
EPiS engages in the production of automotive plates.

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Automotive Manufacturing Service Industry


Shenyang Shi, Liaoning, China


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Pravaig Dynamics is an automotive company that manufactures electronic vehicles.

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Shenyang Xinxi Chanye Chuangtou

Shenyang Xinxi Chanye Chuangtou investment in Angel Round - EPiS


Shenyang Jiushi Touzi

Shenyang Jiushi Touzi investment in Angel Round - EPiS


Shenyang Venture Capital Management Group

Shenyang Venture Capital Management Group investment in Angel Round - EPiS

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  • Host name: bytespider-122-14-224-68.crawl.bytedance.com
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  • Location: China
  • Latitude: 39.9289
  • Longitude: 116.3883
  • Timezone: Asia/Shanghai

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沈阳东宝海星金属材料科技有限公司 - 爱企查

爱企查为您提供沈阳东宝海星金属材料科技有限公司的企业信息查询服务,查询沈阳东宝海星金属材料科技有限公司工商注册信息、电话邮箱、公司地址、经营风险、控股持股、发展动态、财 …See details»

沈阳东宝海星金属材料科技有限公司 - 企查查

Jul 5, 2013 简介: 沈阳东宝海星金属材料科技有限公司是⼀家成⽴于2013年07月05日的其他有限责任公司,也是东宝海星旗下企业,属于以从事制造业为主的企业。 位于沈阳市苏家屯 …See details»

沈阳东宝海星金属材料科技有限公司 | LinkedIn

沈阳东宝海星金属材料科技有限公司 Research Services 沈阳市, 辽宁省 2 followersSee details»


电话: 173***** 邮箱:[email protected] 官网:www.sy-dbhx.com 地址:中国(辽宁)自由贸易试验区沈阳片区机场路1005号G4026室 行业:研究和试验发展 领域:{{industry}} 汽车 …See details»

沈阳东宝海星金属材料科技有限公司 - 变更记录 - 爱企查

Nov 1, 2024 爱企查为您提供沈阳东宝海星金属材料科技有限公司2024年企业变更记录查询,包括企业变更时间,变更项目等工商变更信息,让您更轻松的了解沈阳东宝海星金属材料科技有限公 …See details»

沈阳东宝海星金属材料科技有限公司公司发展_企业发展 - 天眼查

简介: 沈阳东宝海星金属材料科技有限公司,成立于2013年,位于辽宁省沈阳市,是一家以从事研究和试验发展为主的企业。 企业注册资本12070.3339万人民币,实缴资本12070.3339万人 …See details»

东宝海星 | 项目信息-36氪

Apr 23, 2023 东宝海星是一家轧制差厚板生产商,已开发出仪表盘底横梁、车身前纵梁、纵梁内扳、组合梁等差厚板,以及将变厚度与热成形组合的车身B柱、前保险杠、车门保险杠等产品 …See details»

沈阳东宝海星金属材料科技有限公司知识产权 - 企查查

企查查为您提供沈阳东宝海星金属材料科技有限公司知识产权综合查询,助您了解沈阳东宝海星金属材料科技有限公司商标注册、专利信息、著作权登记信息、域名、资质认证等,全面掌握威 …See details»

Steam Dominated GreenLoop: Proof of Concept at The Geysers, …

May 24, 2022 The purpose of this project is to advance the development of the Steam Dominated GreenLoop (SDGL) system (a closed-looped, down bore heat exchanger system), …See details»

Steam Dominated GreenLoop: Proof of Concept at The Geysers, …

Feb 16, 2022 The S2PGL system includes a down bore heat exchanger (DBHX) technology adapted for steam dominated fields. GreenFire Energy has demonstrated the fundamental …See details»

Wells2Watts Project - GreenFire Geothermal Projects

Apr 8, 2024 Design the optimal conditions of a DBHX for retrofit and greenfield field applications; Pre-Feed Analysis. Design an optimal DBHX system for the specific pilot well; Use GreenFire …See details»

东宝海星 - 东宝海星公司 - 东宝海星竞品公司信息 - 爱企查

[email protected] . 公司地址 . 中国(辽宁)自由贸易试验区沈阳片区机场路1005号G4026室 查看地图 . 品牌介绍 . 东宝海星是一家轧制差厚板生产商,已开发出仪表盘底横梁、 …See details»

IGA Geothermal Papers Online Database - Stanford Earth

This paper compares water, sCO2, and an organic fluid (n-pentane) as working fluids, baselined to one common well using the DBHX for heat extraction and thus electricity generation. …See details»

Closed-Loop Geothermal in Steam Dominated Reservoirs

The temperature of the DBHX fluid is kept low enough to cause the geothermal steam to condense on the relatively colder DBHX surface. The rate of steam condensation can be …See details»

沈阳东宝海星金属材料科技有限公司 - 爱企查

简介: 1、基本情况 沈阳东宝海星金属材料科技有限公司是一家瞪羚企业(2022)、专精特新中小企业、科技型中小企业(2024)、高新技术企业(2022)、小微企业,该公司成立于2013年07月05 …See details»

Typical DBHX modeling results. | Download Scientific Diagram

Download scientific diagram | Typical DBHX modeling results. from publication: Closed-Loop Geothermal in Steam and 2-Phase Dominated Reservoirs | GreenFire Energy is pioneering …See details»

The DBHX is inserted inside the well and, hung from the wellhead.

The above figure shows the reverse flow operating condition within the DBHX (cold fluid enters through the annular region and hot fluids exit the well through the center insulated tubing ...See details»

The DBHX is installed in a well and hung from the wellhead. Cold …

The condensed fluid is allowed to recycle back into the reservoir to gain heat and recharge the DBHX and other wells in the resource. Source publication Progress for Closed-Loop …See details»

Closed-Loop Geothermal in Steam Dominated Reservoirs

Sep 27, 2021 The DBHX is located in a well, hung from the wellhead. The black arrows indicate the inlet/outlet of the geothermal fluid. The blue arrows show the flow of the condensate deep …See details»

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