
FaB Around helps you find the perfect partner for your beauty and health needs, pruning away undesirable results. FaB Around is an online directory service dedicated to helping you find Salon’s and Spa’s around you. They aim to bring many beauty related services together through their online community, making it easy for you to search and find the right salon or service. FaB Around can answer all those questions and more. Their aim is become the “go-to” site for any client related ... beauty questions. Just register to join their community and then enjoy the many benefits of having one-click simplicity to finding your Balance. Rate Salons, see comments on Spa’s you may be keen on, read product reviews, be eligible for giveaways and competitions. They’d love to connect with you, please follow them on twitter or join them on Facebook to experience more of the benefits that FaB Around can bring to you.

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