Food Africa Accelerator is an accelerator aimed at addressing food security through fostering innovation. The project is commissioned by GIZ Make-IT in Africa, a project on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Food Africa Accelerator is implemented by @iBizAfrica and Pangea Accelerator. The program is designed to support women and youth-owned, Agri based enterprises to sustain business growth through facilitating access to financing, business support, and technology adoption.
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Investments List
Date | Company | Article | Money raised |
2020-09-22 | Shamba Records | Food AFrica Accelerator investment in Non Equity Assistance - Shamba Records | N/A |
2020-09-22 | Ifarm360 | Food AFrica Accelerator investment in Non Equity Assistance - Ifarm360 | N/A |
2020-09-22 | Taste Afrique | Food AFrica Accelerator investment in Non Equity Assistance - Taste Afrique | N/A |
2020-09-22 | Farmingtech Solutions | Food AFrica Accelerator investment in Non Equity Assistance - Farmingtech Solutions | N/A |
2020-09-22 | Ecodudu | Food AFrica Accelerator investment in Non Equity Assistance - Ecodudu | N/A |
2020-09-22 | FreshPro Farms | Food AFrica Accelerator investment in Non Equity Assistance - FreshPro Farms | N/A |
2020-09-22 | Mula Exports | Food AFrica Accelerator investment in Non Equity Assistance - Mula Exports | N/A |
2020-09-22 | Solar Freeze | Food AFrica Accelerator investment in Non Equity Assistance - Solar Freeze | N/A |
2020-09-22 | Mhogo Foods | Food AFrica Accelerator investment in Non Equity Assistance - Mhogo Foods | N/A |
2020-09-22 | Faina innovations | Food AFrica Accelerator investment in Non Equity Assistance - Faina innovations | N/A |
More informations about "Food AFrica Accelerator"
Food Africa – VC4A
Food Africa is an accelerator aimed at addressing food security through fostering innovation. The project is commissioned by GIZ Make-IT in Africa, a project on behalf of the German Federal …See details»
Food AFrica Accelerator - Crunchbase
Food Africa Accelerator is an accelerator aimed at addressing food security through fostering innovation. The project is commissioned by GIZ Make-IT in Africa, a project on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic …See details»
240105 - NAT - AAI Food Security Accelerator in Africa: Direct
Mar 22, 2024 · To enhance adaptation and resilience of African food systems, the AAI Food Security Accelerator will directly invest in food systems innovations with the focus on gender …See details»
Food Systems Accelerator 2024 - VC4A
Nov 27, 2023 · The CGIAR Food Systems Accelerator (CFSA) program is a science-driven accelerator designed to support agribusinesses scale climate-smart innovations that address pressing challenges in East and Southern …See details»
RFA: AAI Food Security Accelerator in Africa (FSA)
Mar 5, 2024 · UNCDF has been mandated to support the implementation of the AAI Food Security Accelerator ( FSA) Programme in Africa. The FSA is purpose-built to invest in climate-adaptive food systems solutions, specifically nature …See details»
11 Kenyan Agri-Businesses tackling food security set to …
Oct 14, 2020 · Eleven Kenyan agribusinesses tackling food security have been selected for the Food Africa Accelerator program in Kenya. The three-month accelerator program will support these women and youth-led agribusinesses …See details»
11 Kenyan Agri-Businesses tackling food security set to …
Sep 23, 2020 · Eleven Kenyan agribusinesses tackling food security have been selected for the Food Africa Accelerator program in Kenya. The three-month accelerator program will support these women and youth-led agribusinesses …See details»
11 Kenyan Agri-Businesses for Food Africa Accelerator program
Sep 22, 2020 · The three-month accelerator program is set to support eleven Kenyan women and youth-led agribusinesses towards the investment of up to USD 100,000 to scale their businesses.See details»
African Food Systems Accelerator Takes Off
Sep 3, 2020 · 18 for-profit and hybrid organizations addressing food security through tech-enabled solutions are participating in Miller Center’s Food Systems Accelerator cohort, which runs September 2020 through February 2021.See details»
Food AFrica Accelerator - Investments, Portfolio & Company Exits
Food AFrica Accelerator is an accelerator aimed at addressing food security through fostering innovation.See details»
Thrive Africa - Thrive Philanthropy
Thrive Africa amplifies the plant-based food systems movement across Africa by bolstering advocates that aim to reduce industrial animal agriculture and create healthy, sustainable, locally-relevant vegan food opportunities.See details»
Scaling-up Adaptation Action in Africa took place on September
He announced that the United States intended to provide an additional $20 million to the Africa Adaptation Initiative (AAI) Food Security Accelerator, which would speed and scale up private …See details»
Press Release: CGIAR Food Systems Accelerator Programme will …
Nov 23, 2022 · CGIAR, in partnership with 2SCALE, launched the CGIAR Food Systems Accelerator Programme to support agribusinesses in scaling climate-smart innovations in …See details»
Food systems accelerator: agri-innovation report - CGIAR
Dec 1, 2023 · The Food Systems Accelerator was established to bolster Ukama Ustawi, a CGIAR initiative focused on transforming agri-food systems in East and Southern Africa (ESA). This …See details»
Press Release: CGIAR Food Systems Accelerator Launches Second …
Nov 27, 2023 · Today, the CGIAR Food Systems Accelerator (CFSA) proudly announces the launch of its second Call for Applications, inviting agribusinesses in Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, …See details»
Katapult Africa | Investing in Food, Agritech startups
New technologies have the potential to revolutionize our food systems and mitigate climate risks. Innovative startups from Africa need help to take the leap and create long lasting impact. Our …See details»
Feed the Future Accelerator
We are doubling down on Feed the Future’s key mandate to build a more resilient global food system through the Feed the Future Accelerator, an effort to deepen our partnership with …See details»
Innovating Food Systems in East Africa: How does innovation …
Jan 28, 2022 · Innovating Food Systems in East Africa explores this narrative in detail and concludes there is a close link between the development stage of a country and its innovative, …See details»
FACT SHEET: U.S. Government Launches New Regional Approach …
Sep 24, 2024 · The Feed the Future Accelerator allows the United States to meet key challenges of the moment while continuing to deliver on the objectives of the U.S. Global Food Security …See details»
Transforming Africa’s Food Systems from the Demand Side
Aug 30, 2021 · Policy innovations can effectively mitigate the negative impact of the current crisis, bolster food security, and transform Africa’s agriculture in the long term. In planning to …See details»