
Equiliber is a non-profit association born from the need to improve the knowledge.

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Gianmarco Carnovale
Gianmarco Carnovale Member @ Equiliber

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www.equilibero.org - Associazione Equilibero

Equilibero APS-ASD Via Sant’Antonio 27 31017 Pieve del Grappa (TV) [email protected] PEC [email protected] Codice fiscale 92208090289 Cell 0039 3429652021 Vai alla pagina FacebookSee details»

Chi siamo - Associazione Equilibero

L’ associazione di promozione sociale Equilibero APS è nata nel 2008 a Padova. Progetta e organizza percorsi educativi, terapeutici e riabilitativi mirati rivolti a minori, persone …See details»

Cosa facciamo - Associazione Equilibero

Equilibero crea, organizza e propone progetti che hanno per tema principale la montagna e le attività ad essa correlate. I nostri progetti sono rivolti a comunità, enti e soggetti che operano …See details»

Adolescents on the move: the application of an integrated model …

Jun 17, 2024 7. Equilibero Association is a non-profit organization, which proposes Adventure Education programs to both public and private organizations working with marginalized …See details»

Equilibero | Spinea - Facebook

Jul 16, 2021 Equilibero, Spinea, Veneto, Italy. 854 likes · 1 talking about this · 7 were here. Centro specialistico di medicina fisica, riabilitazione, recupero, …See details»

10 diversity and inclusion nonprofits you should know

Feb 29, 2024 The organization assists refugees and SIVs (special immigrant visa holders) as they rebuild their lives and strive toward self-sufficiency by pairing them with local neighbors--volunteers who serve as advocates, friends, …See details»

Ten women-led, not-for-profit organizations that could …

Nov 19, 2021 Founded by award-winning event planner and creative storyteller Tanya Hayles, Black Moms Connection started with a group of 12 women in Toronto looking to create a safe space to ask culturally relevant questions and …See details»

10 Social Justice Organizations Fighting for Equality

Since then, they became an organization that deals with police brutality on an ongoing basis. They work on extreme cases of abuses, brutal police killings and other incidents. Their goal is to ‘’create a climate of resistance to abuse of …See details»

Mission - ÉquiLibre

Depuis près de 35 ans, ÉquiLibre vient en aide aux personnes préoccupées par leur poids. À travers les années, il a développé une expertise unique, reconnue internationalement, dans …See details»

SOCI EFFETTIVI - Associazione Equilibero

Bruno Genetti Trentino di origine, laureato a Padova nel 1993 in scienze statistiche ed economiche, occupato presso un centro di ricerca privato a Padova fino al 1998, dal 1999 socio e rappresentante legale del Centro Explora – …See details»

New study on equity, diversity and inclusion a wakeup call for …

Jul 6, 2023 Charities and nonprofits contribute to addressing some of the most pressing social and economic inequities. But having a social mission doesn’t mean an organization is …See details»

25 Social Justice Non-Profit Organizations that are Changing the …

Jan 9, 2020 Social justice issues are pervasive in today’s world, but fortunately there are countless human rights organizations committed to addressing inequities and dismantling long …See details»

Home - Egale Canada - Egale Canada

Egale is Canada’s leading organization for 2SLGBTQI people and issues. We improve and save lives through research, education, awareness, and by advocating for human rights and …See details»

10 Principles of Effective Organizations - Harvard Business Review

Aug 8, 2022 The author identifies 10 research-backed principles from the field of organization development to guide companies: 1) Encourage cooperation, 2) organize for change, 3) …See details»

Area Dipendenze - Associazione Equilibero

Progetto: Legato ma libero Operatori coinvolti: Roberta Sabbion, Massimo Padoan, Massimo Galiazzo, Chiara Baretta, Luca Fellin, Alberto Rainer, Alessandro Balzan Anno di …See details»

Non-profit Organizations in Quebec: What You Need to Know

By-laws are like a rule book for how your organization should be run. They also explain who does what. A non-profit’s board and its by-laws go hand in hand. The board drafts the organization’s …See details»

25 Organizations Fighting for Gender Equality - Human Rights …

In this way the organization strives to achieve gender equality and equips and empowers women to stand for themselves. The organization also advocates for a long-term change for …See details»

10 Organizations That Support Racial Equality - Verywell Mind

Jul 30, 2021 The Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center is a nonprofit organization that works to serve the legal needs of low-income immigrants who aren’t able to afford legal aid. …See details»

Progetti - Associazione Equilibero

Equilibero Blog; Wallpapers; Domanda di ammissione a socio; I nostri progetti. AREA SALUTE MENTALE AREA DIPENDENZE AREA DISABILITA' AREA MINORI AREA FORMAZIONE …See details»

The 85 Fund - Wikipedia

The 85 Fund, also known as the Honest Elections Project, and formerly known as the Judicial Education Project, [1] [2] is a 501(c)(3) organization based in Washington D.C. It is among a …See details»