Farolink is a social network created with the main focus on pets, being the only social network focused on this theme. The company acts in this area with the collaboration of all pet owners as members of Farolink so that they can interact with other people or communities specialized in various segments of the pet world, allowing the owners of their pets a differentiated and dedicated space where they can cultivate and spread the love and experiences gained with their beloved pets. The commitmen... t of Farolink is based on offering and establishing a channel of communication, space and support to all matters that are related to the pet world. For example, pet care, an information support service that offers important tips and guidance by those who are specialized in the environment, experiences with your pet, an entertainment space intended for the publication and sharing of adventures and curiosities between you and your pet through posts, photos or videos, among many other interaction features available on the site.

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Collaboration Pet Social Social Network

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Marcos Rodrigues

Official Site Inspections


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