
Expressoft is specialized in Point-Of-Sales and Back Office solutions.

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Cloud Computing CRM Software

Bucharest, Bucuresti, Romania


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More informations about "Expressoft"

expressoft install

Expressoft myCheck POS (cloud version) Version 18.6 with database. Version 18.6 without database. Expressoft Suite (standard version) Expressoft Suite. Expressoft Suite Demo. …See details»

eXpresSoft myBusiness

AplicaÈ›iile tale Expressoft vor fi actualizate automat în termen de 30 de zile de la apariÈ›ia unei versiuni noi. Continuăm să inovăm È™i încercăm permanent să ne îmbunătățim serviciile. ÎÈ›i …See details»

Expressoft - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Expressoft is specialized in Point-Of-Sales and Back Office solutions. Bucharest, Bucuresti, Romania; 11-50; Private; ; 1,183,075See details»

Expresssoft - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Expressoft Technology offers HORECA management software, POS systems, and hardware equipment for restaurants, hotels, bars, and cafes.See details»

Expressoft Technology - LinkedIn

Expressoft Technology | 1,037 followers on LinkedIn. De 20 de ani proiectam, dezvoltam si livram pentru industria HoReCa solutii software inovatoare si scalabile. | POS, inventory, management and ...See details»


InformaÅ£iile de contact (email, telefon, mobil, adresa) ale firmei Expressoft Technology precum ÅŸi informaÅ£iile detaliate (bilanÅ£, dosare, mărci, etc) sunt accesibile membrilor site-ului. Pentru a …See details»

Expressoft Company Profile - Office Locations, Competitors ... - Craft

Expressoft is a company that specializes in point-of-sale software solutions and systems. It offers touchscreen monitors, kitchen screen systems, self-service payment terminals, digital …See details»

Services - ExpresSoft

Our goal is to engage the organization to address ongoing change in the workplace and business environment. ... Low-Code Transformation. ExpresSoft has assisted with the implementation …See details»

ExpresSoft | Low-Code Solutions for Global Business

ExpresSoft is a leading developer of multi-platform software for international business. Since 1984, we have specialized in the digital transformation of financial services. Learn More. Our Services. ExpresSoft works with teams to …See details»

Expressoft - soluții software pentru industria HoReCa

Expressoft Technology pune la dispoziÈ›ia clienÈ›ilor săi din sectorul HoReCa o suită de programe software integrate pentru conducerea afacerii, de la sisteme POS pentru restaurante, soft pentru gestiunea stocurilor, delivery, soluÈ›ii PMS …See details»

ExpresSoft - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

ExpresSoft provides internet access, back-office automation to deliver financial transactions, electronic documents, and bills. They also offer e-commerce, trade services, international …See details»

expressoft mPOS - Apps on Google Play

Oct 25, 2024 [email protected]. shield. ... EXPRESSOFT TECHNOLOGY SRL . [email protected] . BUCURESTI-PLOIESTI NR. 73-81 ET. 4, SECTORUL 1 013685 …See details»

Contact -

Șoseaua Pipera nr. 43, Floreasca Park, clădirea B, etaj 3, Sector 2, BucureÈ™ti 077190. Telefon +40 21 9900; Email ; [email protected]; [email protected]See details»

Accesare MyBusiness - Expressoft Technology

PoÈ›i accesa aplicaÈ›ia MyBusiness la adresa În fereastra de acces introdu detaliile contului (e-mail, parola) È™i selectează limba (romană sau engleză) în …See details»

Expressoft : Home | is 1 decade 2 months old. It is a domain having biz extension. This website is estimated worth of $ 8.95 and have a daily income of around $ 0.15. As no active threats were …See details»

Expressoft myBusiness

Expressoft myBusiness. Vanzari: +40 21 9900 Log in Form. English Romana: Module. Remember me; Forgot your password? Previous version. AplicaÈ›iile tale Expressoft …See details»

Procedura instalare Expressoft Interface Manager

Pentru instalarea interfetelor Expressoft se descarca kit-ul de pe site-ul si se da click pe x86. Daca site-ul nu este disponibil gasim kit-ul pe FTP in Expressoft/Kituri. Dupa …See details»

Servicii de suport -

Expressoft Technology dezvoltă permanent soluÈ›ii informatice în cloud pentru vânzare, gestiune, fidelizare clienÈ›i, raportare complexă È™i management pentru: Hoteluri, Restaurante, Servire …See details»

Expressoft Technology - eXpressoft Suite® License

Installing eXpresSoft Suite... 1.87 MB 5 minutes 44 seconds over a dial-up connection 39 seconds ...See details»

InstallShield One-Clickâ„¢ Install - expressoft Setup

Installing expressoft... 1 MB 5 minutes 43 seconds over a dial-up connection 39 seconds ...See details»