
Gaia Impact Fund is a venture capital firm specializing in renewable energy that builds long-term partnerships with startups operating in Sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia with a strong environmental and social focus. The firm supports businesses enabling sustainable and affordable energy provision to local communities. In regions where energy mixes are highly carbonized, it supports technological innovations and business models enabling a cost-efficient diffusion of renewable energy on a large scale.

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Current Employees Featured


Hélène Demaegdt
Hélène Demaegdt Partner & President @ GAIA Impact Fund
Partner & President

Investments List

Date Company Article Money raised
2021-07-22 MyJouleBox GAIA Impact Fund investment in Series A - MyJouleBox 2 M EUR
2021-01-19 Innovex GAIA Impact Fund investment in Seed Round - Innovex N/A
2020-12-15 Oolu GAIA Impact Fund investment in Series B - Oolu 8.5 M USD
2019-12-13 upOwa GAIA Impact Fund investment in Series A - upOwa 2.7 M EUR
2018-09-10 Canopy Power GAIA Impact Fund investment in Series A - Canopy Power N/A
2018-07-09 Oolu GAIA Impact Fund investment in Series B - Oolu N/A
2018-02-13 Easy Solar GAIA Impact Fund investment in Seed Round - Easy Solar 750 K USD
2018-02-01 upOwa GAIA Impact Fund investment in Series A - upOwa 1000 K EUR
2017-05-18 Solaris Offgrid GAIA Impact Fund investment in Venture Round - Solaris Offgrid 1000 K EUR

More informations about "GAIA Impact Fund"

Gaia impact – Gaia Impact

Gaia Impact Fund I has invested over €8 million in a dozen companies (start-ups and SMEs) active in the decentralized renewable energy value chain in rural and urban areas. With six …See details»

Impact - Gaia Impact Fund

Gaia Impact Fund focuses on evidence-based impact investing. Published in 2019, our first impact report specifically focused on the solar home systems sector and the impact five of our …See details»

Our ecosystem – Gaia Impact

AMF-accredited management company in charge of fund management. ... Her main research themes focus on theoretical economics, finance, insurance, and industrial organization. Clara Gaymard. Co-founder of RAISE (a pioneering …See details»


Gaia Impact Fund Gaia Impact Fund Impact investments, as definedby the Global Impact Investing Network (the GIIN) in 2009, “are investments made into companies, organizations …See details»

GAIA Impact Fund - Crunchbase Investor Profile & Investments

Gaia Impact Fund is a venture capital firm specializing in renewable energy that builds long-term partnerships with startups operating in Sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia with a strong …See details»

Gaia Impact - LinkedIn

Gaia Impact | 6 124 abonnés sur LinkedIn. Impact investment advisory firm specializing in distributed renewable energy in ermerging countries. | Gaia Impact is a French impact …See details»

Gaia Impact Fund continues to offset its carbon footprint

Jun 16, 2022 Through its activities, Gaia Impact Fund is acting to make its mark in the realization of several Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). To be fully coherent with the Fund’s Values and present a net zero carbon activity, Gaia …See details»

Gaia Impact Fund - Devex

Gaia Impact Fund is a French impact investment fund specialized in renewable energy investments with a high focus on start-ups, SMEs, and infrastructure projects that have a …See details»

GAIA Impact Fund | Members GOGLA

Organisation Type: Associate Member. ... Gaia Impact Fund is a French impact investment fund specialized in renewable energy investments with a high focus on start-ups, SMEs, and …See details»

Release of 2024 Gaia Impact Report! – Gaia Impact

Almost a year after launching the Gaia Energy Impact Fund II, we are thrilled to share our new 2024 Impact Report. This report highlights the initial impact results of GEIF II and explores …See details»

Gaia Impact Fund - Impact Investor Finder

Gaia Impact Fund. Description. VC firm specialising in renewable energy. Invest and build long term partnerships with startups and SMEs operating in Sub-Saharan Africa and South East …See details»

Gaia Impact - The Alliance for Rural Electrification

Gaia Impact. Gaia Impact is a venture capital firm dedicated to renewable energy. We invest and build long-term partnerships with startups and SMEs with a strong environmental and social …See details»

Impact Investing in a Time of Crisis - Gaia Impact Fund

Apr 30, 2020 It is on the banks of Lake Cuomo, Italy that the term “impact investing” was coined at a Rockefeller Foundation meeting organised in Bellagio in 2007. Since then, thousands of …See details»

GAIA Impact Fund - Investments, Portfolio & Company Exits

Nov 6, 2024 GAIA Impact Fund has made 18 investments. Their most recent investment was on Nov 6, 2024 , when Beacon Power Services raised How many investments has this …See details»

Our commitments – Gaia Impact

Gaia Impact, through its new fund GEIF II, defines itself as a long-term partner actively involved in the development of the companies in which it invests. GEIF II is designed to meet financing …See details»

GAIA Impact Fund - EU-Startups

GAIA Impact Fund. GAIA Impact Fund. At Gaia Impact, we are an impact investment advisory firm that complies with the guidelines set out in Article 9 of the SFDR regulations and has the …See details»

The AFD and I&P, in partnership with Gaia Impact Fund, are …

Sep 21, 2022 The Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and Investisseurs & Partenaires (I&P), in partnership with Gaia Impact Fund, are launching I&P Digital Energy, a program …See details»

Gaia Impact Fund deepens its partnership with Hybrid Social …

Apr 9, 2020 The Energy access fund Gaia Impact Fund announced that it has deepened its partnership with Hybrid Social Solutions, by investing in this leading solar products distributor …See details»

News – Gaia Impact

Gaia Impact. 86 Boulevard de Sébastopol 75003 Paris - France. ... Gaia Impact Fund supporting Solaris Offgrid – Tanzania. 21 November 2016. Gaia Impact …See details»