FCJ Tecnologia is a startup focused on developing cloud computing applications in Java EE. In 2012, it launched a cloud-based trading and billing platform.

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Apps Cloud Computing Information Technology



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DentriceDev Solutions

DentriceDev is a software and Web development company located in Nairobi, Kenya.



A new incubator, founded by developers, for cloud and mobile applications.



M&I is providing financial and industrial apps development, cloud computing, and IT migration services.

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Sergio Alves Board Member @ Tecnologia

More informations about "Tecnologia"

Technology | Definition, Examples, Types, & Facts | Britannica

Oct 21, 2024 · technology, the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life or, as it is sometimes phrased, to the change and manipulation of the human environment. …See details»


We represent Canadian tech companies changing the world. Our members represent the best of the best creative thinkers and innovators in Canada’s tech industry. At TECHNATION, we …See details»

Technological Organization - Anthropology - Oxford Bibliographies

Oct 27, 2016 · In the English-speaking world, technological organization—also referred to as the organization of technology—is the predominant interpretative framework for inferring what the …See details»

Technology - Wikipedia

Technology plays a critical role in science, engineering, and everyday life. Technological advancements have led to significant changes in society.See details»

All Tech Is Human

All Tech Is Human brings together people, organizations, and ideas to grow and strengthen the Responsible Tech ecosystem. From our flagship summit to in-person mixers to virtual …See details»

What Is a Technology* Organization? And Why You Should …

Feb 8, 2021 · From the moment I first entered the corporate workforce, I found that each organization had a uniquely different organizational structure and approach to technology and …See details»

(PDF) Technological Organization - ResearchGate

Oct 27, 2016 · In the English-speaking world, technological organization – also referred to as the organization of technology – is the predominant interpretative framework for inferring what the …See details»

Introduction: Technology, Organizations, and Innovation - JSTOR

Technologically advanced organizations. The next set of papers focuses on the linkages between a specific technological change and organization characteristics. Stephen Barley investigates …See details»

Technology and Organization - JSTOR

Technology and Organization RAYMOND G. HUNT* State University of New York at Buffalo In order to solve practical problems of organizational design, it is necessary initially to understand …See details»

Organizational Technology - SpringerLink

Jan 1, 2016 · Organizational technology is the sum total of man-made contrivances or developed processes that alter, refine, or create new goods and services delivered by organizations. It …See details»

What is an IT Organization? | Definition TechTarget

Learn what an IT organization is, what it does and how it's structured. Examine the benefits it provides organizations and considerations for implementing.See details»

Technology and Organization | Academy of Management Journal

Nov 30, 2017 · The article reports on aspects of organizational design. The structure of industrial organization is discussed in detail. The author focuses on classifying organizations based …See details»

Reimagining the technology operating model | Deloitte Insights

May 7, 2020 · We propose that technology leaders consider five key elements for reimagining the technology operating model.See details»

Top 10: Technology associations driving innovation globally

Jul 5, 2023 · From cybersecurity to software development, cloud computing to AI, information technology (IT) associations are today playing a pivotal role in driving innovation, fostering …See details»

How technology is changing work and organizations. - APA …

To illustrate technology’s impact on work, work systems, and organizations, we present four popular technologies: electronic monitoring systems, robots, teleconferencing, and wearable …See details»

Center for Humane Technology

2 days ago · We are builders of technology, policy experts, and acclaimed communicators. Our work focuses on transforming the incentives that drive technology, from social media to …See details»

18 organisations that are shining examples of tech for good

Feb 5, 2016 · Tech is not just about making profits and glamorous gadgets, some organisations out there are putting the latest advancements in science and technology to good use for the …See details»

Technology Adoption: How Organizations Can Effectively …

Technology adoption is the process of introducing and implementing new technologies into existing organizational processes. This could include introducing a cloud-based system for …See details»

Top 100 Global Tech Leaders - Thomson Reuters

Applying the intelligence, technology, and human expertise of Thomson Reuters, we have identified industry leaders poised to thrive at the intersection of regulation and commerce. The …See details»

Technology - CIA - The World Factbook

As a voracious consumer and innovative creator of technology, CIA leverages the work of American technology companies to augment all aspects of our mission.See details»

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