-ingelesa eta euskara-frantsesa hiztegiak kontsultatzeko gunea.See details»

Translations and language resources | Elhuyar

Organization responsible: ELHUYAR FUNDAZIOA Purpose: Managing any requests and queries made. Rights: You are entitled to withdraw your consent at any time, to object to the processing of the data, and to access it, rectify it and delete it by written request using the following e-mail address: [email protected]. Further information: Additional detailed information โ€ฆSee details»

Elhuyar - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Elhuyar is a non-profit organization that offers research and develop language technologies. Usúrbil, Pais Vasco, Spain; 101-250; Private; www.elhuyar.eus ; 740,968; Highlights. Similar Companies 9. Recent News & Activity. ... Contact Email [email protected]; Phone Number +34 943 363 040;See details»

organización - Elhuyar hiztegiak - hiztegiak.elhuyar.eus

Los egresados alcanzarán una formación general y sólida en los conocimientos teóricos y destrezas específicos de la Historia del Arte y sus aplicaciones en otras áreas o disciplinas tanto académicas como profesionales.Perfil de egreso Las áreas principales en las que se han formado los egresados son:- Estudio, gestión y difusión del patrimonio artístico.-See details»

Proposamena: - hiztegiak.elhuyar.eus

[EGUNERATUA - ACTUALIZADO] Elhuyar Hiztegia. Euskara-gaztelania, euskara-ingelesa eta euskara-frantsesa hiztegiak kontsultatzeko gunea.See details»

Dictionaries | Elhuyar

Organization responsible: ELHUYAR FUNDAZIOA Purpose: Managing any requests and queries made. Rights: You are entitled to withdraw your consent at any time, to object to the processing of the data, and to access it, rectify it and delete it by written request using the following e-mail address: [email protected]. Further information: Additional detailed information โ€ฆSee details»

Aditu - Elhuyarren hizketa-ezagutzailea

Elhuyar ©2024 Zelai Haundi, 3 Osinalde industrialdea 20170 Usurbil (Gipuzkoa) Tel.: (+0034) 943 363 040 [email protected]. Elhuyarren beste webgune batzuk. Elhuyar; Elhuyar hizkuntza-teknologiak; Elia.eus; Pribatutasun-politika; โ€ฆSee details»

dabilena - Elhuyar

UPV/EHUko IXA taldearen lankidetzarekin. [email protected]. Lege-oharra; Pribatutasun-politikaSee details»

erakunde - Elhuyar hiztegiak - hiztegiak.elhuyar.eus

"erakunde" Elhuyar hiztegietan. "erakunde" hitzaren itzulpena. "erakunde" "erakunde" hitzaren ahoskera ahots-sintesia erabiliz.See details»

Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatiko eleaniztuna, doan ordenagailu โ€ฆ

Dec 19, 2019 Gaurtik aurrera, erabilgarri dago Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatiko eleaniztuna, doan, ordenagailu eta mugikorretarako: itzultzailea.eus. Adimen artifizialean eta sare neuronaletan oinarritutako punta-puntako teknologia oinarri hartuta, Euskal Herriko hiru hizkuntza nagusiak (euskara, gaztelania eta frantsesa) eta katalana eta galegoa dakizkien itzultzaile โ€ฆSee details»

Artificial intelligence and language technologies | Elhuyar

Organization responsible: ELHUYAR FUNDAZIOA Purpose: Managing any requests and queries made. Rights: You are entitled to withdraw your consent at any time, to object to the processing of the data, and to access it, rectify it and delete it by written request using the following e-mail address: [email protected]. Further information: Additional detailed information โ€ฆSee details»

dabilena - Elhuyar

Dabilena - Web-corpusak. Interneten dabilen euskara kontsultatzeko webguneaSee details»

organization - Elhuyar hiztegiak - hiztegiak.elhuyar.eus

"organization" Elhuyar hiztegietan. "organization" hitzaren itzulpena. "organization" "organization" hitzaren ahoskera ahots-sintesia erabiliz.See details»

Participation and social transformation | Elhuyar

We lead the processes of organization, participation, teamwork and improvement of relationships within organizations. Social innovation and transformation processes. We run programs to promote and improve social innovation at both the municipal and territorial levels.See details»

Elhuyar โ€“ Real-time analysis of the digital reputation of companies โ€ฆ

Automate real-time analysis of the digital reputation of companies and institutions, drawing on extensive media coverage. The analysis to be automated includes the identification of the polarisation concealed behind such opinions or news, together with the automatic measurement of reputational attributes of different dimensions in order to compare them with those of the โ€ฆSee details»

Elhuyar hiztegia - hiztegiak.elhuyar.eus

[EGUNERATUA - ACTUALIZADO] Elhuyar Hiztegia. Euskara-gaztelania, euskara-ingelesa eta euskara-frantsesa hiztegiak kontsultatzeko gunea.See details»

Iruzkina: oihu (eu) - hiztegiak.elhuyar.eus

[EGUNERATUA - ACTUALIZADO] Elhuyar Hiztegia. Euskara-gaztelania, euskara-ingelesa eta euskara-frantsesa hiztegiak kontsultatzeko gunea.See details»

organizacion - Elhuyar hiztegiak

"organizacion" Elhuyar hiztegietan. "organizacion" hitzaren itzulpena. "organizacion" "organizacion" hitzaren ahoskera ahots-sintesia erabiliz.See details»