
Facilicom provides telephony solutions to mainly SME's as well as embassies by focusing on providing the best customer service & quality.

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ISP Telecommunications Wired Telecommunications


Hvidovre, Hovedstaden, Denmark


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45 88330010

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[email protected]

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Official Site Inspections


  • Host name: ispconfig.eero.dk
  • IP address:
  • Location: Vildbjerg Denmark
  • Latitude: 56.2
  • Longitude: 8.7667
  • Timezone: Europe/Copenhagen
  • Postal: 7480

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More informations about "Facilicom International"

Forsiden - Facilicom A/S

Facilicom har eksisteret siden 1997 og vi har kun med erhvervskunder at gøre. Vi har specialiseret os i gennemtænkte løsninger, på Mobil – IP – Bredbånd. ... [email protected]. Bibliotekvej 51, 1.th 2650 Hvidovre CVR-nr.: …See details»

Facilicom International A/S - 19921301 - Hvidovre - Proff

Apr 1, 1997 Proff.dk giver dig firmainformation om Facilicom International A/S, 19921301. Find kontaktinfo, regnskabstal, ledelse, bestyrelse og ejere. Markedspakker. Alle produkter. ...See details»

Facilicom International A/S - Dun & Bradstreet

Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for Facilicom International A/S of Hvidovre, Hovedstaden. Get the latest business insights from Dun & …See details»

Om Facilicom - Facilicom A/S

Forrige Næste Facilicom A/S blev grundlagt i 1997. Vi er en 100% danskejet virksomhed, som leverer telefoniløsninger til hovedsagelig små og mellemstore virksomheder samt ambassader og organisationer. Vi følger udviklingen med …See details»

Facilicom International - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Facilicom International is located in Hvidovre, Hovedstaden, Denmark. Who are Facilicom International 's competitors? Alternatives and possible competitors to Facilicom International …See details»

Facilicom International A/S - Krak.dk

Facilicom International A/S, Virksomhedsinformation. Officielle oplysninger. Ledelse/Administration. Læs mere om firmaet på Proff. Kategorier. Telekommunikation. …See details»

FACILICOM INTERNATIONAL A/S | BiQ Insight - data.biq.dk

[email protected]: Telefon: 88330010: Stiftelsesdato: 01-04-1997: Stiftere: GORRISSEN FEDERSPIEL KOMPLEMENTAR ADVOKATANPARTSSELSKAB: Seneste …See details»

Facilicom - Overview, News & Competitors | ZoomInfo.com

View Facilicom (www.facilicom.dk) location in Capital Region, Denmark , revenue, industry and description. Find related and similar companies as well as employees by title and much more. …See details»

FACILICOM INTERNATIONAL A/S - Se overskud, ejere, tidslinje og …

Her finder du finansiel information fra FACILICOM INTERNATIONAL A/S, se både nuværende og historiske informationer om ejere, adresser, regnskaber m.m. Udforsk; Produkter. ownr …See details»


FACILICOM INTERNATIONAL A/S. 19921301. Bibliotekvej 51 1. th., 2650 Hvidovre. 88330010. [email protected]. Hjemmeside mangler. Beskrivelse. FACILICOM …See details»

Brancheguiden - Facilicom International A/S - Computerworld

Feb 8, 2021 Facilicom International A/S. Bibliotekvej 51 2650 Hvidovre. Tlf. 88330010. www.facilicom.dk Antal ansatte iflg. seneste regnskab: - Forretningsområde: Salg af adgang til …See details»

Facilicom A/S - Telefonselskaber i Hvidovre Bibliotekvej 51, 2650 ...

Facilicom A/S, Hvidovre. Opdateret marts 11, 2024 . Kontaktoplysninger +45 88 33 00 10 . Bibliotekvej 51, 2650, Hvidovre +45 88 33 00 10 . https://facilicom.dk/ Åbningstider. Åbner om …See details»

Facilicom Group Company Profile | Management and Employees …

Facilicom Group Profile and History. Founded in 1966 and headquartered in Schiedam, Netherlands, Facilicom Group is a group that have interests in cleaning, integrated facilities …See details»

Facilicom Group - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Facilicom is a leading service provider deploying dedicated professionals they offer an increasingly wide package of services. With a great eye for detail, offer effective solutions with …See details»

Facilicom International A/S som arbejdsplads - Jobindex

Få viden om Facilicom International A/S der kan hjælpe dig i din jobsøgning. Se evalueringer af jobglæden, aktuelle ledige stillinger og lønniveau i virksomheden.See details»

Facilicom A/S - DevelopmentAid

Facilicom A/S — Other from Denmark, has experience with Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - Australia, it`s involved in SME & Private Sector, Telecommunications sectors. Our …See details»

Hosted IP-telefoni - Facilicom A/S

Facilicom Hosted IP-telefoni er et fleksibelt telefonsystem, der nemt kan tilpasses det aktuelle behov og udbygges med specialfunktioner og fuld integration mellem fastnet og mobil. Med …See details»

Business messaging, Facilicom | Denmark - messaggio.com

Facilicom; Messaggio messaging platform provides high-quality SMS delivery channels to eir, all other mobile carriers in Denmark and multichannel message routing to popular messengers in …See details»

Facilicom Cyber Security Rating & Vendor Risk Report

View Facilicom's cyber security risk rating against other vendors' scores. Explore cyber risks, data breaches, and cybersecurity incidents involving Facilicom ... Facilicom Security …See details»


Facilicom offers a collaborative approach to professional services within Banking, IT, Construction, and more. WORK WITH US WHO ARE WE? A distinguished Bank Management …See details»

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