FUN HIGH is a television media technology, film promotion and distribution company.
Advertising Film Distribution Film Production TV Production
Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
Website Url:
Total Employee:
Total Funding:
112 M CNY
Technology used in webpage:
SPF Alibaba HiChina DNS Tencent QQ Mail
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Current Advisors List
Current Employees Featured
Stock Details
Investors List
Far East Holdings International
Far East Holdings International investment in Post-IPO Equity - FUN HIGH
Guohua Huijin
Guohua Huijin investment in Series B - FUN HIGH
Timentor investment in Series B - FUN HIGH
Far East Holdings International
Far East Holdings International investment in Series B - FUN HIGH
Zhonghe Nongtou Touzi
Zhonghe Nongtou Touzi investment in Series B - FUN HIGH
Dalian Jinghexin Keji
Dalian Jinghexin Keji investment in Series B - FUN HIGH
Far East Holdings International
Far East Holdings International investment in Series A - FUN HIGH
Sihe Investment
Sihe Investment investment in Series A - FUN HIGH
Guohua Huijin
Guohua Huijin investment in Series A - FUN HIGH
Jinchun Weiye Touzi
Jinchun Weiye Touzi investment in Venture Round - FUN HIGH
Official Site Inspections
- Host name:
- IP address:
- Location: Hangzhou China
- Latitude: 30.294
- Longitude: 120.1619
- Timezone: Asia/Shanghai

More informations about "FUN HIGH"
FUN HIGH - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
7,365 Number of Organizations • $398.4B Total Funding Amount • 7,732 Number of Investors Track Asia Public Companies With More Than 10 Employees (Top 10K)See details»
FUN HIGH - CoBee Company Profile & Funding Rounds FUN HIGH. FUN HIGH is a television media technology, film promotion and distribution company. Business Model: Revenue: $0. Employees: 201-500. Rankings # 26 in Film …See details»
华麦Megamedia 枫海传媒 -
枫海(FunHigh),以兴盛文化传媒产业为己任,致力于打造影视行业全产业链。 枫海控股公司枫海影业、枫海传媒触及影视行业各个环节逐步完成了影视投资、剧本开发、拍摄制作、娱乐整合 …See details»
天津枫海影业股份有限公司_枫海影业公司基本信息介 …
证券代码: 839254.OC: 机构名称: 天津枫海影业股份有限公司: 英文名称: Tianjin Funhigh Films Co., Ltd. 上市日期: 2016-10-26: 公司简介See details»
FUN HIGH - Funding, Financials, Valuation & Investors - Crunchbase
FUN HIGH is a television media technology, film promotion and distribution company.See details»
枫海影业 (839254) 公司资料_F10_同花顺金融服务网
姜爽,女,1992年8月出生,中国国籍,无境外永久居住权,本科学历。2015年10月至2017年2月任象山枫海传媒科技有限公司商务策划及活动执行;2017年2月至2019年2月任象山枫海传媒 …See details»
枫海影业:2022年年度报告摘要 - 东方财富新三板
1.5 公司联系方式 董事会秘书 褚金力 电话 010-53352981 传真 010-53352981 电子邮箱 [email protected] 公司网址 联系地址 北京市朝阳区高碑店水乡茶楼街 43-7 …See details»
枫海影业 (839254)公司资料简介-中商产业研究院数据库-中商情报网
公司名称: 天津枫海影业股份有限公司: 英文名称: Tianjin Funhigh Film Co.Ltd. 曾 用 名:-所属地域: 天津市: 所属行业:See details»
天津枫海影业股份有限公司 Tianjin Funhigh Films Co., Ltd.
电子邮箱 [email protected] 公司网址 联系地址及邮政编码 北京市朝阳区高碑店东区水乡茶楼街B43-7 100025 公司指定信息披露平台的网址 公司 …See details»
FUNHIGH - Profile, contacts and insights - The Grid
Find key decision-makers, contacts, emails, headcount, share capital, recent funding, IPO status and other insights of FUNHIGH.See details»
枫海FunHigh品牌介绍-枫海影视公司-Maigoo网 - 买购网
Maigoo网提供象山枫海传媒科技有限公司旗下枫海FunHigh品牌相关信息,包括枫海FunHigh品牌介绍、联系方式、主营产品、最新评论、点赞数量等,告诉你枫海FunHigh怎么样、枫 …See details»
FUN HIGH - Contacts, Employees, Board Members, Advisors
FUN HIGH is a television media technology, film promotion and distribution company.See details»
FUNHIGH PTE. LTD. (202305148N) - Singapore Company
Feb 14, 2023 FUNHIGH PTE. LTD. was incorporated as a Exempt Private Company Limited by Shares in Singapore. The Company current operating status is live with registered address at …See details»
Fun High Productions - Audiovisual Identity Database
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Domain Name: ROID: 20140310s10001s70193198-cn Domain Status: ok Registrant: 象山枫海传媒科技有限公司 Registrant Contact Email: [email protected] Sponsoring …See details»
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