ESMO Žilina offers IT solutions like software development, web design, hardware, document management system, pdf splitter, and consultation.

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Hardware IT Infrastructure Software


Zilina, Zilina, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

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[email protected]

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Official Site Inspections

  • Host name:
  • IP address:
  • Location: Velky Krtis Slovakia
  • Latitude: 48.2106
  • Longitude: 19.3504
  • Timezone: Europe/Bratislava
  • Postal: 990 01

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More informations about "ESMO Žilina"


Login to your ESMO account to sign up for ESMO newsletters and receive information about ESMO's scientific and educational resources, events, member benefits. ESMO is a Swiss …See details»

European Society for Medical Oncology - Wikipedia

The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) is a professional organisation for medical oncology. With more than 40,000 members representing oncology professionals from over 177 countries worldwide, ESMO was founded in 1975. See details»

European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) | UICC

Oct 18, 2024 · ESMO is the European Society for Medical Oncology. Representing more than 40,000 oncology professionals in 177 countries, ESMO is a reference for oncology education …See details»

ESMO - European Society for Medical Oncology - LinkedIn

Driven by a shared determination to secure the best possible outcomes for patients, ESMO is committed to standing by those who care about cancer through addressing the diverse needs …See details»

ESMO – Slovenská onkologická spoločnosť

Apr 3, 2019 · Národný zástupca (National Society Liaison): MUDr. Branislav Bystrický, PhD, MPH (od 3.4.2019) Člen National Societies Committee ESMO (od 3.4.2019) Člen Communication Committee ESMO …See details»

ESMO at 30: Mission ongoing - Annals of Oncology

ESMO is fulfilling its mission, which you can read in full detail in the ESMO Byelaws at, but we can précis it here using just the verbs: …See details»


ESMO membership connects you to a global community of over 40,000 oncology professionals from 177 countries, all with the shared determination to secure the best possible outcomes for …See details»

ESMO/ASCO Recommendations for a Global Curriculum in

Oct 23, 2023 · The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) and ASCO are publishing a new edition of the ESMO/ASCO Global Curriculum (GC) with contributions from more than …See details»

World Health Organization (WHO) - ESMO

ESMO collaborates with the World Health Organization (WHO) to tackle the global scourge of cancer. ESMO has been supporting and promoting WHO’s global initiatives since 2002 and …See details»

Užitočné odkazy | Elektronický systém monitorovania osôb

Odkazy domácich a zahraničných webov súvisiacich s probáciou,mediáciou a elektronickým monitoringom.See details»

European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)

The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) is a non-profit, leading European professional organization, which focuses on advancing the specialty of medical oncology and …See details»

ESMO - European Society for Medical Oncology - LinkedIn

Representing more than 35,000 oncology professionals from 170 countries worldwide, ESMO is a reference for oncology education and information.See details»

Domov | Elektronický systém monitorovania osôb

Zoznam žiadostí a formulárov pre Poskytovateľa práce pri treste povinnej práce. Podstatou inštitútu probácie je znižovať opätovnú trestnú činnosť a pomáhať páchateľovi pri jeho …See details»

About ESMO

ESMO is the European Society for Medical Oncology. Representing more than 40,000 oncology professionals in 177 countries, ESMO is a reference for oncology education and information. …See details»

Reinventing ESMO after the COVID-19 pandemic: moving towards …

Apr 23, 2024 · There is now the opportunity to reinvent ESMO post-COVID-19 using technological developments and experience gained to both strengthen and expand the ESMO network while …See details»

Home Page: ESMO Journals

Can we counterbalance restricted access to innovation through specialized breast cancer care? The REAL-NOTE study. Plain language summaries a new resource for patients and …See details»

ESMO Žilina, a.s. - zisk, tržby, hospodárske výsledky ... -

Spoločnosť ESMO Žilina, a.s. v roku 2023 zvýšila zisk o 286 % na 358 642 € a tržby jej narástli o 29 % na 1,996 mil. €.See details»

Firma ESMO Žilina, a.s. Vás víta na svojej stránke.

Akciová spoločnosť ESMO Žilina pôsobí v oblasti výpočtovej techniky a informačných technológií už od roku 1990. Za tento čas sa jej podarilo vybudovať si stabilnú pozíciu nielen v rámci …See details»


ESMO is Europe’s leading medical oncology society, providing a professional network for its members and working with national societies across Europe.See details»


ESMO is Europe’s leading medical oncology society, providing a professional network for its members and working with national societies across Europe.See details» © 2022. All rights reserved