Euho provides healthcare products designed to offer herbal medicines and supplements to customers.
Consumer Food And Beverage Health Care
Zhabei, Shanghai, China
Website Url:
Total Employee:
Total Funding:
10 M USD
Technology used in webpage:
Alibaba Cloud MailBox
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More informations about "Euho"
Euho Company Profile 2024: Valuation, Funding & Investors
Euho General Information Description. Provider of healthcare products designed to offer herbal medicines and supplements to customers in China. The company's quality assurance and …See details»
Euho - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Euho closed its last funding round on Mar 20, 2015 from a Series A round. Who are Euho 's competitors? Alternatives and possible competitors to Euho may include RockSpoon and Kick …See details»
Euho - Funding, Financials, Valuation & Investors - Crunchbase
How much funding has this organization raised over time? Show . Announced Date . Transaction Name . Number of Investors . Money Raised . Lead Investors . Mar 20, 2015: Series A - Euho …See details»
Euho (Euho) - Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute - SWFI
Where institutional investors and companies get their research and stay on top of actionable news.See details»
Euho - Contacts, Employees, Board Members, Advisors & Alumni
Euho provides healthcare products designed to offer herbal medicines and supplements to customers.See details»
优禾生活 | 项目信息-36氪
Euho优禾生活是一家主打养生滋补品的零售品牌,有线下店、线上旗舰店等,主打西洋参、野山参等参类产品。See details»
亿欧数据为您提供优禾生活实业(上海)有限公司的主营业务、公司简介、企业官网、公司地址、招聘信息、财务信息、融资情况、团队信息、电话号码、招投标信息、专利等多维度详细信息 …See details»
优禾生活实业(上海)有限公司 EUHO - 优禾生活
品牌介绍: “euho优禾生活”是一家以养生类产品为主的自助式超市。品牌理念源自一个简单的想法:将养生融入生活之中。 无论是传统的虫草燕窝,还是日常的五谷杂粮、南北干货,乃至于 …See details»
赢商大数据_优禾生活 (EUHO)_简介_电话_门店分布_选 …
优禾生活实业(上海)有限公司成立于2012年,是全国领先的全新养生食材一站式购物品牌。目前在上海、北京、广州、江苏、浙江、福建等10多个省、直辖市拥有近200家专卖店。 优禾生活精准把握市场需求,将传统...See details»
Apr 14, 2003 亿欧网为您提供EUHO优禾生活最新的新闻资讯、采访报道、深度分析内容、相关研究报告等内容,以及最新的工商信息、企业简介、联系方式、公司地址、电话号码等多维度 …See details»
优禾生活Euho - 买购网
买购网为您提供优禾生活实业上海有限公司旗下优禾生活Euho品牌介绍。包括优禾生活购物平台官网、euho优禾生活旗舰店、优禾生活减肥茶价格、优禾生活购物平台加盟等信息,是您了解 …See details»
時尚養生零售品牌「EUHO優禾生活」進入快速擴張期 - 每日頭條
時尚養生零售品牌「euho優禾生活」進入快速擴張期 2015-03-20 由 贏商網 發表于 財經 據優禾生活創始人朱建祥透露,優禾生活近日已獲得由鐘鼎創投領投,寶潔校友會創投基金跟投的A輪 …See details»
「EUHO優禾生活」的品牌理念 - 每日頭條
無論是傳統的中藥飲片,還是日常的五穀雜糧、南北乾貨,乃至於閒暇時刻的茶飲都是養身的一種。EUHO將生活中所涉及的絕大多數養生類產品集中在其現代、簡潔的大賣場之中,使消費者 …See details»
优禾生活 - 搜狗百科
Oct 24, 2024 “EUHO优禾生活”是一个现代养生商超品牌,其产品主要包括:参茸、虫草、燕窝、花草茶、汤料炖品等保健产品。目前优禾生活的百余家门店已遍布全国个省市的万达、银泰、 …See details»
Euho - Crunchbase
Euho provides healthcare products designed to offer herbal medicines and supplements to customers.See details»
Mar 20, 2015 2014年10月,euho推出旗下高端品牌——禾汉虫草庄。 与主品牌优禾生活不同,禾汉主打虫草、参茸、燕窝等高档传统滋补品,以满足更高层次消费者 ...See details»
May 4, 2016 euho优禾生活摒除了传统的压抑、药房式的销售环境,从而向消费者提供了时尚、明亮、轻松的卖场式购物平台,引导消费者将养生作为一种日常的 ...See details»
ECHO - Emergency Children's Help Organization
The Emergency Children’s Help Organization “ECHO” is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization dedicated to providing financial assistance to a child experiencing a challenging medical or …See details»
Amazon Echo Show 21 | HD smart kitchen TV for home …
Coming from an Echo Show 10, i love the screen size. The Echo Show 21 works just like the other echos with the addition of fire TV. I like the fact that the right side of the screen keeps the …See details»
Euho - Tech Stack, Apps, Patents & Trademarks - Crunchbase
Euho provides healthcare products designed to offer herbal medicines and supplements to customers.See details»