
Shinko Hamono Co., Ltd. Specializes in Manufacturer of Industrial Cutting Blades.

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Industrial Manufacturing


Osaka, Osaka, Japan


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Harumi Nakazono
Harumi Nakazono Chairman and CEO @ Emerging cutlery
Chairman and CEO

Official Site Inspections


  • Host name: www2285.sakura.ne.jp
  • IP address:
  • Location: Osaka Japan
  • Latitude: 34.6848
  • Longitude: 135.5142
  • Timezone: Asia/Tokyo
  • Postal: 543-0062

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Emerging cutlery - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Shinko Hamono Co., Ltd. Specializes in Manufacturer of Industrial Cutting Blades.See details»

Shinko Hamono - Overview, News & Similar companies - ZoomInfo

Shinko Hamono Co. Ltd is a company that operates in the Warehousing industry. It employs 1-5 people and has $0M-$1M of revenue. The company is head quartered in Tsukuda, Osaka, …See details»

SHINKO HAMONO K.K. Company Profile - Dun & Bradstreet

Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for SHINKO HAMONO K.K. of OSAKA, OSAKA. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.See details»

Shinko Hamono KK - Company Profile and News - Bloomberg …

Company profile page for Shinko Hamono KK including stock price, company news, executives, board members, and contact informationSee details»

Shinko Hamono Co Ltd Company Profile, Financial and ... - digitGaps

Shinko Hamono Co., Ltd. specializes in the manufacturing of metal cutting edged tool. It was founded on January 1954 and is based in Osaka, Japan. digitGaps report on Shinko Hamono …See details»

Corporate Governance - SHINKO

Shinko has three Outside Directors, one of whom is a Director who is not an Audit and Supervisory Committee Member and two of whom are Directors who are Audit and …See details»

Introduction Environment - shinko.co.jp

Reporting boundary: Shinko Group in Japan Environmental Activity Promotion System We have made environmental protection a top management priority and are engaged in environmental …See details»

Environmental Management - SHINKO

Friendly business operations under its Environmental Policy. The Shinko Group in Japan has acquired ISO 14001 integrated certification as a member of the Fujitsu Group, and overseas …See details»

SHINKO HAMONO K.K. Company Profile - Dun & Bradstreet

SHINKO HAMONO K.K. Company Profile | AMAGASAKI, HYOGO, Japan | Competitors, Financials & Contacts - Dun & BradstreetSee details»

Message from the President - shinko.co.jp

The Shinko Group has focused on reducing environmental impact by positioning contribution to a healthy environment as one of the most important management issues. In 2022, we …See details»

Brands | Page - KnivesCombined

Established in 1905 by Hinoura Shintaro, Hinoura Hamono started as a forging shop in the Ajikata village. After generations of knife manufacturing, Hinoura Tsukasa launched the brand …See details»

Korea Shinko Microelectronics Co., Ltd. - Organization chart

Organization chart Family site Shinko Electric Industries Co., Ltd. (English)Shinko Electric Industries Co., Ltd. 32, Sandan 1-gil, Seo-myeon, Suncheon-si, Jeollanam-do, 57927 Republic …See details»

Corporate Governance | About SHINKO | SHINKO ELECTRIC …

Shinko adopted the structure of a company with an Audit and Supervisory Committee, in which a majority of committee members are Outside Directors. ... We have also established an Audit …See details»

Korea Shinko Microelectronics Co., Ltd. - Corporate Values

In order to contribute to society on a sustainable basis over the long term, the Shinko Group must remain financially sound. We need to generate a healthy profit from our business activities and …See details»


View information on FAQs of SHINKO ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. Privatization Why is the Tender Offer to be implemented? While the Company was deliberating various …See details»

Korea Shinko Microelectronics Co., Ltd. - Code of Conduct

Our Corporate Philosophy "SHINKO Way" Basic Policy; Company location; Glass-to-Metal Seal; TO-56(LD) HDR & CAP; TO-46 HDR & CAP; TO-18 HDR & CAP; TO-39/5/12/8 HDR & The …See details»

Environmental Management | Initiatives for Environmental

SHINKO ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. Head Office (Kohoku Plant), Wakaho Plant, Takaoka Plant, Arai Plant, Kyogase Plant, SHINKO R&D Center Domestic Subsidiary SHINKO …See details»

Corporate Vision Founder's Philosophy - SHINKO

In 1990, two years prior to when Mr. Mitsunobu's life of 78 years came to a close, he established the Hokushin Scholarship Foundation by donating 300,000 Shinko shares from his retirement …See details»

Corporate Values | The Shinko Way | About SHINKO | SHINKO …

The Shinko Group has adopted technological development as one of the most important management guidelines since its founding. This has allowed the company to take a leading …See details»

Living in Harmony with Nature - shinko.co.jp

Asia: KOREA SHINKO MICROELECTRONICS CO., LTD. (KSM) SHINKO ELECTRONICS (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD. (SEM) 3 WWF Biodiversity Risk Filter Criteria 4 WWF Risk Type …See details»

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