
FBF is the professional organization that represents the interests of the banking industry in France.

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Banking Financial Services


Paris, Ile-de-France, France


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Serena Glover
Serena Glover Partner @ fbf

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http://www.fbf.fr Semrush global rank: 1.89 M Semrush visits lastest month: 11.64 K

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  • Location: France
  • Latitude: 48.8582
  • Longitude: 2.3387
  • Timezone: Europe/Paris

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More informations about "fbf"

Homepage - The French Banking Federation (FBF)

Dec 20, 2024 Financial education program of the FBF To better understand banking and money. Observatory of Banking Activities Website of Observatory of Banking Activities. AFB Website of the French Association of Banks. Le …See details»

About us - The French Banking Federation (FBF)

Decision-making relies on preparatory work by experts from the FBF, technical committees or 80 ad hoc working groups. Discussions with members are therefore central to the Federations’s work. The FBF is located in Paris and …See details»

Fédération Bancaire Française - Wikipedia

The French Banking Federation (FBF) promotes the banking and financial services industries in the French, European and international markets, and sets out the industry's positions and proposals to officials and regulatory authorities in the fields of business and finance. The FBF also issues professional standards, best practices and recommendations, and makes its experience available to its members. Its mission also includes keeping members among French banks informed of a…See details»

Fédération bancaire française — Wikipédia

Selon le site internet de la FBF, en 2023, la Fédération bancaire Française regroupe 330 entreprises bancaires adhérentes dont 117 banques étrangères. See details»

Accès restreint - FBF Espace Adhérents

ESPACE ADHERENTS FBF La Fédération Bancaire Française (FBF) est l’organisation professionnelle qui représente toutes les banques installées en France. Si vous êtes …See details»

FBF - LinkedIn

FBF | 47 529 abonnés sur LinkedIn. La Fédération bancaire française (FBF) est l'organisation qui représente toutes les banques installées en France. | La Fédération bancaire française (FBF) …See details»

Fédération bancaire française - Encyclopédie Wikimonde

Selon le site internet de la FBF, en 2023, la Fédération bancaire Française regroupe 330 entreprises bancaires adhérentes dont 117 banques étrangères. La FBF promeut l’activité …See details»


FBF Response — FSB Consultation Paper on a Common Data template for Global Systematically Important Banks Dear Sir, The French Banking Federation (FBF) is the professional body …See details»

FBF — Wikipédia

FBF est un sigle, qui signifie : Fédération bancaire française, organisme professionnel du secteur bancaire ; Fédération béninoise de football ; Fédération burkinabè de football ; France bois …See details»

Governance - The French Banking Federation (FBF)

Slawomir Krupa, Chief Executive Officer and member of the Board of Directors of Societe Generale, has been appointed Chairman of the French Banking Federation (FBF) for a period of one year beginning on 1 September 2024. …See details»

About: Fédération Bancaire Française - DBpedia Association

La Fédération bancaire française (FBF) est l’organisation professionnelle qui représente toutes les banques installées en France, et un lobby. Elle compte 334 entreprises bancaires …See details»

Federation Bancaire Francaise - FSB

The French Banking Federation (FBF) represents the interests of the banking industry in France. Its membership is composed of all credit institutions authorized as banks and doing ... 01 48 …See details»

Fédération Bancaire Française - wikigit.org

A Federação Bancária Francesa (FBF) promove os setores bancário e de serviços financeiros nos mercados francês, europeu e internacional , e define as posições e propostas do setor …See details»

FédérationBancaireFrançaise – HiSoUR Art Culture Histoire

Nicolas Terry, président de la Fédération bancaire française, Maya Attig, directrice générale de la FBF Site web fbf.fr/fr/ Teneur 1 Direction 2 Adhésion 3 mission 4 Structure de la FBF 4.1 …See details»

Adhérents - Fédération bancaire française (FBF)

La FBF est une organisation professionnelle qui regroupe 337 entreprises bancaires adhérentes dont 115 banques étrangères.See details»

Mediateur FBF - Accueil

Comme avec tout prestataire de service, les désaccords avec votre banque sont possibles. S'ils persistent, la compétence et l’impartialité du médiateur faciliteront la recherche d’une solution …See details»

FédérationBancaireFrançaise – HiSoUR Art Culture Histoire

Fbf.fr/fr/ cuntenutu 1 Leadership 2 Adesione 3 missioni 4 Struttura di FBF 4.1 Attività bancarie è finanziarie è ricerca 4.2 Infurmazione è relazioni esterne 4.3 Affari europei è internaziunali 5 …See details»

Overview - The French Banking Federation

Aug 10, 2024 FBF-IFOP 2023 survey “The French, their banking, their expectations” Relationship banking recognised by the French. See the actions. Register this article; Share …See details»

Fédération bancaire française (Q3091456) - wikidata.org

Language Label Description Also known as; English: Fédération bancaire française. organizationSee details»